Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3371 Dragon Clan

Chapter 3371 Dragon Clan

"Go away!"

While several powerful men were fighting, Fang Yi's four giant swords also slashed away fiercely, breaking a bloody path.

In such a situation, escape is the best choice.

Otherwise, no matter who wins among several forces, it will be a nightmare for him.

"Stop him!"

"Little thief, dare to use me to look at the sea and still want to escape? Even if the king of heaven comes today, you have to save your life for me."

"Yes! Kill him!"

Countless attacks came, converging into a river, engulfing Fang Yi.

Fang Yi is indeed powerful, but with the three top powerhouses by his side, plus the countless sea-watching powerhouses, the situation became extremely critical for a time. If he hadn't been so powerful, any one of them would have died.

"It's up to you!"

Fang Yi sneered, and the force field filled instantly, and the terrifying power was like a dark cloud, making everyone stagnate and breathless.

This is? ?

Way of strength?

The pupils of the crowd changed drastically, and their faces were filled with horror.

Above the nine heavens, in an unknown space, several figures were also overlooking all of this. The leader was the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan. A brilliant light shot out from his old eyes, revealing an incredible light.

Beside him, Ao Xue's pupils also shrunk.

"The way of strength, and the terrifying power of thunder in his body, is it really the Pangu clan?"

Everything about Fang Yi has already been reported by the Four Great Dragons.

The matter of the Pangu clan is naturally clear.

Feeling this terrifying way of strength at this moment seems to have explained everything.

"However, there is also a strong real dragon spirit in his body, and the coexistence of destruction and eternity is really unbelievable." The elder of the Dragon Clan sighed.

Ao Xue's eyes were also bright, as if he saw some kind of hope.

"Little thief, no matter how tyrannical you are today, you will surely die, so what about the way of strength? Break it for me!!"

Among the sea-watching powerhouses, a middle-aged man with a terrifying aura stepped forward, and the aura that soared into the sky erupted instantly, like an erupting volcano, and the originally terrifying force field seemed to have been washed away.

Although the way of strength is powerful, the terrifying coercion of the force field is even more incomparable.

However, there is a limit after all.

Under the impact of so many powerful people, it is obvious that it cannot last long.

Fortunately, Fang Yi didn't plan to last for a long time. With the help of this buffer, he escaped into the rules in an instant, intending to escape.

But it's a pity that the surrounding area has been surrounded and airtight, and the power of various rules is entangled, making this space seem to be a cage.

"Hmph! Do you want to escape when you are about to die? Leave your life to me."


In an instant, countless attacks came again.

Seeing this, Fang Yi's face also turned blue. In this situation, it may not be so easy to escape, unless he escapes into the Water God Temple.

But that moment is clearly not there yet.

Although the number of these people is huge and their strength is extraordinary, if it weren't for the presence of the three Dao Liuzhong, they would not have allowed him to escape. Since these people will not let him go, then...

"Really! Let's see who saves his life."

Fang Yi's eyes suddenly turned cold, and the four terrifying sword shadows around him instantly condensed, like four pillars of heaven, rising into the sky.

At the same time, he was surrounded by nine dragons, and the dragons chanted and shook.

A terrifying breath erupted, making him seem like a real dragon emperor.

Any attack that comes, will be crushed into powder by Jiulong, like a heavenly chime, covering his whole body, nothing can get close.

so strong? ?

Everyone's face changed drastically, and there was an incredible light in their eyes.

The force field shrinks from the original wide range to Fang Yi's whole body, and the result is a skyrocketing explosion of millions of times, which cannot be surpassed by anything close.

And under this powerful protection, the four terrifying sword shadows rushed into the crowd, like four giant dragons, sweeping away everything.

A Famous Sea expert fell down and died on the spot.

Fang Yi was like a god of killing, galloping on the battlefield, unstoppable.

"Double Avenue!!"

Above Nine Heavens, the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan said meaningfully.

The four great dragons couldn't help but glanced at each other, they obviously understood the meaning of these words, it's astonishing that they are so domineering at the top of the road.

Even the first genius of the Dragon Clan, Ao Xue, has an incredible light in his eyes at this moment.

In addition, there is also a monstrous fighting spirit, just around the corner.


The Great Elder of the Dragon Clan glanced at him and said with a smile.

groan! !

The next moment, he let out a long roar, and a terrifying dragon roared from his body, and his body instantly turned into a blood-colored dragon, which swooped down and landed on the battlefield.

At the same time, the crowd seemed to feel something, and they all raised their eyes to look at the sky. There, like a long blood-colored river, the huge blood-colored dragon traversed the world and crushed towards the battlefield.

Wherever the blood-colored dragon passed, the strong Wanghai disappeared one after another.

The terrifying bloody long river is like a swallowing river, countless flesh and blood are swallowed by it, it is extremely terrifying.

"It's the Dragon Clan!!"

Everyone was shocked, the sudden addition of the Dragon Clan made the faces of the three powerhouses change.

"Good boy, there are quite a few people who are interested in you. If that's the case, then I can't let you go." The Silver Moon Demon King snorted coldly, and the giant palm also slammed it.

Suddenly, a huge silver sharp claw grabbed Fang Yi instantly, and the surrounding space burst open. Under this palm, time seemed to slow down.

Seeing this, Daoist Wuwang and General Cangming also changed their expressions drastically, and they shot at the same time, obviously neither of them wanted to be preempted by the other.

The three terrifying attacks were suppressed almost simultaneously.

Fang Yi also felt like falling into an abyss.

Just kidding, the three strongmen of the sixth level of the Dao, no matter where they are placed, they are the overlord of one party, and they are captured at the same time at the same time. No matter how strong Fang Yi is, it is obviously impossible to resist.

no way!It seems that they can only escape into the water temple.

Fang Yi was a little helpless, but at this moment, he couldn't take care of so much.

However, just as he was about to escape into the water temple, there was another startling dragon chant.

The sound of the dragon's chant was old, compassionate, and long, with an irresistible aura. At the same time, everything in the world seemed to have stopped, and only the sound of the dragon's chant was left, resounding through the world.

what? ?

The three powerhouses obviously sensed something, and looked into the void at the same time.

Boom! !

I saw that above the void, there was the sound of thunder, and a huge dragon claw fell slowly. It seemed extremely slow, but in fact it was as fast as thunder. The next moment, the attack of the three people was blocked.

A shocking loud noise followed, the sky trembled, and the void disappeared.

The roaring wind blows wantonly, sweeping away everything.

The people who were close to each other were all blown away, and some of them were directly exploded into countless fragments.

And when everything was calm, an old figure also appeared.

Who is that figure if it is not the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan.


(End of this chapter)

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