Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3386 Provocation

Chapter 3386 Provocation

"It's coming so fast!"

On the ground, Fang Yi's eyes froze slightly, and the four great dragons looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

As for Ao Xue, he didn't respond naturally, and looked up at the void, with a hint of disdain faintly curled up at the corner of his mouth.

"This is the Great Elder of the Wuyin Gate. Now we are finished. Once he learns that you have killed the elder of the Wuyin Gate, they will definitely not let you go."

Fang Yi's body is the same. The previous two Dao Sizhong are also fearful and strange at the moment, and their eyes are full of fear when they look at Fang Yi.

Moreover, unexpectedly, the two were not restrained, but they did not use each other's skills.

"Wrong! It's us."

Fang Yi glanced at the two playfully, with a wicked smile on his lips, and continued: "Don't forget, you also have a share in killing him."


When the two of them heard this, their faces immediately turned extremely pale.

Yes!The Dao Fifth Layer had already been killed by Ao Xue, and their participation, of course, whether they were forced and completely out of control, this is not important at all, the result is the most important.

"Okay! Don't be afraid, isn't he just a peak of the fifth level of the Dao?"

"Furthermore, the Wuyin Sect is bullying the weak and is superior to all the forces in the Illusory Realm. For this matter, the sect behind you will definitely not blame it, and maybe they are all happy to see it."

The strong men responsible for guarding here are naturally not only Wuyinmen, but also other major forces.

Of these two people, one is from Water Sky Sect and the other is from Liuhe Sect.

It's just headed by Wuyinmen.

"Remember what I said, everything depends on me." Fang Yi finally said.

When the two heard this, they looked at each other, and they both saw a little worry in each other's eyes. After all, it was the Wuyinmen.


"Get out of here yet!"

Above the void, Li Chengqing was furious, and the other powerful men also looked at each other, their eyes full of doubts.

However, at this moment, two powerful auras shot up from the ground.

"I've seen Elder Li, Elder Shui, and you all."

The people who came here were the two Dao Sizhong who were in charge of guarding this place, Shui Yise from the Water Sky Sect, and Liu Tianxiang from the Liuhe Sect. At this moment, the two of them faced everyone, neither humble nor overbearing, which was very different from facing Fang Yi before.

"Is it you?"

Li Chengqing was a little surprised, and then asked: "My Elder Wang from Wuyinmen, where is he?"

All the strong men are also looking at each other at this moment, completely unaware of what happened, they just followed Li Chengqing and did not receive anything strange.

The one who could be notified by that jade slip was naturally Li Chengqing.

"Is Elder Li questioning the two of us?"

Shui Yise settled down, and then said: "Shouldn't we ask Elder Li about this sentence? The guards at the Wuyin Gate stole it and almost hollowed out the entire ore vein. When the two of us found out, Elder Wang and Wuyin The sect disciple made a sudden attack again, failed to sneak attack, and finally fled, how should this matter be explained?"

Shui Yishida had an aggressive look.

In comparison, Liu Tianxiang was much worse. The Liuhe Sect was not as strong as the Shuitian Sect, which made him less confident.

But the matter has come to this point, and there is no turning back for the two of them, because under Fang Yi's control, the two of them participated in the siege of the elders of the Wuyinmen and left behind images, so...

"Presumptuous, what are you talking about?"

Li Chengqing was furious.

The faces of the other strong men also changed. Although they didn't understand what happened, the ore vein was almost hollowed out, which they heard clearly.

"What's going on? Tell me clearly!"

Shui Mo's pupils shrank slightly, and asked quickly.


Shui Yise is more confident, and with the backing of ink and wash, even Li Chengqing is not afraid at all, and quickly said: "Elder Huishui and fellow Taoists, the few of us were ordered to guard the mine here. During the period, Elder Wang 'kindly' let us rest , said that it is enough to have him guarding here, no one dares to make plans here, and the two of us also feel that with Elder Wang guarding, we will be completely safe, so we didn't refuse, but we didn't go away, just practice here."

"I don't want to, when we noticed the strangeness, we found that Elder Wang had secretly dug up this mine. After the matter was revealed, he even attacked us. Fortunately, the two of us are not weak. followed, but was still run away by him.”

The two looked filled with righteous indignation.

Li Chengqing was so angry that smoke came out of his seven orifices, and he rebuked angrily: "Nonsense, what kind of power is Elder Wang? How could he covet this small vein of mine? It's just nonsense."

These words have aroused the approval of some people. This mine vein is just an ordinary fairy mine vein. The fairy stone unearthed has no effect on the fifth-layer powerhouse of the road, so...

"That's not necessarily the case. Elder Wang may not like this mine vein, but what about the others?"

Ink and ink interjected.

"Shui Mo, what do you mean by Shui Tianzong?" Li Chengqing was obviously extremely angry, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit, as if he couldn't help but want to make a move.

"Heh!" Shui Mo also sneered, and said, "Li Chengqing, you may not be in a hurry, right? The matter was originally suspicious, but you are so excited that I have no choice but to believe it."

Ink and wash didn't budge either.

Regardless of this matter, in front of so many people, Water Sky Sect will never bow down like Wuyinmen.

This is a gesture, the gesture of Water Sky Sect.

"Elder Li, Elder Shui, don't get angry." Seeing that the two sides were at war, a peacemaker came out, "I haven't figured out what happened, so don't hurt your peace, and I believe that everyone will understand this matter." Everything is full of doubts, why not listen to what Fellow Daoist Shui and Fellow Daoist Liu have to say?"

As the man said, he also looked at Shui Yise and Liu Tianxiang, and continued: "I believe that since the two fellow Taoists are convincing, there should be some basis for it?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes could not help but turn to the two of them.

Li Chengqing was no exception. Even though he didn't believe such nonsense, he couldn't help saying at this moment: "That's good! You two are talking about it, what evidence is there, and where is Elder Wang?"

"Fellow daoists, there is certainly evidence. Although Elder Wang is very powerful, we are not vegetarians. Although we can't keep him, it is more than enough to keep a few Wuyinmen disciples."

"Bring it up!!"

Following Shui Yise's order, several Wuyinmen disciples were brought up.

This time, in addition to the three strong men, there are also some ordinary disciples who are in charge of guarding, and Wuyinmen is no exception.

"It's them. Even if Elder Wang guards and steals himself, it is naturally impossible to do the mining by himself, but leave it to these people."

Shui Yise pointed at the four people who were brought up, all of them were dressed as Wuyinmen disciples without exception.

"That's right! These few are indeed disciples of the Wuyin Sect. I paid attention to it at the beginning." Someone echoed.

Li Chengqing's face was livid, he naturally recognized these people, they were indeed from the Wuyinmen, but...

"Speak! What the hell is going on?"

Li Chengqing's pupils shrank, and his sharp eyes swept towards the four of them.


(End of this chapter)

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