Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3382 Dove occupying the magpie's nest

Chapter 3382 Dove occupying the magpie's nest


The suzerain of Jiufeng Mountain shrank his pupils, revealing a vigilant and sharp light.

It was just a moment of anger when he said that he would take refuge in the sea of ​​blood. He was really worried that people from the Illusory Realm Alliance would listen to him.

The same is true for the two elders, as if facing a formidable enemy.

However, when they saw the group of people clearly, there was a hint of doubt on the faces of the three of them.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I can help you overcome difficulties and get that mineral lode." Fang Yi's eyes swept over the three of them, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and finally landed on on the body of the suzerain of Jiufeng Mountain.


The sect master of Jiufeng Mountain shouted angrily, "This sect doesn't need anyone's help, who are you? How did you get in, get out of here."

The suzerain's main hall, the most important place of Jiufeng Mountain, was broken into just like that, the anger of the suzerain of Jiufeng Mountain can be imagined.

Perhaps he was so dazzled by the anger that he didn't even think about it. This pedestrian approached quietly, but he didn't notice it. This already explained a lot of problems.

But he didn't realize this, and he was full of murderous intent.


Fang Yi took a big step, and the force field enveloped him in an instant.

Bang! !

Immediately, the suzerain on the Nine Peaks seemed to be struck by lightning, the huge coercion made his mind and eyes roar, and a mouthful of blood could not help but spurt away.


The faces of the two elders were pale, as if they had seen a ghost.

They are naturally clear about the strength of their suzerain, but now, the other party has only taken a step, and unexpectedly...

"You...what the hell are you? What are your intentions?"

At this moment, the one who was most shocked was undoubtedly the Sect Master of Jiufeng Mountain. His pupils were wide open, filled with inconceivable expressions, but this blow made him wake up. The person in front of him was definitely not something he could compete with.

The only way is to call for help.

Therefore, his eyes sank, and a jade slip appeared out of thin air in his hand.

"court death!"

All of this naturally cannot escape Fang Yi's eyes and ears, his eyes turned cold, and his eyes sparkled with brilliance.

brush! !

A bright sword light suddenly appeared, and it directly slashed at the suzerain of Jiufeng Mountain. The sword light passed by, and the majestic suzerain of Jiufeng mountain didn't even have time to react. His expression was frozen, and finally fell down with a bang.

The hall seemed to have fallen into a deathly silence.

The faces of the two elders were pale, their bodies were trembling slightly, and cold sweat was pouring down on their foreheads.

"Why bother! I just have good intentions, but I don't know good and bad." Fang Yi said lightly, walking to the top of the hall, looking at the corpse on the ground and shaking his head, looking quite regretful.

Afterwards, he sat on the throne of the suzerain of Jiufeng Mountain in a grand manner.

"You... what do you want to do??"

The two elders finally came back to their senses, Ding Shou looked terrified, watching Fang Yi stepping back unconsciously.

Wang Shoushan's face was ashen.

The four great dragons also looked puzzled, they didn't understand Fang Yi's purpose, didn't they mean to break into the inside?How can you fight if you directly kill the suzerain of the opponent?

Be suzerain yourself?

Although the disciples of Jiufeng Mountain did not dare to say anything due to the power, but if they want to obtain ore veins in this way, the Illusory Realm Alliance will obviously not agree. peak mountain.

"Isn't what I said before clear enough?"

Fang Yi slightly raised his eyes and glanced at the two elders. The two of them sensed this gaze, and their expressions tightened immediately, full of fear.

"As long as you are obedient and obedient, I will not treat you badly. You are still the elders of Jiufeng Mountain. Even I will take that mine vein. It will naturally benefit you."

Hearing this, the two elders couldn't help but looked at each other.

In the face of absolute strength, courage is simply a luxury. If you ask them if they want to avenge their suzerain, of course they do, but Fang Yi's domineering, in this world of the weak and the strong, they have to endure it.

What's more, Fang Yi's purpose has been made clear, to win that ore vein.

Perhaps, revenge does not need them at all.

"Yes!" The two were obedient, they didn't dare to resist at all, they just wanted to leave here as soon as possible, unfortunately, Fang Yi obviously wouldn't let them go so easily.

"Very good! Since you have agreed, then show some sincerity!"

Fang Yi smiled lightly, got up slowly, and walked towards the two of them.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Having seen Fang Yi's dominance before, seeing Fang Yi approaching now, the two elders turned pale with fright and panicked.

"What are you doing? Didn't you agree? Is it just a word from you if I want you to trust me?" Fang Yi grinned, giving off an evil feeling.

The huge coercion also engulfed the two of them, and the two of them seemed to be imprisoned, completely motionless.

"Two ways, the first one, let go of your heart, I will plant a mark on your soul, as long as you cooperate obediently, this mark will not hurt you at all, otherwise..."

"The second rule, die!"

In the face of absolute strength, the two elders have little power to resist, unless they would rather die.

But life is precious, and one who has cultivated to this level is even more reluctant to cultivate himself.

"I've seen your son!"

After a while, the two elders had to accept the facts in front of them.

"Very good!" Fang Yi nodded in satisfaction, "I always do what I say, and cooperate with me to control Jiufeng Mountain and win that mine vein. Naturally, I will not treat you badly."

"Yes!" The two elders responded quickly.

That's it, what else can I say.

"I'm asking you, what's going on in Huanyu Hurry? Has the discussion come out yet?" Fang Yi asked.

"Master Hui, it has already come out. The Illusion Realm Alliance said that both Niehai and Xuehai tried to get involved in this mine vein this time. It was the Illusory Domain Alliance that resisted these two forces. The Illusory Domain Alliance jointly mines and then distributes it to the major forces."

Ding Shou quickly replied with an earnest expression on his face, he really changed very quickly.

In contrast, Wang Shoushan was obviously not used to it.

"My lord is really good at predicting things, this Wuyinmen has no good intentions." Ao Dong echoed at this time, and his gaze towards Fang Yi became more and more admiring.

As a newcomer, I didn't figure out anything, I just got a rough idea, so I deduced the direction of the situation.

There was also a hint of surprise in Ao Xue's eyes.

The two elders also looked at each other. In their hearts, they had originally hoped that the Wuyin Gate would help them get out of trouble, but now it seems that this pedestrian has already expected everything.

Knowing this, but daring to get involved, what this means is self-evident.

This made the two a little frustrated, but also curious.

"The two of you went to tell the Wuyinmen, saying that the sect does not agree." At this moment, Fang Yi's voice rang in the ears of the two.


(End of this chapter)

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