Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3348 Exceptions

Chapter 3348 Exceptions

"Fang Daoyou, you... you have gathered the second avenue?"

Xing Yun looked at Fang Yi who was walking back, his face was full of horror, because for him, it hadn't been too long, but Fang Yi actually condensed the second avenue, breaking through to the second level of the avenue.

This is too fast.

You must know that reaching this level of cultivation is not in the early stage. Every time you step out, it is almost impossible without tens of thousands of years.

Fang Yi is so good, this is...

"It's just a fluke!" Fang Yi smiled and replied.

The corner of Xingyun's mouth twitched subconsciously. He never believed in luck. All the way to the present, everyone knows that there is no such thing as luck. It's all the result of hard work and talent.

"I don't know what is the second avenue that Fellow Daoist Fang gathered together? The Thunder Avenue?" Xing Yun asked curiously.


Fang Yi shook his head, then extended his palm, and the Nine Dragon Seal suddenly appeared out of thin air, surrounded by nine divine dragons, and countless coercion spread instantly, causing Xingyun's face to change drastically in fright.

Because at that moment, he seemed to feel unshakable mountains pressing down on him.

What's terrible is that he can tell that Fang Yi didn't move at all. This is completely the Nine Dragon Seal and the aura naturally exuded from Fang Yi's body, and this aura directly explains what the second avenue Fang Yi condenses is .

"The way of strength, actually have the way of cohesive force!!"

Xingyun's pupils were filled with horror, as if he had seen a ghost.

Everyone in the world knows that the more ordinary the Dao is, the more difficult it is to cohere. The Dao of Power is one kind, because power is everywhere.

The most unbelievable thing is that before, Fang Yi was still a long way from the way of cohesion, but now, in just a short time, he has successfully condensed the way of cohesion.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it even if he was killed, but the fact...

"No fuss."

Fang Yi smiled, "The opportunity hasn't come yet, but if the opportunity comes, you can do it too."

"Fang is about to leave, how about you?"

Since he didn't intend to awaken the Pangu blood in his body and become a true Pangu clan, there was no need to stay any longer. Although the Thor's Hammer was very tempting, it was impossible for Fang Yi to give up something.

There are many powerful artifacts, and he has a lot of them. There is no need to give up what you don't want to give up for one thing.

Thor's Hammer is at most a rule artifact, the rule evolved by the way of thunder, if you control it, you may control the way of thunder and become the real master of thunder.

However, Fang Yi is not without similar artifacts.

Among other things, the Water God Temple must be such an artifact, and even stronger.

It's just that the water temple seems to have more auxiliary functions and not much offensive power, which makes Fang Yi a little depressed.

Fortunately, he still has the Immortal Trapping Sword, and the newly comprehended sword array.

Now we have the Way of Strength and the Nine Dragon Seal, which are enough to deal with everything, so...

"Then it's better to be together, I should leave too, the power of thunder in my body is enough for Xing to comprehend for a long time." Xing Yun said hurriedly.

In fact, he still wanted to stay, because the opportunity was rare after all.

However, another voice in his heart told him that he must closely follow the footsteps of the person in front of him. Only in this way can he improve faster, and his previous experience is proof.

If there is no one in front of him, no matter how much time is given to him, he will not be able to absorb so much power of thunder, so...

He has decided to follow Fang Yi.

Moreover, for the Pangu clan to find such a clansman with great potential, there must be rewards from the top of the clan, so he couldn't let it go.


Fang Yi smiled, he didn't dislike Xingyun, not to mention that he was unfamiliar with the place, so it would be much more convenient to have someone he knew well.

"Then let's go to the chaotic area you mentioned!"


Hearing this, Xing Yun obviously choked up, no wonder, that was not a good place.

However, thinking of Fang Yi's dominance made him calm down a lot.

Immediately, the two left the place and headed towards the chaotic area.


"Hahaha!! Gods and Demons, this is the real Gods and Demons!!"

In another void, Gu Qianqiu laughed wildly. At this moment, his figure has swelled to an extremely terrifying level, standing between the heaven and the earth like a real god.

Like the master who controls the world, he is unparalleled.

The presumptuous and arrogant voice echoed, revealing the excitement and joy in his heart.

The Way of Time, in his hands, has also become more terrifying, and the Sword of Gods and Demons is also extremely bright. At this moment, he is like those real ancient gods and demons in the corridor of Time, and even stronger.

Of course, compared with the King of Time, there is undoubtedly a huge gap.

But compared to before, I don't know how much stronger it is.


Roar! !

Compared to the two, in the chaotic area, Tongtianguan and the others are in a panic, because this area is full of terrifying giant beasts, which are extremely powerful.

Rao Wuwang Daoist, Cangming God General and others couldn't help but change their expressions.

Doesn't it mean that they can't deal with these giant beasts, just kidding, the sixth level of the avenue, they are super strong everywhere, even Kunlun is the same.

What made them feel unbelievable was that these behemoths were all unheard of behemoths.

There are even many ancient giant beasts that have long since disappeared in the long river of time.

Now, they are all gathered in this area, how dare they believe it.

"My... my lord, what the hell is this place? Why are these giant beasts so powerful, and they don't even have intelligence? This is not normal at all."

Someone asked tremblingly.

No wonder they are like this, these giant beasts only know endless killing, and they have no wisdom at all.

But this is not normal at all, but all living beings that are strong enough to a certain level will be born with wisdom, only when the world first opened, some ancient giant beasts will have no wisdom.

But now, these behemoths are actually...

"I'm afraid this is the ancient land sealed by some peerless powerhouse. It really is a great handwriting." Wuwang Daoist also had a look of shock in his eyes at this moment.

Sweeping around, it seems to want to find out what is abnormal, to break through the secrets in this space.

It must be extremely difficult to seal such a space at such a high price, and there may be some big secret hidden, so...

"Could it be the King of Time? So, it is really possible that the heart of the realm of Shenmo Mountain is hidden here?"

Someone guessed that the eyes burst out with brilliance.

At this moment, they still think that they are still in Shenmo Mountain, and they don't realize at all that this place already belongs to the legendary Kunlun.

Of course, to Wuwang Daoist and others, Kunlun is not as mysterious as in the legend.

It's not that they haven't been to this space.

"My lord, a disciple ahead has discovered something abnormal." At this time, a disciple rushed to report.


(End of this chapter)

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