Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3372 Relief

Chapter 3372 Relief

"Ao Guang! The Great Elder of the Dragon Clan!"

The Silver Moon Demon King shrank his pupils when he saw the person coming, and was stunned for a moment.

Obviously, the appearance of the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan was beyond his expectation, and it also made the faces of Cangming God General and Wuwang Daoist sink.

At this moment, the fighting had stopped, but Wang Hai was still besieged all around. Although the appearance of the elder of the Dragon Clan made these people fearful, Wang Hai was not easy to provoke.

What's more, here is Wanghai.

When it came to Fang Yi, he looked at the old man in front of him in astonishment, his eyes flickering, full of surprise.

"Ao Guang, don't you want to join in the excitement?"

The Yinyue Demon King had a gloomy face, and asked, "I heard that this kid is related to your dragon clan. Could it be that your dragon clan provoked everything about Wang Haixing?"

These words were very unkind, and they directly blamed the Dragon Clan. Even Fang Yi was stunned when the hat was buttoned up.


Before the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan could speak, Ao Xue was the first to hold back.

The terrifying blood energy in the body also churned, and the blood light shot up to the sky, which was extremely shocking.

"Heh! This is the legend, the first genius of the Dragon Clan. When I saw it today, it was really extraordinary."

The Yinyue Demon King glanced at Ao Xue, and suddenly changed the tone of the conversation, shouting: "Presumptuous, why is it your turn to be a junior here, yelling, looking for death!"

As he said that, a terrifying demonic aura spewed out from the body of the Silver Moon Demon King, pressing down on Ao Xue like mountains.


Ao Xue didn't flinch at all, he took a big step, and the blood energy that soared into the sky instantly collided with it.

Suddenly, the void burst, and a wind of silence ravaged the world. Wherever it passed, everything was crushed into dust. With the two of them at the center, the surrounding world almost turned into chaos.


The pupils of the Silver Moon Demon King shrank sharply, filled with inconceivability.

He had heard about it a long time ago on the first day of the Dragon Clan, but he never paid attention to it. In his opinion, it was just a junior thing, but today...

Ao Xue's performance really surprised him.

"Okay! Very good!! The Dragon Clan has really produced a peerless genius, and the fourth level of the main road, unexpectedly..."

As the Yinyue Demon King said, the killing intent in his eyes could no longer be restrained.

Taking a step forward, it seems that he is about to make a move.

And Ao Xue also refused to back down in the slightest, and the aura around his body also burst out, and it seemed that it was about to explode.

At this time, the indifferent voice of the great elder of the Dragon Clan finally sounded, "Yinyue, why do you have to compete with a junior? As for this kid, he has some connections with my Dragon Clan. I must take him away. Please tell Wang Haishenjun. In the future, I will definitely Come and explain in person.”

The tone of the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan sounded polite, but it also gave people an undoubted overbearing.

The Yinyue Demon King obviously did not agree, his face turned cold.

"Ao Guang, you have such a big tone, you really think that Wanghai is a place where you can come and go whenever you want, kid, I will stay in Wanghai."

Although the Silver Moon Demon King spoke domineeringly, his eyes were full of fear.

The Great Elder of the Dragon Clan is not someone who waits for nothing.

The strength is all-day high.

As for how far he has reached, he is not sure, because in the past, the great elder of the dragon clan was extremely low-key, so his cultivation base has always been rumored, and it is said that he has reached the seventh level of the Dao and entered the holy realm.

But how exactly, he wasn't sure.

But one thing can be confirmed, that blow just now is enough to prove his extraordinary.

"Since that's the case, the old man can only offend!"

The Great Elder of the Dragon Clan was not angry either, and always looked like an ancient well without waves.

But the Yinyue Demon King's complexion undoubtedly became extremely ugly, and the aura around him also rose accordingly, not only him, but also the Cangming God General and Wuwang Daoist, both of them obviously felt the extraordinaryness of the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan.

It is naturally impossible for them to hand over Fang Yi.


Seeing this situation, Fang Yi was at a loss for what to do. Suddenly, that old voice sounded in his mind.

At the same time, the Silver Moon Demon King had already made a move, and terrifying divine power erupted from his body in an instant, crushing towards Fang Yi.

good!His target is not the great elder of the dragon clan, but Fang Yi.

God General Cangming and Daoist Wuwang also attacked almost at the same time, and the terrifying power of rules enveloped the surroundings instantly.

Seeing that Fang Yi was about to be wrapped in it.

Finally, the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan slowly raised his palm, and the sound of dragon chant roared out from his body, and the terrifying divine power instantly turned into a huge dragon shadow, blocking the attack of the three people.

so strong?

Fang Yi's pupils shrank, one against three?

However, right now he can't take care of so much anymore, even the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan has been attracted, and the movement is getting louder and louder. If the fight continues like this, who knows if it will attract more powerful existences.

If that's the case, it's definitely not good news for him.

So take advantage of the present and run as far as you can.

Therefore, without the slightest hesitation, he rushed out with four shocking swords, instantly cutting a bloody path and sinking into the endless void.

"Little thief, leave it to me!!"

The three peak powerhouses were extremely angry, but unfortunately, with the barrier of the dragon elders, they couldn't pursue them at all.

As for the other sea-watching powerhouses, under Fang Yi's attack and killing, plus Ao Xue's long bloody river, they are not worth mentioning at all.

Just like that, the crowd could only watch helplessly as Fang Yi disappeared into the sky.

"Ao Guang, you Dragon Clan must give an account of this matter."


The distant voice has gradually faded away.

Fang Yi turned his head and looked up, a look of doubt flashed in his eyes, yes!The appearance of the Dragon Clan was beyond his expectation, and...

"Master Fang!"

Just when Fang Yi was wondering, four figures came quickly in the distance, they were the four great dragons.

"It's you? The Great Elder of the Dragon Clan was invited by you?"

"Mr. Fang, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's leave first!" Ao Dong said hastily, and glanced at the battlefield in the distance, his expression full of fear.

Don't blame him, that shocking battle, just relying on their mere avenues, they simply sent them to death.


Fang Yi pondered for a while, although he was not sure about the purpose of the Dragon Clan, but in any case, it was thanks to them that he got out of trouble this time.

Fang Yi has never been an ungrateful person, so why not take a trip and see what the Dragon Clan wants to do.

The four great dragons were overjoyed when they heard the words.

Immediately, a group of five people left quickly and disappeared into the sky.

On the battlefield in the distance, thunder was still rolling, a large area of ​​void fell off, and the space sank. This is destined to be a world-shattering battle.

However, the instigator of all this has already left the battlefield.

And this undoubtedly made the Yinyue Demon King and others furious, especially Daoist Wuwang, whose ferocious mouth seemed to be eating people, because it meant that Fang Yi's interception failed again.

What makes him even more unacceptable is that it is foreseeable that the road ahead will become more and more difficult.

Because the eyes of countless forces have begun to cast here.


(End of this chapter)

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