Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3346 Ancient Figure

Chapter 3346 Ancient Figure


Noticing this strangeness, Fang Yi couldn't help but look back at Xingyun, and said, "Is there anything special?"

In fact, his way of strength is not awakened, but benefited from Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable and Nine Dragons Seal.

However, seeing Xing Yun like this, he couldn't help being curious and didn't bother to explain.

"Of course!"

Nebula was obviously very excited at the moment, looked straight at Fang Yi, and said: "I only talked about the way of thunder before, which belongs to the power of Thunder God's innate rules, but there is another more powerful god, that is Great God Pan Gu, his innate power of rules is the way of strength, breaking all laws with strength, and the power to break all rules, this is the way of rules controlled by Great God Pan Gu."

The deeds of Pan Gu's creation of the world have been spread even in Kyushu.

Fang Yi didn't take it seriously.

But after learning about the Pangu Clan, Fang Yi had a vague guess. Now that he heard about it, he was naturally more convinced.

Fuxi and Nuwa spread the seeds of civilization in Kyushu. Similarly, they also brought some legends of the Pangu tribe there, and Pangu opened the sky, which is naturally one of them.

How majestic and domineering it is to break through ten thousand laws with force and open up the world.

Could it be that this is the pinnacle of the way of strength?

"In the Pangu clan, people who can awaken the way of power are extremely rare. Even if there are, it is extremely difficult to condense the Dao, but once the condense is successful, the strength is extremely powerful, and they are known as the real Pangu clansmen."

Xing Yun said again, the way he looked at Fang Yi was completely different.

Fang Yi not only refreshed his cognition time and time again.

Now, the way of strength has been awakened.

Although the way of strength seems to be extremely common, the more common the way, the more powerful it is. This is recognized by the Three Realms.

Power is omnipresent, and all functions depend on power.

This is also the essence of Pan Gu.

But now, Fang Yi has awakened the way of strength, and it seems to be extremely extraordinary, how can he not be excited.

In contrast, Fang Yi was much calmer. Looking at the Nine Dragon Seal in his hand, he couldn't help but have a strange feeling. In the past, the way of strength was just one of the three thousand ways to him. special.

But now, Pangu opened up the world with this, it seems that this way of power is not as simple as imagined.

It was because I underestimated this rule too much.

Right!Isn't the owner of the Nine Dragon Seal the once famous Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable?Judging from the attitude of Lingxiao Hall, this Jiulong Immortal Venerable must be extremely good, otherwise, it would not have attracted the Lord Lingxiao to chase and kill him personally.

But, is this Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable related to the Pangu Clan?

never mind!

Fang Yi couldn't figure it out and didn't bother to pay attention.

Originally, he had already decided to use the way of strength as his second avenue, but now that he knew that the way of strength was so extraordinary, he naturally had no more hesitation.

Immediately asked: "Really! Then try its power!"

As he said that, Fang Yi lifted his giant palm, and dragon shadows roared out from the Nine Dragon Seal, and the huge gravity field crushed the entire space.

Even the four thunder beasts seemed to be unable to hold on, and in the end, they burst apart one by one.

yes!It just burst open like that, just the force of gravity.

Xingyun watched from the side, and his pupils couldn't help staring round, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Why are you still in a daze, hurry up and absorb the power of these thunders."

It wasn't until Fang Yi's shout came that he woke up like a dream, and immediately absorbed the power of thunder.

But while absorbing it, he still didn't forget to look at Fang Yi, as if looking at a monster.

"Fang Daoyou, thank you very much this time. If it weren't for you, Xing would not be able to go very far."

The two continued to move forward, and Xing Yun couldn't help saying something sincerely.

What he said is undoubtedly a big truth. With his strength, he might have stagnated as early as when he met Fang Yi, and the power of thunder that he can absorb must be extremely limited.

Of course, with his strength, his life would not be in danger.

However, the opportunity is rare. They only have one chance to enter this area. Once they miss it, it will be almost impossible to absorb the power of thunder and comprehend the more mysterious rules of thunder, so...

His expression was full of gratitude.

"You're welcome!"

Fang Yi didn't care, it was just a matter of effort for him.

And with the integration of the power of thunder, he also discovered the changes in his body. In his blood, it seemed that something was slowly waking up, stimulated by the power of endless thunder.

That feeling can't be explained, but it is extremely wonderful, and being able to perceive it is of great benefit to oneself.

In this way, Fang Yi will naturally not give up.

In this way, the two went deep all the way, and the Nine Dragon Seal became more and more flexible and domineering under Fang Yi's control, and even Fang Yi could perceive that the nine dragons sealed in the Nine Dragon Seal seemed to be Some are ready to move.

As if to break the seal.

This is not a bad thing for Fang Yi, on the contrary, it is a great good thing.

Because every divine dragon contains a part of the rules of power.

As long as you comprehend all the nine dragons, you will be able to cohesively. This is also the inheritance of the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable in the Nine Dragon Seal, and now it is cheaper for Fang Yi.

Ow! !

As the giant thunder beasts crushed, the way of strength became more and more terrifying under Fang Yi's control.

Surrounded by a force field, wherever they passed, those thunderous beasts exploded without the need for two people to make a move. Xing Yun was also completely stunned, and he didn't know what kind of turbulent waves were set off in his heart.

It wasn't until it was deep enough that everything gradually slowed down.

And Nebula seemed to have reached a certain limit.

"Fang Daoyou! I won't go any further. I have to settle down and understand for a while. Xingmou is waiting for you to come out here." Xingyun said.

"Alright!" Fang Yi nodded.

There is no other danger here except the thunder beast, and no one can come in.

So there is no need to worry.

Immediately, Fang Yi continued to go deeper, and Xingyun reached the limit, but he was obviously still far away.

And at this moment, while absorbing the power of thunder, while comprehending the way of power, he is immersed in a strange state, so naturally he will not miss it.

He swept away like a huge dragon, and the terrifying power of thunder poured into his body, making him seem to have turned into a thunder emperor.

And amidst those thunders, several phantoms of divine dragons shrouded his body.

Just like that, immersed in it, Fang Yi completely ignored the changes around him, and he didn't know how far he went. He only knew that the power of thunder around him began to gradually decrease and weaken.

Until the end, there was nothing left, and the surroundings seemed to have turned into chaos.

what happened?

The power of thunder disappeared?This is not the inheritance place of the Pangu clan, how could this be?

At this time, Fang Yi came to his senses and looked around in disbelief, with a dazed and puzzled look on his face.

Can!At this moment, there was a loud noise in the distance.

I saw an extremely huge figure breaking through the endless chaos and appearing in Fang Yi's sight. The figure carried a huge ax on its shoulders, like a real god, chopping down all the way, separating the world and the earth.

This is?

Fang Yi's pupils also shrank suddenly, filled with horror.


(End of this chapter)

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