Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3339 Trapped

Chapter 3339 Trapped

The Sea of ​​Lei Ze, the base camp of the Snake People.

The remaining snake people are also in a panic at the moment, because countless powerful people are flocking to the snake people, and the Thunder Sea and the snake people are completely exposed to people.

Once, the Sea of ​​Lei Ze was a dangerous place to outsiders, but to the Snake People, it was a paradise, their own hometown.

But with the arrival of the Dapeng Clan, everything changed completely.

Especially this time, the Sea of ​​Thunder is about to be destroyed, and the snake people will also lose their final shelter. How can they not panic.

However, they were helpless in the face of the countless warriors coming.


Although the three major forces did not rush in, but headed towards Moon-Watching Bay, there were still more fighters, and their goal was not Moon-watching Bay, let alone Fang Yi.

Their goal has been the heart of the realm from the very beginning.

After the news spread, countless warriors flocked here, and the Thunder Sea has become the center of the storm.

This is also due to the power of the violent thunder around the thunderstorm area, otherwise, there would be more warriors pouring in.

Just like at this moment, dense crowds are pouring in, looking at the huge black hole with greedy eyes.

Click! !

However, feeling the terrifying power of thunder in that black hole, not many people dared to really step into it.

Seeing this, the leader of the snake-human clan couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Because he knew that the Sea of ​​Lei Ze would never be peaceful.

The habitat of the snake people will also be completely lost.

Boom! ! !

In the distant sky, just as the crowd was standing still around the huge black hole, a burst of thunder rolled in, like the sky and the earth splitting, and the momentum was extremely vast.

Everyone around was so frightened that their complexions changed slightly, and they all looked at him in unison.

I saw, within that terrifying energy, a ripple-like sound came galloping, like a bright ripple, swaying across the sky, arriving in an instant.


The next moment, there was a shout of anger, and the shadows of swords falling from the sky around them tore apart the crowd and headed towards the black hole.

not good! !

The faces of the crowd changed drastically, and they tried to escape, but unfortunately, most of them were engulfed in the sword light, turned into countless blood mist, and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

At the same time, Yao's white-haired and blue-robed figure also condensed, and four sword shadows shrouded his body, like four heavenly pillars, piercing straight into the sky.

"It's Mr. Fang!!"

Behind the leader of the snake-human tribe, someone recognized Fang Yi, and his expression suddenly became a little excited.

The last battle and the abnormality of Thor's Hammer gave them an inexplicable trust in Fang Yi. Seeing Fang Yi appearing now, they felt an inexplicable sense of stability in their hearts.

However, this was only for a moment, and the next moment, their expressions could not help but change drastically.

Because from the rear, a more terrifying aura hit, as if the sky was turned upside down, and the entire void was shrouded in this terrifying energy.

"Not good! Go back!!"

The leader of the snake-human race was in a hurry. Although he didn't know who was coming from behind, the endless terror undoubtedly made him feel a great crisis, and his face instantly turned pale.

It's not just him, the crowd is all the same.

What's more terrible is that those who stay are relatively weak fighters, and those who are powerful have already entered the black hole first.

Just kidding, the purpose of their coming here is for this, and now the heart of the realm is likely to be in front of them, how can they give up?

Although they expected, it is likely to be full of infinite crises.

However, how can they not understand such a simple truth when they have cultivated to their level and seek wealth and wealth.

"Run away!!"

The endless crowd tried to avoid the shroud of that terrifying energy, but unfortunately, with their strength, it was simply whimsical.

After all, there are three major forces here, and there are two major powers and six levels.

Not being directly crushed into slag by that mighty energy is considered pretty good.

"Little bastard, where to escape, leave it to me!!"

A thunderous sound exploded in the sky and the earth. In the turbulent air waves, four more resplendent sword shadows fell down, like four giant swords that opened up the world, sweeping and crushing everything.

A large piece of void collapsed, as if the end was approaching.

The crowd around them didn't even have time to react, they were engulfed by the sword light and turned into endless dust.

At this moment, the world is like hell.

The faces of those who escaped by chance have turned pale, and even their souls are trembling.

And under their eyes, Wuwang Daoist, Cangming God General and others have already appeared.

Seeing these people, the faces of the crowd undoubtedly became more ugly, ashamed.

Although not everyone participated in the Taisui Star battle, the images of that battle have already been spread, and there is probably no one in the entire Shenmo Mountain who does not recognize a few people.

It is conceivable to see it at this moment, and it is impossible to avoid it one by one.

The same is true for the snake man in the leader. The glimmer of hope that had just risen began to sink to the bottom.

Just kidding, those are the sixth level of the Dao, and there are two of them. It is said that such a powerful strength, even if it is the fourth level of the Dao, just one, is enough to destroy the snake man, and now...

How can he not be afraid.

"Old man, it's up to you? It's a fool's dream to want to keep me."

Fang Yi laughed wildly, full of sarcasm.

However, he is still holding on at this moment. The power of the sixth level of the Great Dao is completely beyond his imagination. If it is not for his strong body and soul, as well as the Water God Temple, he may have died on the spot.

After all, the strength gap between the two is too great.

And the enemy is several times bigger than him.

If it wasn't for relying on the technique of water escape, not to mention falling, he wouldn't be able to escape so far.

Fortunately, they have finally reached their destination. As long as these people are led into the black hole, if there is any danger inside, at worst, they can hide in the water temple.

yes!The previous blow from Cangming God had already caused him a lot of damage.

It's just holding on at the moment.

"Presumptuous!! Ignorant boy, do you really think you can hide?" Wuwang Daoist shouted loudly, and at the same time as he spoke, four terrifying sword shadows slashed out again.

However, this time, the four handles did not cut down directly, but formed a huge formation, like a net that engulfed Fang Yi.

Just before Fang Yi was about to rush into the black hole, the surrounding area was blocked.

Together with the surrounding crowd, they were also shrouded in it.

"No! Let us out!!"

The crowd howled in despair, trying to break through the formation.

However, with their strength, this is undoubtedly whimsical, and the group is like fish on a chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered.

Even Fang Yi was no exception, completely shrouded in the formation.

"Little bastard, don't you know how to run? I see where else can you escape?" Wuwang Daoist sneered again and again, and the ferocious look at the corner of his mouth was like an evil ghost from hell.

It seemed that Fang Yi was already unable to escape.


(End of this chapter)

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