Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3362 Five Great Gods

Chapter 3362 Seven Gods

"Young master, I didn't ask any useful information."

The four great dragons had already returned to their original place after cooking the group of star soldiers.

The young man sensed the eyes of the four people, and his expression became extremely fearful and vigilant. Although Fang Yi was asking questions just now, he still saw the methods of the four people.

Open star soldiers are not worth mentioning in the hands of these people, let alone myself.

Fortunately, the four of them just glanced at him and ignored him.

"I ask you, what is Wang Haixing's strength?"

Fang Yi suppressed the anger in his heart and asked.

If it was changed to someone else's place, he might not bother to ask at all. He would just go to Shangwang Haixing, and at worst, suppress it directly. It will be troublesome for those New Moon Leaders.

Although Fang Yi is confident that he can escape the pursuit of the two major forces, he can't protect their security.

Just to be on the safe side, so had to figure it out first.

"This one……"

Ao Dong pondered for a while, before saying: "Young master, Ao is not too sure, this area is far away from the Dragon Clan, I'm waiting for you just to hear, according to the power of the star, the two should be similar."


Fang Yi nodded. Since the two are opposite, they should be almost the same.

Since Kaixing Master is the fourth level of Dao, Wang Haixing should be similar. Fang Yi really doesn't think about the fourth level of Dao. The only thing that needs to be noted is that the news cannot be sent back to Kaixing. His whereabouts will be exposed.

However, this seems unlikely, unless it can only be done secretly.

"However, although Wang Haixing is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the young master, the faction Wang Haixing belongs to is extremely powerful, I'm afraid..."

At this time, Ao Dong added another sentence, his expression seemed a little apprehensive.


Fang Yi was surprised, "What's going on? Tell me!"

"Yes!" Ao Dong didn't dare to neglect, and quickly said: "To tell you the truth, there are seven gods and two holy places in Canghai. named."

"However, Wanghaixing is just a small portal for the entire Wanghai to face Kunlun. They belong to Wanghai Shenjun, and their strength is unparalleled.

"The entire area of ​​Wanghai is under the rule of Wanghai Zhenjun."

The seven gods?

Lord Wanghai?

Fang Yi's pupils shrank slightly, and subconsciously, he suddenly thought of the cemetery in the place of nine deaths in Tianshan. He once saw a tombstone with the words Canghai Shenjun on it, and the position was in the center, indicating that the strength was also the strongest one.

Now there is another Wanghai Shenjun, could it be...

"Among the seven gods, is there a sea god?" Out of curiosity, Fang Yi asked casually.

However, Ao Dong's expression changed when he heard the words, and he quickly said: "Of course, among the seven great gods, the Canghai God is the most mysterious and has the longest inheritance."

"It is rumored that the seven gods have alternated in these endless years, and the areas they rule often change. Only the sea god has never changed."

"And they live in the deepest part of the sea, named after the sea, and they are the most powerful of the seven gods."

so amazing?

Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Kunlun and Canghai are the most mysterious mountains and seas among the nine mountains and eight seas. It is conceivable that they can be hailed as the most powerful existence in Canghai.

It can also be seen from this that the cemetery is really not simple.

"Which two holy places? Where is it?" Fang Yi asked again.

"Well!" Ao Dong asked, with a somewhat proud look, and replied: "To tell you the truth, the two holy lands are the Dragon Race Holy Land and the Pangu Holy Land, that is, the Dragon Domain and Lei Ze, the habitats of the two ancient god races. .”

Dragon and Pangu?

Fang Yi was also a little surprised, didn't it mean that the top ten god races in ancient times have fallen?how……

Ao Dong seemed to see Fang Yi's doubts, and explained: "The Dragon Clan and the Pangu Clan are one of the two most ancient protoss clans in Canghai. Than, moreover, ancient protoss like this have a strong protection mechanism within the clan, so they can always stand at the top of the Three Realms."

Ao Dong's words are obviously a bit floating, standing on the top of the Three Realms?Today's Pangu and Dragon clans are obviously not enough.

At most, it can only be regarded as one of the more powerful races in the Three Realms.

The reason why Canghai is still hailed as the two holy lands is because of the long history, plus a certain amount of precipitation, it is more than enough compared to the average strength, but compared to the seven great gods, I am afraid...

It is not difficult to detect this from Ao Dong's expression when he mentioned Wanghai Shenjun.

Of course, Fang Yi didn't care about these either.

What happened to the Pangu Clan and the Dragon Clan has nothing to do with him, so Wu Chi and the others are among them, so it's hard to say...

The young man was obviously in a daze when he heard the conversation of several people at this moment.

And fear.

He couldn't help asking: "You... Could it be that some of you were also arrested by Wang Haixing? Could it be the strong man who bumped into Wang Haixing? I heard that in three days, Lord Wang Haixing will Execute them."


Hearing this, Fang Yi's expression became even uglier.

Ao Dong also couldn't help asking: "Why did you have to wait for three days? Are they still alive?"

Although this question is a bit unbearable, but it is true. It is very good not to be beheaded on the spot if you dare to bump into Wang Haixing, but you still have a life, and you will be executed three days after the announcement. This is a bit wrong. .

Fang Yi also had to admit that in a big battle like this, if you kill, you will kill, it won't be such a big deal.

"I don't know. According to the younger generation's guess, Wang Haixing's friends are likely to be mistaken for the person who opened the star. Their actions are probably to demonstrate against the open star."

"And the juniors also heard that before opening the star, they also arrested a strong man who looked at the starfish. It is possible that they took revenge or exchanged something."

Hearing this, Ao Dong couldn't help but nodded.

After all, it is not so easy to cultivate the strong in the Dao realm, and if one dies, one will be lost.

It is not impossible for the two major forces to capture each other's strong man and exchange them with each other.

However, this made Fang Yi furious, and the anger all over his body couldn't help erupting.

Feeling this breath, the faces of Ao Dong and the others changed slightly. At that moment, they seemed to see the picture of Fang Yi suppressing the powerful people in Tongtianguan in that space again.

It's just that this is the vast sea, the site of Wang Haishenjun. In the front, there is hoped for Haishenjun, and there are pursuers from Tongtian Temple and Earth Temple in the back. No matter how strong Fang Yi is, can he still compete with these people?

Involuntarily, they felt a little guilty in their hearts, not knowing whether their decision was right or wrong.


(End of this chapter)

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