Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3383 Fog hidden door

Chapter 3383 Fog hidden door

Both Wang Shoushan and Ding Shou thought they heard it wrong, they looked at each other, and then at Fang Yi.

How dare they directly reject the Wuyinmen?

"Sir, this..."

The two asked tentatively.

"Why? Is it not clear enough what I said?" Fang Yi's pupils shrank slightly, and a kind of aura of a superior diffused, not angry and arrogant.

The faces of the two elders changed, "No! I just refused, and the Wuyinmen may..."

"Afraid of what?"

The corner of Fang Yi's mouth curled up a bit coldly, "If they don't agree, they have to agree. That ore vein is originally within the boundary of Jiufeng Mountain, and it's not up to others to get their hands on it."

"Go! Let's just say that it was Benzong who said it. If there is anything, let them go directly to Benzong."

Seeing Fang Yi being so domineering and resolute, the two elders couldn't help but turn pale. The Wuyinmen is not easy to mess with. If he refuses like this, the other party will be unhappy, and they may not be able to directly suppress the two of them.

But at this moment, the two are controlled by Fang Yi, and there is no room for resistance at all, as one can imagine in their hearts.


The two were weeping, but in the end they had to take their orders and leave.

"My lord, what's the difference between acting like this and directly suppressing it?" At this moment, Ao Dong finally couldn't help asking.

From the very beginning, he suggested direct suppression, but in view of the existence of the Illusory Realm Alliance, he had no choice but to give up.

But now, isn't Fang Yi's actions direct suppression?Conquer Jiufeng Mountain with absolute force, but the Illusory Domain Alliance obviously won't let the group succeed.

What's more, Fang Yi ordered people to refuse so straightforwardly, which is tantamount to not giving Wuyinmen any face.

The results speak for themselves.

"Of course there is a difference!" Fang Yi smiled, "You will know when the time comes, but this alone is not enough. Tell me, will the guardians of the Wuyinmen guard themselves and steal?"

A cunning flashed in Fang Yi's eyes, and he asked pointedly.

Hearing this, several people seemed to be lost in thought, and said: "It's possible, but if it's just a small mine vein, coupled with Wuyinmen's ambition, it may not be possible."


Fang Yi smiled, "In that case, let's help them."

The four great dragons were suddenly puzzled, and looked at Fang Yi suspiciously.

"You'll know when you go!" Fang Yi obviously didn't intend to explain, so he rolled up the body of the suzerain of Jiufeng Mountain and strode away.


"What should we do now? This person is simply asking us to die, rejecting the Wuyinmen? Isn't this asking for death?"

Leaving Jiufeng Mountain, Ding Shou and Wang Shoushan's expressions were extremely ugly.

The status of the Wuyin Gate in the Illusory Realm is far from what Fang Yi can understand when he first arrives.

The two have been living in the fantasy realm, and only they themselves know the power of the Wuyin Gate the most. It is definitely the overlord of the fantasy realm. The reason why the sea of ​​evil and the sea of ​​blood cannot occupy this area is because of the existence of the Wuyin gate.

Of course, the two major forces also need a buffer zone.

However, Wuyinmen can establish a dominant foothold in this buffer area and become the overlord here. Its power can be imagined, but now, Fang Yi actually wants to fight against Wuyinmen, which is simply...

"How about we just run away?"

Ding Shou asked tentatively.

But he himself knew that this was just nonsense, the souls of the two were branded, and Fang Yi's life and death depended on Fang Yi's thought.

"The two countries have not yet come to war. Didn't you have been so passionate before that you advised the suzerain to take refuge in the sea of ​​blood? Why are you so cowardly?" Wang Shoushan didn't take a good look at Ding Shou.

The two of them didn't deal with each other much at first, but they were in the same boat at the moment.


Ding Shou was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

The two had no choice but to go in the direction of the fantasy alliance.

However, the two of them didn't know that not far behind them, Fang Yi knew their thoughts clearly, planted a soul imprint, everything was in Fang Yi's induction, how could they hide their words and deeds? Got him.

"where are we going?"

Seeing Fang Yi stop, Ao Dong couldn't help asking.

"Naturally, it's a mineral vein." Fang Yi replied, and turned to look at Ao Xue.

Sensing Fang Yi's gaze, Ao Xue said with a hint of arrogance on his face, "You want me to make a move? Yes, that's the same sentence, let him understand the true dragon's meaning."


Fang Yi couldn't help chuckling, and said lightly: "The deal is done, but whether you can understand it or not is none of my business."

One Dao fifth level, two Dao fourth level, really need Ao Xue's shot, otherwise, he would not be able to deal with it alone.

As for the meaning of the real dragon, it is to return the favor of the great elder of the dragon clan.

Moreover, he also wanted to know whether Ao Xue could comprehend it, and whether he could gain any benefits from it.


The ore lode is located at the junction of Jiufeng Mountain and Killing God Valley. There are continuous peaks, towering ancient trees, and an endless barren atmosphere.

Soon, the group found their destination.

"very good!"

Fang Yi sensed his surroundings. Within this endless range, there were no other strong people. There were some ordinary disciples who were suspected of killing God Valley. The unique fog in the fantasy domain and the limited penetration of spiritual thoughts could not expand too far. The enthusiasm is in full swing, and I believe it will not spread to the outside world.

However, for the sake of safety, runes still gushed out from Fang Yi's body.

Turned into a rope-toed sword shadow, hidden in nothingness.

Feeling those sword shadows, Ao Xue's eyes flashed with surprise, and he took a deep look at Fang Yi.

"It's superfluous. There is only one Dao Wuzhong and two Dao Sizhong. This seat will help you solve it, and ensure that they can't escape. What you need to worry about is the next revenge from the Wuyinmen."

Ao Xue's demeanor is domineering, he is only at the fourth level of the avenue, but he doesn't pay attention to this group of people at all.

Of course, he has such capital, how can it be child's play to be the first genius of the Dragon Clan.

Being able to meet the Silver Moon Demon King head-on is enough to explain everything.

As he spoke, he seemed impatient.

"Not urgent!"

Fang Yi said with a smile, "I didn't mean to kill them, but to catch them. Of course, if it really doesn't work, you can kill them."

The difficulty of killing and capturing is obviously different.

Ao Xue's complexion changed, and he plummeted away.


In the endless mountain range, there was a shout of anger, and the surrounding fog evaporated, like a sea of ​​clouds.


Ao Xue didn't bother to talk nonsense at all, and escaped into the sea of ​​clouds, a faint sound of dragon chant came from his body, and the terrifying aura also enveloped the entire mountain range.

Gee! !

Fang Yi couldn't help smacking his mouth, and didn't relax his hands. Countless sword shadows instantly enveloped the mountain range, surrounding the entire mountain range like an iron barrel, and no one could escape.

Just kidding, the four major sword formations were originally extremely domineering.

In addition, the suspected Zhuxian Sword Formation that he comprehended in the map of Wanmo Town Prison allowed him to further understand the battle method and the four major sword formations. At this moment, this sword formation is like a world, without great supernatural powers, it is definitely impossible to break through .

At least the people below are far from enough.


Feeling the breath of Ao Xue, a thunderous voice came from below.

"The Wuyin Gate is here, who dares to make a mistake."


(End of this chapter)

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