Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3368 Ao Xue

Chapter 3368 Ao Xue

This is a vast void, with huge dragons running across the sky, with a length of tens of millions of miles, and the ends can't be seen, only the heads of huge dragons can be seen, fierce and fierce.

There are bursts of dragon chants in the surrounding world, revealing an aura that makes people tremble.

"Elders, this is the way it is!"

Ao Dong and the others looked at the elders of the Dragon Clan above them tremblingly, and replied cautiously.

"You said, he is not a dragon?"

A voice asked.

"That's right!" Ao nodded quickly, "He is indeed not a dragon, because he tried to enter the awakened place of the dragon, but failed. However, he did understand the meaning of the two true dragons, the eternity represented by the blue dragon, And the destruction represented by the underworld dragon is presented in him."

Ao Dong didn't dare to be negligent, and told everything he knew.

The elders of the Dragon Clan above, one by one, all looked a little complicated.

"Since it's not my Dragon Clan, then send someone to take back the will of the two true dragons." An elder of the Dragon Clan said.

"No! Although he is not from my dragon clan, since he can comprehend the meaning of the two true dragons, it must be a big deal. Don't act recklessly. Moreover, the meaning of the real dragon can be taken away just by grabbing it."

"Huh! I think you are timid and afraid of getting into trouble! I don't believe a mere human race, he dares to disobey my dragon clan."

"Don't dare? Haven't you heard? Tongtian Temple and Earth Temple are chasing and killing this person. How do these two great forces compare with our Dragon Clan?"

"Of course it's not worth mentioning. My dragon clan is an ancient god clan. How can these people be compared?"

One after another thunderous voices came, and they couldn't stop arguing.


At this time, another old voice came, and the huge group of dragons fell silent instantly.

Because it was the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan who spoke.

"Since he can get the favor of a real dragon, no matter whether he is a dragon or not, he is a friend of my dragon clan. However, the meaning of a real dragon is the key to the rise of our dragon clan, so there is no room for loss."

"Elder Ben has made his own decision on this matter, so there is no need to argue."

The old voice continued to sound.


All the dragons had to shut up.

"Go back all!"

Soon, the huge group of dragons dispersed, leaving only the giant dragon of the blue dragon. He had a huge figure and breath like an abyss. Then, the light flashed around him, and he turned into a white-haired old man.

"The four of you are familiar with him, this time, let's take a walk with the old man!"

The Great Elder of the Dragon Clan looked at Ao Dong and the others and said.


The four of them were obviously still in a daze, unbelievable, "Grand Elder, you... you want to go in person?"

Ao Dong asked in disbelief.

You know, the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan is the existence of the Dragon Clan that is second only to the Dragon Emperor. He is powerful and has always lived in seclusion. This time for Fang Yi, he actually wanted to go there in person. It is conceivable.

"Naturally! The meaning of a real dragon is related to the rise and fall of the dragon clan."

The Great Elder of the Dragon Clan nodded, and then looked somewhere in the void, "Ao Xue, you go too!"


Following these words, a sound of dragon chant came, and a huge blood-colored dragon came through the air, with blood-colored scales and armor all over its body. It was obviously very different from other dragons, which made people tremble.

"Ao Xue! The peerless genius of the Dragon Clan!!"

The pupils of Ao Dong and the others changed drastically. As members of the Dragon Clan, it was impossible for them not to know about Ao Xue.

This is the legend of the Dragon Clan.

When Ao Xue was born, because of his strange appearance, he was almost killed by the staff of the Dragon Clan. In the end, although he survived by chance, he was rejected by various kinds since he was a child. However, he was not discouraged by this, and instead redoubled his cultivation. Finally, he began to behead his head Lujiao, with a cultivation speed far exceeding other dragon clans, has become a genius of the dragon clan.

Afterwards, he got the attention of the Dragon Clan, and he was out of control. He was hailed as the most dazzling genius of the Dragon Clan for thousands of years.

However, because of his abnormal body, he was always a bit out of place with other dragons.

So how far his cultivation has reached, not many people know.

But everyone knows that he is the number one genius recognized by the Dragon Clan.

Born ten thousand years, he condenses the Dao.

You know, this is absolutely unbelievable, even if it is as powerful as Fang Yi, counting the time of the water temple, it is far more than ten thousand years.

Of course, it is unknown whether Ao Xue has a similar time artifact.


Ao Xue's huge figure raised his head to the sky and roared, and then turned into a blood-robed youth, his entire cheeks were blood-red, especially his eyes, which made people dare not approach.

The four of Ao Dong shrank their necks subconsciously.

The great elder of the dragon clan nodded with great satisfaction.


Time flies!

I don't know how long it took, Fang Yi's aura became more and more majestic in the water temple, and the power of rules surging around him became more and more mysterious.

This is especially the case with the four sky-shocking sword shadows, the Heaven-killing Sword Formation, the Sleepy Heaven Sword Formation, the Illusory Heaven Sword Formation, and the Futian Sword Formation.

The four sword arrays are densely arranged and combined, turning into countless possibilities, just like the mysterious runes and array diagrams.

"A formation is really broad and profound!"

The deeper Fang Yi's comprehension of the formation method, the more he felt that his knowledge was shallow. The formation method seems to be more mysterious and complicated than other avenues.

Because this does not seem to be a kind of power of rules at all, but a collection of countless powers of rules.

yes!The way of formation is like the way of using various rules to combine more peculiar effects, which is far more difficult than comprehending a certain way.

Of course, the astonishing effect produced after comprehension is far from being comparable to a certain way.

No wonder in the legend, Daoist Tongtian was able to win the battle against four peak powerhouses with his own strength. The legendary Zhuxian Sword Formation is probably...

At this moment, Fang Yi couldn't help yearning for the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Almost there, time to get out and see.

At this time, Fang Yi slowly opened his eyes. After a period of retreat, he has greatly consolidated his cultivation base, and the way of strength has become more handy than before.

Not to mention the way of water, it has long been fully integrated into his instinct.

As for the third avenue, it is still very early, and even if he wants to comprehend it, he does not have the power of complete rules.

The Way of Rebirth, the Way of Destruction, the Way of Eternity, and the Way of Space are all different, and they are not enough to condense the Dao. If there is one, it is only the Wooden Temple.

It's just that Ji Wumeng is still immersed in the Wooden Temple. It has been closed for an unknown period of time, and she doesn't seem to be awake at all. Moreover, her breath is almost integrated with the Wooden Temple. Naturally, Fang Yi will not bother.

So, right now, I have to go out first, and prepare for the third avenue by the way.

After making up his mind, Fang Yi glanced at Wu Chi and the others again, and saw that everyone was still in retreat, so he didn't bother. It's not surprising that these people are hungry for strength, sensing the passage of four weeks, and the majestic With so much energy, why don't you practice hard.

Seeing this, Fang Yi nodded in satisfaction, and then disappeared in place.


(End of this chapter)

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