Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3345 Pangu Clan

Chapter 3345 Pangu Clan


Seeing this scene, Xingyun's pupils shrank sharply, and he was completely stunned in shock.

The mouth is even more open as if it can hold a fist.

Especially seeing Fang Yi's indifferent face and clapping his hands, the shock in his heart became stronger, and he looked at Fang Yi as if he had seen a ghost.

"not bad!"

Sensing the force of thunder entering his body, Fang Yi was very satisfied.

This feeling is like being bathed in thunder, and those thunders did not harm him at all, but instead merged into his blood and was absorbed by him at a glance.

Could it be that he really has Pan Gu blood?

What about the Kyushu people?Aren't they all descendants of Pangu?But I didn't see any of them awakening Pangu's bloodline?

Is it because he didn't meet this sky and that Thor's Hammer?

Fang Yi was full of doubts.

However, he couldn't figure it out and didn't bother to pay attention to it. He turned to look at Xingyun, and was about to let the other party go forward together, only to find that the latter had already turned into a stone sculpture in astonishment.

"Fellow Daoist Xingyun, are you alright?"

Fang Yi smiled and reminded.

"'s nothing!" Xingyun nodded dully, then came back to his senses, and said: "Fang Daoyou, you... are all the people on your planet like you?"

Fang Yi obviously didn't know how to answer this question, so he had to smile wryly.

"That's right! Fellow Daoist Xingyun, where are you from, and the Pangu clan, what's the situation now?"

Fang Yi changed the subject and asked while advancing.


Seeing the question, Xing Yun couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and said: "Fang Daoyou doesn't know something, the top ten protoss are no longer as good as before, and the Pangu clan has no ancient gods. barrier, I'm afraid..."

Nebula came slowly.

According to what he said, he did come from the most mysterious Kunlun Canghai, and the Pangu tribe is on Lei Ze Island in the canghai.

It's just that with the decline of the ancient protoss, the Pangu clan is no longer what it used to be.

There wasn't even a single person who had fully awakened Pangu's bloodline, just some half-Pangu's bloodlines who were on the road to awakening.

Of course, even though they are only partially awakened, their strength should not be underestimated.

Nebula is the best proof.

Among the Pangu clan, he can only be regarded as an ordinary disciple, not too outstanding.

Possessing Pangu's bloodline, they have a very high starting point. Once awakened, they will have extraordinary strength, at least in the legendary realm.

However, it is extremely difficult to make progress.

Therefore, it has long been known that they have a lot of Legendary Realm, and there are also many Great Dao Realm, and almost all of them condense the Dao of Thunder, because this in itself is the power of their innate rules.

However, because of this, there are very few strong people above the fourth level of the Dao.

Because the four major avenues mean that four avenues must be condensed.

But the promotion routes of the top ten god races in ancient times are completely different from this one. Almost all of them specialize in one or several kinds of rule powers, and their ultimate goal is to become the master of rules in this avenue.

Because once the real master of rules is achieved, the difference in numbers will not matter.

Especially those powerful rules.

Once you become the master of the rules and control the rules of the rules, you can directly ignore the gap in numbers and have a steady stream of divine power.

Because at that time, he was already a part of the Dao.

It's a pity that it is so difficult to become the master of the rules. With the evolution of the Three Realms, everything is changing. The decline of the ten ancient god races is precisely because of this.

Because it is difficult for anyone to become the master of rules, especially those powerful rules.

However, what the top ten god races in ancient times controlled were precisely those powerful powers of rules.

Not surprisingly, if not for this, they would not have emerged from ancient times.

In that era, there were many creatures bred in the heaven and earth, and only the truly strong could surpass the Three Realms, but now, it is precisely because of the power of the rules they control that they are slowly declining.

This is true for the Pangu clan, and it is the same for other god clans.

Knowing the reason, Fang Yi couldn't help but nodded. It seems that the so-called Pangu clan is not doing well now.

"In the Pangu clan? How many people are there?"

After a pause, Fang Yi asked again.

"Did Fang Daoyou ask about Lei Ze Island? There are many more, and there are countless such huge islands. However, strictly speaking, none of them can be regarded as Pangu clan. Even Xingmou has just become Pangu clan, so there are An opportunity to enter this space."

Nebula spoke again.

According to what he said, Lei Ze Island is extremely vast, and there are endless creatures on it. These people are more or less related to the Pangu tribe, but because of the passage of time, these people are no longer recognized. Only the warriors of Thunder Dao can be regarded as the Pangu clan.

And after becoming a Pangu clan, they have a chance to enter this space and awaken more bloodlines.

Nebula entered this space because of this.

As for the others, those who did not condense the Dao of Thunder would not be recognized at all.

Of course, they also called themselves the Pangu clan outside.

Fang Yi didn't expect that the Pangu clan, one of the legendary top ten god clans in ancient times, would become like this, which was completely different from what he expected.

Next, Fang Yi asked some questions about Kunlun.

From Xingyun's mouth, he has a preliminary understanding of Kunlun, and he can't help but grow more eager in his heart, because according to Xingyun, it is a place where the real strong are optimistic, countless, and the strong from the three realms gather here.

It's a pity that Xingyun's strength is not enough, and he doesn't have many contacts.

This also made Fang Yi even more shocked. He was as powerful as Xingyun, but at least he was in the Dao realm. In Kunlun, he was not even qualified to touch some things.

This also proves his words sideways.

Kunlun is indeed worthy of being the birthplace of the Three Realms.

Ow! !

The two of them swept away while talking, and with Fang Yi's joining, these thunderous beasts were not worth mentioning to the two of them.

Xing Yun also gained great benefits because of this, the terrifying power of thunder merged into the two of them, making the aura of the two skyrocket, much stronger than before.

However, as it went deeper, more and more Thunder Beasts appeared.

At this moment, four thunder beasts surrounded him.


Fang Yi scolded angrily, reached out with his big hand, and the Nine Dragon Seal appeared out of thin air.

Now that the second avenue has been decided, it's time to start comprehending it. Now is the opportunity to try these thunder beasts, so...

groan! !

Hearing the sound of dragon chants coming from his body, the terrifying coercion permeated the world in an instant.

The pressure field of Dao of Strength pressed against the four thunder beasts in an instant.

Boom! !

The four thunder beasts fell down one by one as if they had been hit hard.

"Is it the way of strength? You have awakened the way of strength!!" On the side, Xing Yun, who was originally calm, suddenly changed his face, as if he had seen a ghost.


(End of this chapter)

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