Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3376 Beheading

Chapter 3376 Beheading


The sword shadow seems to have turned into a true dragon of destruction, swallowing everything, and everything it passes will be annihilated.

Destruction is one of the extremely powerful rules of attacking. Among the three thousand avenues, they are all very special people. At this moment, they are integrated into the Immortal Trapping Sword, which is an infinitely magnified blow.

As tyrannical as a monk with a white beard, his expression could not help but change drastically.

At this moment, in his heart, the person opposite him is still a martial artist of the second level of the great way, which is not weaker than his fifth level of the great way, and even the fierce aura and domineering posture are even worse.

Not to mention the virtual and real monk, his face turned pale.

At the beginning, in his own realm of bliss, he thought it was a fluke that Fang Yi escaped, and his heart was full of unwillingness, but now, it has only been a long time, and Fang Yi's strength has already made him feel palpitations.

There was even a trace of fear in his heart.

If it wasn't for the white-bearded monk, he might have fled in fright.

On the other side, the battle between the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan and the Golden Armored God of War became more intense, and the entire void was completely sank into endless chaos.

Ao Xue and the four great dragons also fought with two silver armored soldiers.

Of course, the four great dragons are almost just watching, unable to intervene at all. The only function is that the four of them combine to form some kind of formation, which can slightly relieve Ao Xue's pressure.

However, those two silver-armored soldiers were extremely terrifying. Although their strength was not comparable to Wuwang Daozun and others, they were not much different.

No matter how strong Ao Xue was, it seemed extremely reluctant to fight two against one.

Even got hurt several times.

If it weren't for the powerful physical body of the Dragon Clan, I'm afraid...

"Little friend, since you are unwilling to go to the Dragon Clan, let Ao Xue and those four little guys follow you! How about it?" Seeing the critical situation, Fang Yi suddenly heard the voice of the Dragon Clan Great Elder in Fang Yi's mind.

Fang Yi was slightly taken aback, originally he wanted to refuse, but he didn't want to have a few more people by his side out of thin air.

It's just that the Dragon Clan has offended several major forces for their own sake.

If he refuses again, it will seem a little unreasonable.

"Little friend, you are being hunted down by various forces at the moment. It is better to have a few people around to help you than just one." The voice of the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan sounded again, sounding a little anxious.

Obviously, he couldn't hold it anymore.

The arrogance of the Golden Armored God of War is beyond imagination, and if it drags on...

"You know this, let alone let them follow me? This may not be a good thing for them." Fang Yi paused and asked.

I am in a critical situation, and all major forces are looking for his whereabouts. It is not a wise move to let Ao Xue and others follow me.

Especially Ao Xue, he is the number one genius of the Dragon Clan, just in case something goes wrong...

"You don't need to worry about this, it's their fate and their fate."

The Great Elder of the Dragon Clan replied.

"it is good!"

Now that we have talked about this, it would be a bit hypocritical to evade, Fang Yi immediately replied.

"Thank you, little friend!" The Great Elder of the Dragon Clan heard the words, and there was a hint of relief in his voice. After that, he saw his body change, and suddenly turned into a giant dragon.

Immediately afterwards, his huge dragon claws suddenly thrust out, and the void instantly burst, revealing a huge black hole.


The dragon uttered words, and the next moment, Fang Yi felt a vast force attacking him, rolling him towards the black hole.

Like him are Ao Xue and the Four Great Dragons.

"Big elder!"

Ao Xue seemed a little unwilling to leave.

"Idiot! With them alone, how can I win the old man, remember what the old man said, go!" The elder of the dragon clan obviously saw the reluctance in Ao Xue's eyes, and hurriedly scolded.

At the same time, the aura around him rose again, as mighty as a prison, even the golden-armored God of War couldn't help but a flash of astonishment flashed in his pupils.

"Bold! Ao Guang, you and the Dragon Clan will pay the price for everything you did today."

The Golden Armored God of War Lei Ting was furious and tried to stop the group from leaving, but unfortunately, the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan was already prepared, and his huge body stopped him first, so he could only watch helplessly as the group of people fell into the black hole middle.

"Little thief, save your life for me!!"

On the other side, the white-bearded monk and the virtual and real monk obviously refused to let Fang Yi go, and countless Buddha lights enveloped him.

"court death!"

Fang Yi's face turned cold, and he was about to leave. He had no reservations, and the terrifying power in his body erupted in an instant, turning into a terrifying sword shadow, and the intent of destruction erupted, directly cutting towards the virtual and real monk.

The white-bearded monk is the best, and it is impossible to kill him, but the virtual and real monk is different.

Today, Fang Yi no longer cares about the mere fourth level of avenues.

brush! !

The dazzling sword light streaked across the sky, like the first ray of light when the heavens and the earth first opened, wrapped in an incomparable aura, suddenly slashed at the virtual and real monk.

The terrifying aura locked onto the virtual and real monk almost instantly, causing his expression to change dramatically, his pupils gradually dilated, and it was too late to escape.

At the moment Fang Yi completely submerged into the black hole, the huge body of the virtual and real monk also shattered like fragments, torn apart.

Everything in the world seemed to be at peace, and the black hole disappeared.

"Ao Guang, you are courting death!"


The scenery in front of me changed, and when it reappeared, there was still an endless void, but the original battlefield had long since disappeared, and the surroundings were silent.

"Where is this?"

Ao Dong swept around, with a look of shock on his face.

"The Great Elder, he...he...couldn't be?" Ao Nan also asked hastily, with a look of worry on his face.

"Don't worry! It won't happen. The Great Elder is as powerful as the sky. Without us, he has no scruples and can leave at any time." Ao Dong thought for a while and replied.

Hearing this, the four of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Only Aoxue, still with a cold face, could not help but glance at Fang Yi with his cold eyes, and shouted: "Who are you? Why are people from Taixu Wonderland chasing and killing you? What have you done? "

Ao Xue stared straight at Fang Yi, his eyes seemed to kill someone.

Because in today's battle, the dragon clan offended several major forces at the same time, which is definitely not a good thing for the already declining dragon clan.

If it’s just the Tongtian Temple of Jiuchongtian, the Temple of Earth in the Underworld, and the Daleiyin Temple in Misu Mountain, it’s all right. After all, these forces do not belong to the Kunlun Canghai.

Even if they have this strength, the major forces in Kunlun and Canghai will not allow it.

Wanghai and Taixu Wonderland are different.

It's nothing more than looking at the sea. Their goal is mainly to view the sky. Fang Yi is just incidental. The great elder of the dragon clan will probably be able to resolve it.

But Taixu Wonderland obviously came prepared, and even the seventh level of the Great Dao was dispatched, which shows their determination.

However, Fang Yi was also ignorant of the reason.

However, Ao Xue's aggressive look made him quite unhappy, and he couldn't help asking: "Does this have anything to do with you?"


(End of this chapter)

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