Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3361 News

Chapter 3361 News

Fang Yi obviously noticed the strangeness of the few people, and looked slightly sideways.

With a little puzzlement.

Seeing this, Ao Dong quickly explained: "To tell you the truth, my lord, these soldiers who make stars are really hateful. There has always been a gap between Canghai and Kunlun..."

It turns out that the struggle between Kunlun and Canghai is not limited to this junction.

Instead, it takes the entire Kunlun and the Canghai together.

Therefore, seeing the people in the sea being besieged by Kaixing soldiers at this moment, several people have the intention of making a move.

Of course, it may not be possible to make a real move, it doesn't matter whether Fang Yi is there or not, it's just an instinctive reaction due to the gap between the two areas.

The sea is vast, and they don't have the leisure to care about it.

If they happen to meet, maybe they will make a move, that's all.

That's it!

When Fang Yi heard this, he suddenly realized that it seemed that the conflict between Kunlun and Canghai was not small. Sure enough, no matter where it was, all kinds of struggles were inevitable.

"Kill! Not one left!"

At this moment, on the battlefield, a group of star generals were greatly boosted, completely suppressing the opponents.

Among the few people on the opposite side, only the leading youth still has the strength to fight. The others have already lost the strength to resist and can only wait for death.

Seeing that the entire army was about to be annihilated, the young man's expression changed drastically, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

Seeing that Fang Yi did not speak, the four great dragons did not express anything.

Although Kunlun and Canghai had an antagonistic relationship, they naturally didn't dare to act rashly without Fang Yi's permission for such an unknown person.

Moreover, just such a person, if he dies, he will die, and they will not take it to heart at all.

However, what they didn't expect was that Fang Yi took a step in response.

Bang! !

With this step, the world trembled suddenly, and the faces of Kai Xingxing and the soldiers who were in the fierce battle could not help but change, and they all swept towards them in unison.

It has to be said that although these are just ordinary soldiers, their reactions are extremely sensitive.

But they are much stronger than those ordinary soldiers in Mochizuki Bay.

Kunlun is Kunlun after all, even those ordinary disciples are far from being comparable to other mountains.


The leading soldier shouted first, his eyes pierced Fang Yi fiercely like two sharp knives.

"Get out!" Seeing that Fang Yi had already appeared, Ao Dong and the others naturally did not dare to neglect them any longer. Before Fang Yi could say anything, they sternly shouted. At the same time, a terrifying aura slammed into the group like a beast. Soldiers.

Bang bang bang! !

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the group of people flew out like kites with broken strings.

The blood in the mouth is like a pillar.

Just kidding, although the four great dragons are not worth mentioning in front of Fang Yi, they are all strong in the Dao realm. Although such ordinary soldiers are extraordinary, they are only compared to ordinary people, and they are not worth mentioning in comparison to the Dao realm.


The faces of all the star soldiers changed drastically, apparently they did not expect such a group of people to suddenly appear, and all of them had such a strong aura.

Subconsciously, he kept stepping back.

The four great dragons didn't get Fang Yi's order again, and they didn't know how to deal with it, so they hesitated.

"Why are you still dawdling? Ask what you should ask, and deal with it if you can't ask."

Fang Yi said directly.

He is not a kind-hearted person, otherwise he would not be alive today.

Moreover, Kaixingxing has a large group of people looking for him, so naturally he will not intentionally expose his whereabouts to these people, because he eats too much and has nothing to do.


When the four great dragons heard the words, their eyes brightened immediately.

Surrounded by the terrifying dragon power, he directly rolled towards the group of soldiers. As for what happened afterwards, Fang Yi had no time to pay attention to it, but looked at the young man in front of him.

At this moment, the young man's face was full of shock and fear.

Fang Yi's appearance and the dominance of the four great dragons undoubtedly deterred him, preventing him from making any rash moves.

However, sensing Fang Yi's gaze, he still mustered up his courage and said, "Many...thanks for your help, senior, I don't know..."

The young man stammered, his tongue seemed to be unable to straighten.

It's also strange, to him, the extremely powerful opening star soldiers are like ants to Fang Yi, so in Fang Yi, I'm afraid he can't even compare to ants, how can he not be afraid.

"I ask you, there was a big war here some time ago, did you know?"

Fang Yi went straight to the topic.

Naturally, he didn't help the young man out of pity.

Whether the young man is pitiful or not has nothing to do with him, and the life and death of those star soldiers has nothing to do with him. The reason why he made the move was just to find out the situation.

"Senior said, could it be a half-month battle?"

The young man looked suspicious and said tentatively.

"Not bad!"

Fang Yi nodded.

"To be honest, senior, this junior also came here for this matter. Several disciples in my family also disappeared during that battle, so..." The young man dared not hide it.

According to what he said, he came from a small island on the outskirts of the sea, and his strength was not strong, so he could only barely protect himself.

Half a month ago, several disciples from the clan came here, and they disappeared after that.

He came to investigate this time, and just as he found out, he ran into Kai Xingxing's guards.

"Oh! Then you found your clansman?"

Fang Yi asked.

"Not yet, but the junior has found out that my clansman may have been arrested by Wang Haixing as a Kunlun monk, and the junior is preparing to go to Wang Haixing." The young man said truthfully.

Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but frown.

Could it be that Wu Chi and the others were just ordinary, and were taken away by Wang Haixing as a Kunlun monk?

Don't say it, it's really possible.

Wu Chi and his party are newcomers, and it's such a complicated place, I'm afraid...

"Could it be that the senior is also spying on someone?" Sensing Fang Yi's strangeness, the young man tried something, and then said: "The junior heard that many people were captured in that battle, no matter the disciples in my clan or others .”

"The juniors even heard that just a few days ago, someone broke into Wang Haixing for the sake of those who were captured."


Fang Yi's pupils shrank when he heard that, what do you mean?

Quickly asked: "Then do you know, who forced to look at the starfish? Or what are its characteristics?"

"I don't know who the junior is!" The young man shook his head, "As for the characteristics, I've heard that that person is extremely good. He has learned all the supernatural powers of the Star Lord."

"In the end, Lord Wang Haixing and his subordinates took him down."


The true meaning of martial arts!

Hearing this, Fang Yi's face turned ashen. There is no doubt that the man must be Wu Chi.

From this point of view, Wu Chi was not defeated in the original battle, and with Wu Chi's strength, it was indeed not easy to win him.

But others may not.

In order to save other people, Wu Chi can really do it with his character, and it should be said that it is his style.

It's a pity that he is single and weak, and his fate can be imagined in the vast sea of ​​Kunlun.

At this moment, Fang Yi couldn't help feeling a surge of anger in his heart, and his breath rose accordingly.


(End of this chapter)

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