Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3347 2rd Avenue

Chapter 3347 The Second Avenue

The huge figure swept across the world, and wherever he passed, the chaos was clear. Under his giant axe, the world was just opened, and he was like a giant walking in the chaos, opening up the world.

"Is it Pangu?"

Fang Yi's pupils shrank sharply, filled with horror.

Could it be that he has returned to the period of chaos?

so suddenly?

With the previous experience, Fang Yi didn't feel too incredible, but soon he realized that this was not a lot of chaotic times, and he entered a strange state, as if this space was left intentionally. The place of enlightenment is naturally the way of strength.

Knowing this, how dare Fang Yi delay, staring intently at that huge figure and his every move.

boom!boom! !

The shocking giant ax sliced ​​through the chaos, nothing could stop it.

The gigantic ax that didn't seem to have much power easily split the chaos, sweeping the Pangu Avenue all the way, breaking all spells and chaos with one force.

Faintly, around the body of the great god Pangu, there are still endless dragons, which are lawful dragons, evolved from the rules of power, and each one is extremely huge.

I don't know how many times stronger than what enveloped him.

At this moment, Fang Yi is completely attracted by these divine dragons. The mysterious rules of power are hidden, and Fang Yi is immersed in it, as if he has entered a vast ocean of rules.

Different from the Nine Dragon Seal, the power of rules here is more brilliant, more direct, and more domineering.

There are not so many empty heads, and there is no gorgeous prosperity of other rules.

Some are just the simplest force.

Gravity, gravitation, magnetism, weak force, strong force, etc., everything in the world is the result of residual force. Those forces linger around Fang Yi, making Fang Yi seem to have entered a wonderful state, a brand new door is opening. wide open.

In this way, Fang Yi was immersed in it for an unknown amount of time.

An instant, or 1 years.

The rules of force lingering around him gradually merged into the dragon of rules entwining around him.

At the same time, the Nine Dragon Seal also trembled.

Moan!Moan! !

The sound of one after another dragon chant came, and one after another dragon shadows broke out of the Nine Dragon Seal, one, two, three... until eight, the eight regular dragons were completely broken.

Fang Yi's aura also reached its peak almost instantly.

"It's a little bit worse."

The last one, as long as the last one is completely unsealed, it will be able to cohesively.

Fang Yi felt a little bit worse, but he still couldn't figure out what this little bit was.

But at this time, the huge figure repeatedly saw Fang Yi's state, swung the huge ax in his hand, and slashed at Fang Yi directly.

This split caused the heaven and the earth to collapse and everything to perish.

Countless dragons of rules pressed towards Fang Yi.

At first, Fang Yi didn't think much of it, but in the end, the terrifying force almost caused him to explode and die.

However, he didn't bother to pay attention to the immediate situation at all, and his mind was all on the giant axe.

I understand! !

In an instant, Fang Yi's pupils lit up, as if he had realized something.

yes!In the way of strength, no one can truly possess such powerful power, even the Great God Pan Gu, but he did split the world, but this does not belong to his own power, but belongs to the way of strength.

Apply all gravitational forces, gravitational forces, etc. to one point, and superimpose them infinitely, and you will be able to make a breakthrough blow.

It's now……

Fang Yi's pupils shrank, and the giant sword in his hand slashed towards the sky-opening giant axe.

Moan!Moan! !

Wrapped around his body, the regular dragon representing the rules of various forces also erupted at the same moment, roared out, and finally merged into that sword, turning into the ninth dragon.

The Nine Dragon Seal was also shaken, and a terrifying way of power swept out, like a long river rushing across the world.

And the Nine Dragon Seal is like an incomparable mountain of ten thousand feet, unshakable.

crush everything.

At this moment, it was as if there were thousands of dragons roaring between the heaven and the earth.

Around Fang Yi, the avenue of power was formed naturally, and the Nine Dragon Seal floated in this avenue, and a steady stream of divine power poured in. Finally, a sword and an ax violently hit everything.

There was no astonishing scene, because everything in front of him disappeared, the huge figure and the giant ax that opened the sky seemed to have never appeared before, everything was like an illusion.

The surrounding area was once again filled with dense and terrifying thunder.

The difference is that Fang Yi has already condensed the Dao of the Second Day, the Dao of Strength, and his cultivation has naturally broken through to the second level of the Dao.

"Is this the way to cohesion?"

At this moment, Fang Yi was shocked and excited.

Yes!This is the way of cohesion, so he never dreamed of it.

It turned out that in his mind, the way of cohesion would take at least a long time. Even if the time of the Water Temple was accelerated, it would not be so fast.

But now, they are so cohesive, and during this period, there seems to be no obstacles.

It went smoothly beyond imagination.

In fact, all of this is naturally not only because of the Pangu figure, but also because of the Nine Dragon Seal, and the Nine Dragon Seal already has a complete way of strength, which is only waiting for Fang Yi to comprehend.

Joining Pangu Xuying made him enter a strange state, naturally...

Of course, although Fang Yi's perception didn't take long, in fact, it still took a lot of time.

Moreover, there is no concept of time in the chaos, and no one knows how long it has passed.

In that wondrous state, time has disappeared.

too strong! ! !

The avenue of inductive power has already been pouring in a steady stream of divine power. At this moment, Fang Yi has an unprecedented sense of power. All the power in the world seems to be within his control.

This feeling is like being able to control everything, to control the world.

With a thought in his mind, a huge force field enveloped all directions again.

Boom! !

Immediately, the patches of thunder fields collapsed directly, and the uncondensed thunder beasts also directly turned into countless thunder lights and merged into Fang Yi's body.

Not only that, but with the concentration of the way of power, Fang Yi can feel more clearly that the divine power in his body is about to wake up.

But at the same time, there is also a strange feeling rising.

That is, once the divine power in his body is awakened, then he will become a real Pangu clan, an ancient god clan, and will also lose the ability to reproduce because of this.

At the same time, the upper limit is also locked, and the strongest is Pangu's state, and it is impossible to go any further.

Of course, Fang Yi doesn't know if there is a higher realm than Pangu.

However, the upper limit is fixed, which is obviously not what he wants, and the loss of the ability to reproduce is also not what he wants, so he did not hesitate for long before resolutely refusing.

Even if he knew that continuing, continuing to absorb the power of the thunder would definitely make him advance by leaps and bounds.

However, he still resolutely refused and walked back.

Although the Pangu clan is powerful, he does not reject the Pangu blood in his body, but he is him and will not be influenced by anything. Strength can be won, but hope cannot be obliterated.

If the upper limit is fixed, where is the hope?


(End of this chapter)

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