Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3375

Chapter 3375

"Bold! Ao Guang, is it true that your Dragon Clan really wants to protect this kid and make him an enemy of my Taixu Wonderland?"

Seeing the great elder of the Dragon Clan stepping out, the Golden Armored God of War was furious.

Two cold lights shot out from the pupil.

And the two silver-armored soldiers behind him also had gloomy faces, and they were very tacit, one on the left and one on the right, besieging Fang Yi in the middle.

Seeing this, the faces of the four great dragons became even more ugly, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

The Great Elder of the Dragon Clan couldn't help but frowned, but still said in his mouth: "I'm a little curious, why would Taixu Wonderland embarrass a junior?"

"It's not your turn to ask. What you need to consider is whether you really want to be an enemy of my Taixu Wonderland."

The Golden Armored God of War was extremely domineering, as if he didn't take the elder of the Dragon Clan seriously.

The Great Elder of the Dragon Clan was obviously a little displeased, and his face darkened.

After all, he is also the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan. Although the Dragon Clan is in decline, he is still not comparable to the general power. When will it be his turn to be so despised.

Therefore, he snorted coldly and said: "I'm sorry! This little friend has some connections with my Dragon Clan, so I'm sorry."

"How dare you!"

The pupils of the Golden Armored God of War shrank sharply, showing awe-inspiring killing intent.

"A mere dragon clan dares not to take my Taixu Wonderland seriously. Today, I will let you know the fate of being an enemy of my Taixu Wonderland."

Boom! !

As he spoke, the Golden Armored God of War took a big step forward, and the terrifying divine power in his body erupted instantly.

Suddenly, the surrounding space was surging, like a vast ocean, turbulent.

Following his footsteps, the entire world boiled, and a terrifying giant wave swept over, crushing everything around him into powder, and it was extremely shocking.

This is?

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, this is too strong!Absolutely reached the seventh level of the road.

It's just that such a super strong man, why did he shoot himself.

Fang Yi couldn't figure it out, but at this moment, it was obviously not the time to think about it. The huge body of the Golden Armored God of War had already crushed him.

Fortunately, the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan also greeted him immediately.

However, those two silver-armored soldiers, as well as the Daleiyin Temple party behind them, had already been killed.

"Evil barriers, you can catch them without a fight."

The white-bearded monk scolded angrily, and his body was full of Buddha light, and the phantoms of Buddhas gathered around him, making him seem to have turned into an ancient giant Buddha.

Numerous Sanskrit words gushed out from his body, and the sound of Buddha lingered, making the entire time seem to turn into a Buddhist kingdom.

"Old bald donkey, don't play tricks!"

Although the arrogance of the Golden Armored God of War made Fang Yi palpitate, but these bald donkeys from the Great Leiyin Temple did not make him flinch.

I saw the sword radiance all over his body, and the shadows of the four shocking swords instantly condensed, like four blades that opened the sky, cutting everything down.

It crashed towards the Buddhist kingdom.

A look of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the white-bearded monk. Although he had seen Fang Yi's strength before, he had never confronted him head-on. In his opinion, it was like that at most.

In the picture of Wanmo Town Prison, it is because of the help of the gods and demons and the Ice God Palace.

Fang Yi's real strength, even if it is great, must be limited.

But at this moment, when he really felt the four sword shadows, he realized that he was wrong, and the mistake was extremely outrageous. With such a terrifying sword shadow, he even doubted whether it was the hopeless Daoist opposite.

If he is still like this, the expressions of the other monks in Daleiyin Temple have changed dramatically.

"Nie Zhan, this old man really underestimated you, but I think you will definitely die today!"

The white-bearded monk said that the huge golden Buddha chanted, and the beads in his hands were shining brightly. One hundred and eight beads were like one hundred and eight bright stars.

He tossed it casually, and the Buddhist beads were directed towards Fang Yi.

Like a heaven and earth cage.

Fang Yi obviously also felt the power of this Buddhist bead, and retreated quickly. If it was in the past, he might still be interested in finding out how powerful this Buddhist bead is, but right now the enemy is in front of him, and it is not the time to play .

Therefore, his figure disappeared in place out of thin air, turned into a series of ripples, and disappeared into the world.

When it reappeared, it had already killed a group of monks.

"You bald donkeys, who do all kinds of evil, deserve death."

Fang Yi's face turned cold, and at the same time as he spoke, the force field instantly shrouded, and the four terrifying sword shadows were also cut away.

Bang bang! !

Immediately, the surrounding monks did not check, and they burst apart in an instant, like blossoming fireworks, extremely brilliant.

Blood mist enveloped the entire sky, filling the entire space with blood.

A shrill howl followed, heart-piercing.

what? ?

The white-bearded monk's pupils changed drastically, and the virtual and real monk's face was full of shock. How long has passed, and Fang Yi's strength is unexpectedly many times stronger than when he fought against him. The monks in his hands are like all Melons and vegetables are average.

Among the huge monks of Daleiyin Temple, except for the white-bearded monk and the virtual and real monk, none of them seemed to be the enemy of Fang Yi.


When he fought against the virtual and real monk, Fang Yi was only at the first level of the Dao, but now he has gathered the Dao of Strength, and his strength has skyrocketed many times.

These ordinary monks are not worth mentioning at all.

Fang Yi galloped into it, like a god of killing, unstoppable.

"Dog thief, how dare you!!" The virtual and real monk Lei Ting was furious, and he and the white-bearded monk came to kill together.

The terrifying Buddha's light hit Fang Yi's soul. If it were an ordinary person, his soul would have collapsed long ago, and he would turn into an idiot if he didn't die.

But Fang Yi is obviously not comparable to ordinary people. When he stepped on his feet, golden light shot out, and the ninth-grade lotus platform condensed instantly. The bright light made him seem to be a real god, and all magic was invulnerable.

Those Buddha lights were projected, and they were submerged in it instantly, without even arousing the slightest wave.

"It really is a golden lotus of merit!"

It was the first time that the white-bearded monk saw Fang Yi condense on the lotus platform, and there was a fiery light in his pupils.

The same is true for the virtual and real monk, with greedy eyes.

"Little thief, hand over the meritorious golden lotus to spare you, otherwise you will go to the sky and enter the earth, and the Daleiyin Temple will surely smash you into pieces." The white-bearded monk shouted angrily, and the huge golden Buddha behind him also shot towards Fang Yi. palm.

The golden Buddha's handprint reveals the power of the world, as if it can suppress all evil spirits.

But unfortunately, Fang Yi couldn't be suppressed.

Moan! !

I only heard the sound of dragon chant coming from Fang Yi's body, the dragon shadow was entangled, and the Nine Dragon Seal instantly soared, turning into a mountain of ten thousand feet, and violently collided with the Buddha's handprint.

Boom! !

The sky and the earth were torn apart, and the void sank.

A large area of ​​space fell off, and Fang Yi's huge figure flew upside down, and the golden Buddha trembled violently, as if he was about to slack off, but finally stabilized.

However, the white-bearded monk's face was full of horror and disbelief, and even turned slightly pale.

Looking at Fang Yi again, although he was blown away, he seemed to be fine, and there was even a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

"This is the fifth level of the Great Dao? So it's nothing more than that!"

The next moment, he let out a sneer, and the terrifying intent of destruction erupted, merged into the Immortal Trapping Sword, and slashed away.


(End of this chapter)

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