Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3381 9 Peaks Mountain

Chapter 3381 Nine Peaks Mountain


Fang Yi glanced at Ao Xue in surprise, "It's not difficult to deal with a five-level Dao and two four-level Dao, but what about after that? Jiufeng Mountain, Killing God Valley, and countless surrounding forces, you can solve it all at once? "

Seeing Fang Yi's weird expression, a bit of yin and yang, Ao Xue's mouth twitched, and said angrily: "This is your business. Could it be that you and this seat can help you solve it?"

"I really want to, but you are not enough!"

Fang Yi said without hesitation.

He was so angry that his face was flushed red, but it was the truth.

"Mr. Fang, then...then what should we do?" Seeing this, Ao Dong quickly smoothed things over and asked.

Fang Yi pondered for a while, "I'm afraid it won't work. These people don't even care about the sea of ​​evil and the sea of ​​blood. How can they care about us? The only way is probably to get into them."

The four great dragons couldn't help but look at each other, obviously a little puzzled.

Fang Yi didn't bother to explain, and asked again: "How is the situation of Jiufengshan forces, tell me."

"My lord, Jiufeng Mountain is just an ordinary sect. The most powerful suzerain is only at the second level of Dao. There are only three people in the sect who have reached the realm of Dao. Besides the suzerain, there are two elders, both of whom are at the first level of Dao."

"There are more than ten thousand disciples under the sect, and the strength is uneven."

Ao Dong patiently explained.

This kind of sect is considered extremely remarkable in other places, but it is completely worthless in this sea.

Seeing Ao Dong's contemptuous look, Fang Yi also felt a little speechless.

The sea of ​​Kunlun is really different from the other eight mountains and seven seas.

"The strong man guarding here is from the Illusory Realm Alliance? What about the forces?" Fang Yi asked again.

"That's right!" Ao Dong nodded, "The Illusory Realm Alliance is headed by the Wuyinmen, which is also the most powerful force in the Illusory Domain. Nie Hai and Xue Hai sent people to guard this mine vein at the same time, and claimed that they would not covet this mine vein, and the ownership of the mine vein was decided by the Illusory Realm Alliance."

"Oh! It's quite impartial."

Fang Yi chuckled, "What about the specific situation, Jiufeng Mountain and Killing God Valley must not be reconciled, right?"

"It's exactly as you said." Ao Dong replied, "This mountain range originally belonged to Jiufeng Mountain. According to the rules, it belonged to them. If there is any controversy, only the Killing God Valley has some disputes. Now the Illusory Realm Alliance has intervened. Even if Kirigakure will not get involved, other forces will not miss this opportunity, so..."

"That's inevitable."

There was a playful smile on the corner of Fang Yi's mouth, "Since Wuyinmen claims that they won't get involved, what are they trying to do?"

"It must be to establish prestige and to show fairness." Ao Dong thought for a while and replied.

"Not only that, but they will also be generous with the generosity of others and show favor to the major forces. In the end, most of the mine veins will be distributed to all the forces, and the rain and dew will be shared, and the Wuyinmen will gain fame and prestige."

Fang Yi seemed to see through everything, with an intriguing smile on the corner of his mouth.

The four great dragons nodded subconsciously.

This is very much in the interest of the big sect, they don't care about the small mine veins at all, what they care about is the prestige that everyone responds to, let alone the generosity of others.

"In this case, what they want to deal with is the Fog Hidden Gate?"

Ao Dong's expression changed.

He doesn't care about Jiufeng Mountain and Killing God Valley at all, but be able to become the overlord of this fantasy realm, the strength is obviously no small matter.

"More than that, we are just outsiders. If we want to intervene, we will face the entire Illusory Realm Alliance."

Fang Yi's words made Ao Dong's face turn pale even more.

The same goes for Ao Nan and others.

The four of them couldn't help looking at each other, they found out that as long as they followed Fang Yi, there would be absolutely no small troubles, all big troubles.

"Don't be nervous, since outsiders can't do it, it's fine to become one of them."

Fang Yi smiled, giving a few people a sense of unpredictability.

It also made several people look at each other in blank dismay.

But Fang Yi obviously didn't mean to explain, he just said: "Let's go! Since this mountain range belongs to Jiufeng Mountain, let's go to Jiufeng Mountain first."


Jiufeng Mountain is a huge continuous mountain range. Among them, the nine peaks are the largest, especially the one in the middle, which reaches straight into the sky.

At this moment, in the largest palace on that mountain peak.

The suzerain of Jiufeng Mountain had a gloomy expression on his face, as if sparks were about to burst out of his eyes.

"Bastard! It's just too deceitful."


He slapped his palm on the white jade case in front of him, and with a loud noise, the white jade case was directly turned into powder.

The disciple who came to the palace to report was so frightened that his body trembled violently and he almost fell down.

"You retreat first!" Inside the hall, there were two middle-aged men with profound auras, and it was the man with a gloomy face and a sly gleam in his eyes who spoke.

"Sect Master, the Wuyin Sect is clearly using our things to buy people's hearts. The Sect Master must not give in. Otherwise, not to mention losing the opportunity for the rise of Jiufeng Mountain, the disciples under the sect will also be disappointed. At that time..."

The hazy man is one of the two elders of Jiufeng Mountain, Ding Shou.

"Having said that, what can I, Jiufeng Mountain, use to fight Wuyinmen? Once Wuyinmen's plan comes out, it is tantamount to making enemies of all illusionary forces." Another elder, Wang Shoushan, also said, with a serious face , looking quite majestic.

"Even so, we must not retreat. This ore lode originally belonged to my Jiufeng Mountain. Once we accept them, who will think highly of our Jiufeng Mountain in the future?"

"Hmph! Then you're talking about it, how should you deal with it? It's useless to rely on your mouth alone."


The two elders are fighting each other, and it seems that no one wants to see the other.


The suzerain of Jiufeng Mountain yelled angrily, "Wuyinmen wants to carve up this mine, and this sect will never agree. Although you are right, Elder Wang, I, Jiufeng Mountain, do not have the ability to fight against them, but there are some forces that can fight against them. Big deal, this sect takes refuge in the sea of ​​blood..."

"The suzerain is careful." Wang Shoushan's face changed drastically when he heard this.

This matter can be big or small, once it gets out, the Illusory Realm Alliance will definitely solve Jiufeng Mountain as soon as possible.

The corner of Ding Shou's mouth curled into a smile of scheming, and he turned to look at Wang Shoushan and snorted coldly: "Is Elder Wang so afraid of Wuyinmen? I, Jiufengshan, have been bullied by them, and you still turn to Wang Shoushan?" They, could it be, you and them..."

Ding Shou deliberately half-spoken, yin and yang strange.

Wang Shoushan was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and shouted: "Ding Shou, what on earth do you want to do? It's rare that you really want Jiufeng Mountain to be destroyed?"

"Fart! A scholar can be killed but not humiliated. For the last bit of blood in Jiufeng Mountain, this elder is not like you. He is greedy for life and afraid of death."

The two elders quarreled again.

"Tsk tsk!!"

At this time, in the hall, clicks of tsk tsk came one by one, revealing contempt and irony, and at the same time, several figures also emerged.


(End of this chapter)

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