Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3369 Trapped

Chapter 3369 Trapped

In the outside world, nearly a hundred years have passed, and Wang Haixing, which was once in ruins, has long since returned to its former appearance.

However, the aftermath of that battle was far from over.

"Have you heard that the Silver Moon Demon King and the Golden Sword God of Donghua Wonderland fought in the meteorite belt and almost wiped out the entire meteorite belt?"

"Yes! I also heard that Wanghai and Donghua Wonderland have a large number of strong people joining, and there are countless casualties."

"Damn, the culprit of all this is the Tongtian Temple, and they themselves have turned into cowards, hateful!"

"Who says no, don't let me see them, see one kill one, see two kill one pair."


Hearing these remarks, Fang Yi couldn't help frowning.

During this period of time, he has been retreating in the water temple, paying no attention to the outside world at all. As a result, when he came out this time, he suddenly discovered that the original war had turned into Wanghaixing and Kaixingxing, and even spread to Wanghai and Donghua Wonderland.

It has to be said that this was somewhat beyond Fang Yi's expectations.

However, after understanding the cause and effect, they are relieved. After all, this area is ruled by these two major forces, and they have been feuding for a long time, and the slightest disturbance will get out of hand.

What's more, that battle almost destroyed Wang Haixing.

Tongtian Temple has become a tortoise, and Wanghai naturally wants to vent his anger. It just so happens that Wuwang Daoist had a brief contact with Kaixing Master and Kaixing Master that day, so...

Of course, the root cause is the grievances between the two major forces.

However, this obviously has nothing to do with Fang Yi.

He was also happy and quiet.

Since Tongtianguan has become a tortoise, he has a lot of things to do, hoping that Haixing will be a place of right and wrong after all, it is better to leave as soon as possible.

After making up his mind, Fang Yi didn't bother to stay.

In the vast void, he is like a streak of water, quickly moving towards the distance, the way of water covers the whole body, and all the breath and fluctuations are completely covered.

The way of water is ubiquitous, and almost no one can detect the shielded breath.

However, at this moment, on the endless nine-day stargazing sky, a figure sits cross-legged like a statue, and the pale yellow aura surging around him, like a natural barrier, spreads towards the entire void.

Perhaps no one can detect the cover of the way of water.

However, the same ubiquitous Dao of Earth can sense the abnormal fluctuations of elements in the surrounding space.

Suddenly, Cangming God General opened his eyes, and two beams of bright light burst out.

good!That figure was none other than the Divine General Cangming.

"Finally come out! This general has been waiting for you for a long time." Cang Mingshen outlined the corners of his mouth with a playful look, and his figure disappeared out of thin air.

At the same time, Fang Yi's eyes suddenly changed, and he seemed to feel something, and suddenly looked in a certain direction.

There, a pale yellow ripple swayed, and a figure appeared along with it.


Fang Yi's pupils shrank suddenly, and a look of surprise flashed across his face.

It seems that I still underestimated other strong men, and with the cover of the way of water, I was still noticed.

But that's right, as one of the five elements, the way of water is so good, and the way of earth is obviously not bad, but...


Fang Yi didn't bother to talk nonsense at all, so he slapped casually, and the terrifying divine power erupted instantly.

For him, the longer the delay, the more people will undoubtedly be attracted, so he simply didn't bother to talk nonsense, and there was absolutely no need to talk to the other party.

"How brave!"

Cangming God General's eyes turned cold, obviously he didn't expect Fang Yi to fight without saying a word.

However, after all, he is a strong man in the sixth level of the Dao, so such a method obviously won't have much effect on him. As soon as he took a step, the terrifying earth power in his body erupted instantly, covering Fang Yi from all directions.

Like a huge yellow mask, it is obvious that it wants to completely trap Fang Yi in it.

Only in this way can we isolate the perception of the outside world and block Fang Yi's retreat.

It's a pity, how could Fang Yi let him get what he wanted.

The terrifying force field enveloped in an instant, and the two forces of the rule shrank and collided with everything, causing the void to tremble and collapse inch by inch.

The speed of the pale yellow halo also slowed down instantly.

Walk! !

Even now, Fang Yi doesn't want to get too entangled with the other party, and right now is not the time.

If it was changed to a place where no one was around, he might not rush away, and experience the power of the sixth level of the Great Dao by the way, but he can't do it now, and other strong men will be attracted at any time.

Among other things, there must be other people in the Earth God Temple, and Daoist Wuwang may also be hiding in the dark.

Also look forward to the superpowers on the starfish.

All of these forced him to leave as soon as possible, therefore, while the force field enveloped him, his figure also swept away like lightning.

Seeing that he was about to break away from the shroud of the power of the earth.

brush! !

But at this moment, a bright sword shadow descended from the sky above his head, like a heavenly sword, surrounded by countless sword shadows, covering him from all directions.

"Little thief! Do you still want to leave today?"

Accompanied by this sword shadow, there is also an extremely cold voice, who is it if it is not the hopeless Daoist.

Come so fast! !

Fang Yi's face turned cold, and a hint of anger also emerged in his heart. These guys really lingered. After nearly a hundred years, they didn't leave, and they kept waiting.

You really have to make up your mind.

"Just you?"

Fang Yi's pupils shrank, and the sword shadows around him surged instantly, and the four sword shadows soared into the sky, facing Daoist Wuwang head-on.

At the same time, the dragon roared in his body, and the meaning of destruction was mixed in the four sword shadows, just like the four swords of destruction, destroying everything they passed.

This is?

Rao is the hopeless Daoist, his eyes are full of horror.

Such four sword shadows, if he only understood the formation technique, he felt that he could not see through it.

But the gap in realm is obviously not so easy to make up.

There was a loud noise, and the four sword shadows shattered inch by inch, and the terrifying energy swept Fang Yi away like a huge wave.

However, Fang Yi seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and he didn't panic at all. With the help of this counter-shock force, he escaped into the void in an instant, integrated into thousands of rules, and wanted to escape.

"Little thief, where are you going!!"

Daoist Wuwang let out a loud shout, as if he had expected that if he took a step forward, he would block Xia Yi's path.

However, at this moment, a silver light suddenly appeared, and another figure blocked Fang Yi's figure one step ahead of him. It was a man with silver horns and a silver robe. His eyes were like torches, His cheeks were covered with silver scales, which looked extremely terrifying, especially his aura, which was extremely violent, like a real ancient beast.

"Silver Moon Demon King!!"

Seeing this figure, Wuwang Daoist blurted out, and his face couldn't help but change.

The same is true for Fang Yi. Although he doesn't know how powerful this so-called Silver Moon Demon King is, his aura is no weaker than that of Cangming God General and Wuwang Daoist. From this, it can be imagined.

At this moment, the three peak powerhouses form a triangle, trapping Fang Yi firmly in it.

It seems that there is no escape.


(End of this chapter)

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