Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3373 The Purpose of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 3373 The Purpose of the Dragon Clan

"That's it!"

Running all the way, I don't know how far they traveled, and a group of five people came to a certain planet on the meteorite belt at the junction of Canghai and Kunlun.

It can be seen that the Dragon Clan is also extremely afraid of Wanghai, and dare not go deep into it.

Stay away as much as possible.

"Mr. Fang, are simply too surprising. It is unbelievable that you are involved in several major forces." Ao Dong looked at Fang Yi, his eyes full of admiration.

The same goes for the other three, looking into Fang Yi's eyes, even with a trace of awe.


Fang Yi's actions have already shocked them to heaven.

But Fang Yi himself didn't realize it, and smiled lightly: "The situation is forced, and there is no way to be forced."

This can be regarded as a truth, if not for being targeted by several major forces, who would be so frightened and live in being hunted down every day.

Of course, Fang Yi didn't really care too much, because the existence of the Water God Temple gave him great confidence.

For him, this kind of pursuit is a kind of pressure and motivation, which makes his strength improve rapidly, especially after his strength has improved, he doesn't care even more.

"Speak! You are the ones who invited the great elders of the Dragon Clan? What is your intention?"

Fang Yi cut to the chase.

The Great Elder of the Dragon Clan was alarmed, he didn't believe that these people had no purpose.

"Mr. Fang, you think highly of my four brothers. The Great Elder is deeply involved in the Dragon Clan and has always ignored the affairs of the outside world. How can the four of us please move him?"

Ao Dong hurriedly apologized with a smile, "The Great Elder himself decided to come here, as for the purpose..."

Ao Dong seemed a little hesitant, and looked at Fang Yi.

Of course he knew that the Great Elder came here for the sake of the two true dragons, but he didn't know where to start with this.

However, concealing it is obviously not a wise choice.

Fang Yi's dominance is still vivid in his memory, once he offends the other party, then...

"To tell the truth, Mr. Fang, Ao is not very clear about the details, but it is probably because of the two true dragon intentions that Mr. Fang harbors."

After pondering for a while, Ao Dong still said.

"But Mr. Fang, don't worry, the Dragon Clan has absolutely no malice." Ao Dong added hastily.


Fang Yi couldn't help chuckling, which was almost as he had guessed.

The dragon clan is so aggressive, it is naturally impossible to sit idle and hurt. As for the meaning of the two true dragons, he is powerless about this, because he doesn't understand much.

He only said: "In this case, I'm afraid I will disappoint you."

"It's okay, Mr. Fang, please wait patiently for a while, the Great Elder will come soon." Ao Dong prayed.

The reason why the Great Elder asked them to come was precisely because they were familiar with Fang Yi and had established a certain relationship, so...

If Fang Yi leaves, they will undoubtedly be dereliction of duty.

Either way!

Fang Yi glanced at the four of them, then nodded immediately.

In any case, it was an acquaintance. Moreover, the four great dragons helped him to some extent before, and the dragon clan helped him out of trouble, so let's hear what they want to do!

Seeing this, the four great dragons were overjoyed, and each of them was extremely eager.

After a while, a blood-colored figure pierced the sky, shooting towards him like a thunderbolt, suddenly it was Ao Xue from before.

"Master Blood!"

The four great dragons hurriedly saluted.

Ao Xue looked straight at Fang Yi, his eyes were bright, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Fang Yi looked at him without any hesitation, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but his heart was a little ready to move.

yes!In the previous scene, Ao Xue collided with the Yinyue Demon King, which really made him want to move.

With the fourth level of the Dao, he was able to receive the blow of the Silver Moon Demon King head-on. This all shows that the person in front of him is a super genius, a peerless evildoer.

Like him, Fang Yi's dominance obviously aroused Ao Xue's deep interest.

The aura of both of them was rising unconsciously.

The four great dragons obviously sensed something strange, and their expressions changed drastically.

Fortunately, at this moment, another old voice fell out of thin air, like a huge peak, lying between the two of them.

"Big elder!"

The four great dragons were overjoyed to see the visitor, and their nervous hearts finally relaxed.

Seeing this, Ao Xue's breath gradually dissipated.

Fang Yi naturally did the same, smiled, and the terrifying aura receded like a tide in an instant, leaving no trace behind.

"Fang Xiaoyou, you really deserve your reputation."

At this moment, the old elder of the Dragon Clan looked at Fang Yi with eyes full of surprise and admiration.

"I couldn't believe it when I heard these four little guys say it before. When I saw it today, I realized that the little friend is even better than what they said. It really impressed the old man."

The Dragon Clan sighed in admiration, there was a trace of brilliance in the old eyes.

"Senior has won the award, but he was forced to do nothing!"

Fang Yi smiled, no matter what he said, it was worthwhile for the other party to help him out of trouble, regardless of the other party's purpose.

"Thank you senior for helping me this time, Fang can't help but be grateful, but for the purpose of senior, Fang is a little helpless, because the meaning of the two true dragons was obtained by Fang only by chance, so..."

Fang Yi didn't bother to talk nonsense, since he knew the purpose of these people, he should be more straightforward.

The Great Elder of the Dragon Clan was obviously taken aback, as if he hadn't expected Fang Yi to be so direct, he couldn't help but laugh.

Ao Xue's eyes sank slightly, and he seemed a little unhappy.

"Little friend misunderstood, the old man does not want to win the true dragon meaning of the little friend, but the two true dragon meanings, destruction and eternity, are completely opposite existences, and it stands to reason that it is impossible for one person to appear at the same time , I am just a little curious."


Fang Yi frowned. In fact, he was also a little curious about this question.

Long before, the two true dragon intentions had clashed violently, and in the end, for some unknown reason, the Eternal Sword continued to guard the spiritual world, while the destruction of the true dragon guarded the inner world, and the two true dragon intentions coexisted.

But Fang Yi obviously didn't know the reason.

"Let's not hide this from seniors, Fang doesn't know about this..." Fang Yi didn't hide anything, and explained the matter briefly. He also wanted to hear what the other party had to say.

However, the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.

There was no opening for a while.

After a while, he said: "This old man has never heard of it. I'm afraid I will have to find out the reasons by myself. As for now, this old man has a heartless request. I hope my little friend can go to the Dragon Clan with this old man."

The Great Elder of the Dragon Clan revealed his purpose.

Although the meaning of the two true dragons cannot be taken away, and he has no intention of doing so, the meaning of the real dragon is very important to the dragon clan. It is not intended to be a big event to invite Fang Yi into the dragon clan and help the disciples of the dragon clan to understand.

Especially Ao Xue, he is the hope of the dragon clan, once he understands the meaning of a real dragon, maybe...

But this is obviously not Fang Yi's wish.

Go to Dragon Clan?

Whether he can come out again, that's not necessarily the case, even if the Dragon Clan doesn't have that kind of thought, he won't be controlled by others.

Just kidding, let him stay in the Dragon Clan and teach those little ones to understand the meaning of the real dragon?He doesn't have that kind of leisure.

Dang even said directly: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry."

As soon as these words came out, Ao Xue's face turned cold instantly, and killing intent surged all over his body.


(End of this chapter)

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