Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3378 Illusory Realm

Chapter 3378 Illusory Realm

"Young Master, I found out, this is the border of Niehai."

On a certain planet, Ao Dong replied.

Seeing Fang Yi's puzzled look, he quickly explained: "Niehai belongs to the ruler of Niehai God, one of the seven gods, and Wanghai is separated by a very long distance."

Tie Lianxin, the great elder of the Dragon Clan, told the group to escape, so he naturally tried his best to keep them away from Wanghai as much as possible.

That's it!

Fang Yi nodded subconsciously.

"Then we will settle here?" Ao Dong asked with some uncertainty.

Fang Yi couldn't help but frowned. Although he didn't know what the seven gods were, they were obviously extraordinary.

It is estimated that everything about Wanghai will gradually spread in a short time, and those small forces are nothing more than that. It is impossible for a big force like Nie Hai not to know about it. Maybe staying here...

"You said this is the border of Niehai? Where is the front?"

After thinking about it, Fang Yi asked.

"Master Hui, it's the fantasy domain." Ao Dong replied.

Seeing that Fang Yi was a little puzzled, he quickly added, "The next step is the sea of ​​blood, which belongs to the territory of the god of the blood sea, and the illusion domain is a buffer area between the two major forces. The scope is not small, although it cannot be compared with the two major sea areas, but it is far from being comparable to ordinary areas, and there are various forces in it, and dragons and snakes are mixed."


Hearing this, Fang Yi's eyes lit up.

Isn't this the best place to hide?

He just arrived here, and he has nowhere to go, Pangu Clan?It's possible, but he doesn't think he is a Pangu clan, and he really wants to go to find out about Fuxi and Nuwa.

As for joining the Pangu Clan, he has no interest at all.

It is even more impossible for the Dragon Clan, not to mention that he is not a Dragon Clan at all, even if he is, the elder of the Dragon Clan is okay with him. If he goes to the Dragon Clan at this time, he will cause trouble for the other party.

On the contrary, this fantasy domain is the most suitable.

The buffer zone of the two major forces can be seen at a glance, it must be extremely chaotic, and the forces are numerous, so that it is conducive to concealment.

He really doesn't care about those forces, but it is impossible for Wu Chi and others to stay in the Water God Temple forever.

It is impossible to say that this fantasy domain can let them show their skills, and I can also take advantage of this time to plan my future path and find the power of rules needed for the third avenue.

Just do it!

After making up his mind, Fang Yi didn't bother to ask Ao Xue's opinion, and said directly: "Then let's go to the fantasy realm."

Ao Dong seemed a little hesitant, looked at Ao Xue, saw that the latter did not refute, nodded, and said: "Yes! It's just that this place is mixed, I wonder what Mr. Fang's plan is next?"

"Well! Let's find a place to settle down first!"

"If it's possible, I might as well create a world." Fang Yi's eyes were bright, and he said seriously.

When Ao Dong heard this, a light flashed in his eyes.

The same goes for the other people, all looking a little ready to move.

They have been living under the wings of the Dragon Clan. Although they have also ventured out, they have not really established their own power. If possible...

As dragons, they were already proud and arrogant, and they didn't pay attention to those ordinary forces at all.

For them, Fang Yi's plan is a good time to show off his skills, so...

However, Ao Xue obviously had a different opinion.

He snorted coldly and said, "Don't you want to use us as guns?"

"Don't want to? Then you can leave at any time?" Fang Yi didn't show any face, and said directly, in fact, if it wasn't for the sake of the Dragon Clan helping him out of trouble, he wouldn't bother to pay attention to the other party.


Ao Xue was speechless, blushing.

"Don't be so impatient, you forgot what your great elder asked you to do? If you want to understand the true dragon's meaning, it depends on my mood."

Fang Yi sneered.

The purpose of the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan is very clear, that is, to let a few people follow Fang Yi and understand a little bit of the meaning of a real dragon.

Although Fang Yi did not refuse.

However, the meaning of the real dragon is a child's play, he hasn't decided whether to help a few people understand it.

Of course, even with his help, several people may not be able to comprehend it. In fact, he didn't understand how Fang Yi himself comprehended it.

The meaning of destruction was poured into his body directly from the space of nine deads.

And the meaning of eternity is similar, because of the eternal sword.

However, he had been unable to control the Eternal Sword before, and it was only at this time in the Dragon Palace that he encountered a crisis, and the Eternal Sword spontaneously appeared strange.

After that, it slowly merged with it.

So, what was going on, he himself didn't figure it out.

And the reason why he allowed a few people to follow him was that he was trying to see if he could find any clues from the Dragon Clan.

If he finds out, maybe it can help him condense these two avenues.

Once you really get something and successfully condense these two avenues, it will be incredible.

Just kidding, the meaning of the three true dragons, destruction and eternity, are the highest-ranked avenues among the three thousand avenues. If they are really cohesive, they must be extraordinary.

No matter how unwilling Ao Xue was, he had no choice but to endure it at this moment, because he knew his purpose.

Not to mention the four great dragons.

They were already full of affection for Fang Yi, and they couldn't wait for the opportunity to show off their skills, so...

"Then shall we leave now?"

Ao Dong asked.

"Alright!" Fang Yi nodded, "However, before setting off, let's get a general idea of ​​the situation in the fantasy domain. How much do you know about it?"


The four great dragons choked when they heard the words.

They really don't know, it's not their fault, the sea is vast, no one knows how big it is.

As the Dragon Clan, it is probably good for them to know about the Canghai. Naturally, these forces outside the seven seas will not pay too much attention.

At most, that is, I have some understanding of the small forces around the Dragon Clan, so...

"That's all! Let's watch as we go!"

Fang Yi was not disappointed either.

Immediately, he strode towards the fantasy realm.


The reason why the fantasy domain is called the fantasy domain is because this huge area has been shrouded in thick fog for many years, like an illusion.

From a distance, Fang Yi noticed the strangeness, the vast expanse of whiteness made people feel like they were in the clouds.

Seeing this, the four great dragons all had bright eyes.

The so-called wind follows the tiger, and the cloud follows the dragon. In this bad environment, they are more powerful against the dragons, so...

Boom! !

However, just as the group of people stepped into the illusion, they heard a fierce fight coming from ahead.

Accompanied by the blood energy soaring into the sky, the thick fog is rendered extremely strange.

"This is?"

The faces of the four great dragons changed.

"Sure enough, it's a place of chaos. I just entered it, and unexpectedly..." Ao Dong's eyes flashed brightly, as if he couldn't wait.

Fang Yi was also slightly surprised, because the blood light gave him a feeling of deja vu.


(End of this chapter)

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