Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3379

Chapter 3379

"It's the soldiers of Nie Hai!"

A group of people approached quickly, and saw a pair of brightly armored soldiers in front of them besieging a blood-robed man.

Those soldiers were uniformly dressed, and they had just come from Nie Hai, and they recognized their identities at a glance.

As for the identity of the man in the blood robe, it is not very clear.

But Fang Yi couldn't help frowning. He just sensed that the man's aura was a little familiar before. Now that he witnessed it with his own eyes, he just confirmed that this aura is similar to that of the blood demons?

"Blood Demon Race!"

Subconsciously, he blurted out, and a hint of temptation flashed in his eyes.

Isn't the blood demon clan in the world where Kyushu is located?How come?

"Blood Demon Clan? What is that?" Unexpectedly, Ao Dong looked at Fang Yi with a puzzled expression, and then he seemed to understand something, and said, "Could it be that you mean the Blood Clan?"

"The blood race and the demon race are not the same. They are two completely different races. However, I have heard before that some people confuse them, but they are not."

Ao Dong said as if pointing.


Fang Yi couldn't help being a little surprised, and subconsciously looked at Ao Dong.

In his impression, the blood demon clan is one of the top ten demon clans, and the difference between them is really unclear.

Seeing Fang Yi's suspicious gaze, Ao Dong didn't dare to neglect, and quickly said: "Master Hui, the demon race, no matter what kind of demon race they are, their ancestors are primordial demons. The thicker the primordial blood in the body, the stronger the strength. This kind of demon race is called the beginning demon race, and this is one of the ten ancient god races."

"They live in the endless magic realm of Kunlun, one of the nine great fairylands of Kunlun, but they are usually called demon realms."

"The blood race is completely different. The ancestor of the blood race is not the primordial demon, but the ancestor of Styx."

"One of the ten ancient god races mentioned by Ao Mou before, the Ming clan, is the predecessor of the blood race, perhaps one of them, because the Ming clan split into two major races, one is the blood race, the other is the Asura race, and the blood race The power is huge and it reproduces extremely fast, but the power of ordinary blood races is not worth mentioning, only those real blood races are particularly powerful."

"As for the Asura clan, it is said that they live under the Nine Nether Worlds of the Underworld, but they have disappeared for countless thousands of years, and it is unknown whether they still exist or not. Therefore, the Hades clan among the ten ancient races basically refers to the blood race."

That's it!

Fang Yi really didn't know that there were so many sayings in it.

But, why in which space in Kyushu, the vampires and the demons will mix together and become the blood demons?

This is really intriguing.

Also, is there any peculiarity in the space where Kyushu is located?Why Shimo and Patriarch Styx, as well as the ancient Tianzong, must have something to do with Taoist Tongtian if nothing else happens.

There are also two major temples, and so on.

Why do the former peak powerhouses of the Three Realms appear there?Why is that?

Compared to the boundless nine mountains and eight seas, it was just an insignificant small place, but they all left their footprints there, is it a coincidence?Or is there something different about that space?

Fang Yi felt as if he had grasped something, but he seemed to have grasped nothing.

Boom! !

On the battlefield, the blood-robed man was forced to retreat steadily by a group of evil sea generals. There was a lot of danger, and he was about to be suppressed.

"My lord..." Seeing that Fang Yi was curious, Ao Dong asked tentatively.

Seeing Fang Yi nodding his head, his face was overjoyed, and his figure turned into a thunderbolt, heading directly towards the battlefield.

"Bold! Who are you, who dare to meddle in my Nie Hai's business and seek death."

The Niehai generals were furious.

But it's a pity that Ao Dong didn't bother to talk nonsense with them at all, and blasted a group of evil sea soldiers away with a snap of his fingers. Don't think he is worth mentioning in Fang Yi's eyes, but he is still at the Dao Realm anyway, so it is no problem to face these ordinary soldiers. .

But looking at his shot, there is obviously room for it.

It seems that he has a lot of fear of Nie Hai.

Fang Yi and his party also walked slowly. The team of soldiers originally wanted to tangle with Ao Dong, but seeing so many strong men at once, their faces turned pale with fright.

However, he shouted in his mouth: "You... who are you, how dare you..."


Ao Nan's eyes turned cold, and the terrifying breath directly sent several people flying far away.

As for the blood-robed man in the arena, he also looked at the group of people with a look of fear at the moment, his eyes flickered, but he said in his mouth: "Thank you for your help, Xue is very grateful."

He was so clever, he saw that Fang Yi was the leader of these people as soon as he changed, and his expression was extremely awed.

"Are you a blood race?"

Fang Yi didn't bother to talk nonsense, so he asked directly.

"Not bad!" Xue Hong's eyes were a little wary, but he still said, "I don't know how many friends..."

"I and the rest of you are just passing through here. I heard that this fantasy realm is a bit strange, so I stopped by to have a look. Do you know about this fantasy realm?" Fang Yi asked again.

Xue Hong was obviously a little surprised, the way, this is obviously a prevarication.

However, in view of the strength of Fang Yi and his party, he naturally did not dare to neglect, and quickly said: "Xue has been living in this area."

The implication is obvious.

"Oh? Aren't you a blood race? Why aren't you in the sea of ​​blood?" Fang Yi asked casually.

"Fellow daoist, Illusory Realm is close to Blood Sea, and there are not many blood clans living here." Xue Hong replied.

Fang Yi nodded subconsciously. It is not difficult to understand. How to say this area is also a buffer zone for the sea of ​​evil and the sea of ​​blood. It is not surprising that the two major forces have their own arrangements here.

The previous Niehai soldiers are an illustration.

However, this is not good news for Fang Yi. If the two major forces covet this area, it will undoubtedly have great resistance to his development today.

Of course, now is not the time to think about these things.

Fang Yi had to put it aside for the time being, and asked instead: "What happened before, why did you and those Nie Hai soldiers fight?"

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Fang Yi felt a little redundant. One was a sea of ​​evil and the other was a sea of ​​blood. The friction between the two major forces is inevitable, and there is no need for a reason to meet and act.

But Xue Hong obviously didn't dare to fool around casually, so he could only tell the story.

As expected, the two major factions often fight each other in Illusory Domain, and this time they fought for a small mine vein.

Although Xue Hong is a blood clan, he has been living in the fantasy realm. Strictly speaking, he does not belong to the blood sea. He is just a blood servant polluted by blood clan soldiers.

But this time, he was also ordered to spy on the military situation, but he was discovered.

The previous scene appeared.

blood servant?First embrace?

Fang Yi couldn't help being startled by these new terms, with a hint of doubt on his face.

"Young Master Hui, the reason why the blood race is multiplying so quickly is not only because of their strength, but also because their blood, once contaminated, will be infected and become a blood race."

"This process is the first embrace, and the master of that blood will also become their master."


(End of this chapter)

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