Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3385 Illusory Realm

Chapter 3385 Illusory Realm

"Presumptuous, your suzerain doesn't agree? Who does he think he is?"

In the Illusory Realm Alliance, an old man with knife-like eyes was furious when he heard the words of Ding Shou and Wang Shoushan.

As the Great Elder of the Wuyin Gate, the deacon of the Illusory Realm Alliance, and the person in charge of this complex mine matter, a small Jiufeng Mountain dared to disobey his wishes, which undoubtedly made him feel that his majesty was being challenged.

A huge coercion also enveloped it.

Ding Shou and Wang Shoushan felt the majesty, and their faces turned pale with fright.

He hurriedly said: "Master Li, please calm down, the two of us are only ordered to spread the word, and everything is the suzerain's intention. The suzerain said that the mine vein originally belonged to Jiufeng Mountain, and it should belong to Jiufeng Mountain."


The old man's face became more and more gloomy, "What a Jiufeng Mountain belongs to, I think you are too long-lived, do you really think that the Illusory Realm Alliance is so provocative? Or do you think that what I said at the Wuyinmen will not work?"

Seeing that the old man's words were full of killing intent, Ding Shou and Wang Shoushan didn't dare to say anything anymore.

"Heh! Sect Master Jiufeng really has the guts to do it all by himself?"

In the main hall, apart from Li Chengqing, the great elder of the Wuyin Gate, there are several other powerful men with profound auras.

The elders sitting in the Illusory Alliance are not only Wuyinmen, but also other major forces. The one who is speaking at this moment is the elder Shui Mo of the Water Sky Sect.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, showing a hint of sarcasm.

In addition, there was a hint of amusement, as if waiting to see someone's joke.

Water Sky Sect is the second largest force in the Illusory Realm after Wuyinmen. Although the two forces sit together because of Nie Hai and Xue Hai, they have never stopped fighting openly and secretly.

This time the matter of the mine vein was started by Wuyinmen, and Shuitianzong was somewhat upset because all the good people were killed by Wuyinmen.

But no matter what, they won't mind if they can get a share of the pie.

But now, Jiufengshan dared not to sell Wuyinmen's face unexpectedly, which undoubtedly made them feel like a joke.

Of course, the mouth still maintains the superficial harmony.

But there was not much reproach in the words.

"Master Shui is serious. The suzerain didn't mean that, but the suzerain's words are not wrong. The location of the ore vein belongs to Jiufeng Mountain. It is reasonable and reasonable. I, Jiufeng Mountain, should get the initiative and more mine veins."

Wang Shoushan replied cautiously.

In fact, he wasn't sure what Fang Yi's plan was to monopolize the entire vein?This may seem exaggerated.

The Illusory Realm Alliance has already intervened, and it would be impossible for them to return empty-handed.

He guessed that Fang Yi probably wanted to win more benefits, so he said so.


Li Chengqing scolded angrily, "A mere Jiufeng Mountain dares to bargain with me at Wuyinmen. If it weren't for the alliance, the ore veins would have been taken by Niehai and Xuehai long ago, and it's your turn?"

Li Chengqing sneered again and again, his attitude extremely arrogant.

Wang Shoushan is also stubborn, and he was extremely dissatisfied with the distribution of the Illusory Realm Alliance from the very beginning.

Seeing that the opponent is so strong at this moment, he couldn't help muttering: "If the alliance hadn't intervened, Nie Hai and Xue Hai wouldn't have noticed this place at all."

"Bold, what did you say!"

Li Chengqing is a strong man at the top of the fifth level of the Dao. At this moment, he was questioned by the first level of the Dao. One can imagine the anger in his heart. It burst instantly, and a bright red overflowed from the mouth.

"Master Li calm down!"

Ding Shou was so frightened that his face turned livid, and he repeatedly begged for mercy. Although he and Wang Shoushan were at odds, at this moment, they were in the same boat.

If something happened to Wang Shoushan, he would definitely not be able to run away.

But unfortunately, his words were obviously useless, Li Chengqing didn't take him seriously at all.

Fortunately, ink and wash took a step forward at this time.


The footsteps were heavy, and the original terrifying coercion was instantly dissipated. With a faint smile on his face, he said: "Brother Li, you don't have to be so angry. It's biased, but it's not unreasonable, there is only a small mine vein under Jiufeng Mountain, and it won't cause Niehai and Xuehai to go to war."

"Shui Mo, what do you mean?"

Seeing that Shui Mo actually spoke for the two of them, Li Chengqing's face suddenly turned cold, and there was a sharp gleam in his eyes.

The two forces are fighting openly and covertly, and Shui Mo's move clearly intends him to fight against it.

"Oh! Brother Li is too excited, Shui doesn't mean anything, but a sympathy suddenly arises in his heart. In addition, he has some doubts about the responsibilities of the alliance. The alliance was established at the beginning to allow everyone to survive better and jointly resist The invasion of Niehai and Xuehai, but the Jiufengshan mine vein is far from the responsibility of the alliance, will there be any suspicion of bullying?"

"Of course, Shui wasn't targeting Brother Li, let alone Wuyinmen, but he just had some doubts about it."

This is not aimed at the surface, but as long as it is an individual, it can be heard.

It is clearly accusing Wuyinmen of acting recklessly with the help of the alliance.

The purpose of the establishment of the alliance is very simple, which is to jointly defend against foreign enemies, while internal affairs are not within the jurisdiction of the alliance at all. Wuyinmen's move is indeed suspected of exceeding its authority.

Of course, there are actually quite a few similar things, and it is not unheard of in the Water Sky Sect.

But this time Jiufengshan's tough attitude gave Shui Mo a chance to shake Wuyinmen's influence in the alliance.

Even if nothing can be changed in the end, at least a seed can be planted in the hearts of the major forces.

Just like the strong men present at the moment, there is a faint strangeness in their eyes.

Because no one is sure if something similar will happen to them.

Hearing this, Li Chengqing's face also turned livid, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Just as he was about to say something, his expression suddenly changed.

"Not good! The veins have changed."

what? ?

Hearing this, the faces of everyone in the hall changed.

But Li Chengqing ignored them, stepped on his feet, and quickly walked towards the direction of the mine vein.

Everyone looked at each other, and even though they were full of doubts, they all chased after him.

Ding Shou and Wang Shoushan were obviously in a daze, but after pondering for a while, they also hurriedly chased after him.


"Bastard! Who is it? How dare you become an enemy of my Wuyinmen, come out and die!!"

The huge mountain range was far away in the sky, and Li Chengqing's resounding voice came like a thunder, like a thunderbolt, shaking the void and shaking it to the point of collapse.

The next moment, his Yuan-like figure stood on the top of the mountain, like a peerless emperor.

The terrifying coercion also enveloped the entire mountain range almost instantly.

And behind him, one after another figure followed, completely sealing off the surrounding world, like a piece of iron.


(End of this chapter)

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