Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3391

Chapter 3391

"My lord, our people have searched all over the place, but we still haven't found anything. Could it be..."

Above the ore lode under the jurisdiction of Jiufeng Mountain, several majestic figures were overlooking the huge mountain range. The leader had a gloomy face, and his cold eyes swept across the huge mountain range, as if he wanted to penetrate everything here.

His bright eyes exude a faint blue light, which is breathtaking.

There was a faint smell of blood surging around him.

Beside him, there were several other men, one of whom was reporting respectfully.

"What do you want to say? Is my sense wrong?"

The blue-eyed man's face turned cold, and the person who spoke suddenly changed his face in fright, and hurriedly said: "My lord, calm down, I dare not, I just feel a little strange, could it be related to that elder Wang from the Wuyinmen?" , there are rumors that he is also a member of our blood clan."

The man probed carefully.

Hearing this, the blue-eyed man's eyes flashed with suspicion, but he quickly shook his head.

"What this seat senses is not the breath of other blood races, but..."

The blue-eyed man stopped talking, "Forget it! It's useless to tell you, what's going on with Jiufeng Mountain? Illusory Realm Alliance just gave up like that? And you just said..."

The green-eyed man seemed to know a lot about the things here.

When the people below saw the question, they quickly told the whole story in detail.

Finally said: "That's the way it is. The adults asked the little ones to investigate everything around here. The subordinates dare not neglect, and they didn't alarm anyone. It's just that they haven't found anything for the time being."


The blue-eyed man nodded slightly, but did not blame him.

Instead, there was an intriguing look on his face.

"It's interesting that a mine vein dispute ended like this. What's even more interesting is that there are countless blood energy fluctuations in this mine vein."


"My lord?" Hearing the words, the people below all showed puzzled expressions on their faces.

None of them are weak, and everyone around them is in their senses, but at this moment, Qingmou actually said that there are countless blood energy fluctuations hidden in the mineral veins, what does this mean?It means that there are a large number of warriors in the vein.

What are they doing deep into the vein?The answer is obvious.

But, doesn't it mean that this vein has almost been mined?And in their induction, it is indeed the case, how could it be...

"Good trick!"

The blue-eyed man obviously didn't mean to explain, but there was a playful look on his face.

"My lord, do you want us...?" Although the man before was still full of doubts, he didn't have any doubts about the blue-eyed man's words. He asked tentatively, and at the same time made a gesture of wiping his neck.

The meaning is obvious.

However, the green-eyed man didn't seem to have any interest, and said: "A small mine, let them go! How can we participate in the infighting of the Illusory Realm Alliance?"

"But! The news must be passed on to them, otherwise, there will be no good show."

The blue-eyed man's face was full of teasing.

If Fang Yi were here, he would be extremely surprised. Within his formation, the man with green eyes could actually sense the blood inside, which is evident from this.

"Your Excellency said so!"

There was a trace of trance on the face of the person below, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay! Let's do it! Continue to explore the surrounding area, I can sense that the thing is nearby, maybe it's covered by something."

The blue-eyed man raised his eyes and looked around, apparently he didn't care about the mineral vein at all.

What he cares about is other things. The matter of the mine lode just happened at the right time, and this matter can cause disagreements within the Illusory Realm Alliance, which he is naturally happy to see.

"As ordered!"

The people below took orders, and then quickly dispersed towards the surroundings.

In the same place, only the blue-eyed man and his brighter eyes remained, "Killing God Valley, Killing God Valley, could it be related to this?"

He murmured.


"Great Elder, there must be something weird about that mine vein, otherwise, Jiufeng Mountain would not have sent so many strong men to guard it, and what's more, they are all familiar faces, which the subordinates and others have never seen before."

At the other end of the mine vein, near the direction of Killing God Valley, an old man with a strong aura was listening to the report of his subordinates.

Killing God Valley and Jiufeng Mountain both belong to the two major forces in this area. There are many conflicts. They know each other better than themselves.

And this mine vein is what they must seize, as one can imagine.

"Could it still be a person from the Wuyinmen?"

Someone asked suspiciously.

The rumors about Wuyinmen elder Wang's guarding and stealing have long been spread, but now, there are mysterious strongmen appearing around here, not from Jiufeng Mountain, maybe...

"Could it be that Jiufeng Mountain climbed up the Wuyin Gate?" someone doubted.

"Impossible! I heard that the two elders of Jiufeng Mountain personally went to the Illusory Realm Alliance to deny the proposal of the Wuyin Gate. If they really climbed up the Wuyin Gate, how could it be so?"

"That may not be the case, it is precisely because of this that it is more suspicious. Otherwise, how could Jiufeng Mountain have the courage to reject Wuyinmen's proposal? Maybe it is their double reed singing."

"What's the purpose?"


The crowd was chattering, and it was obvious that there was no reason to discuss it for a while.

If it's just Jiufeng Mountain, they are naturally not afraid, but if you add those mysterious strong men, it's hard to say. The most important thing is that so far, they haven't figured out the origin of those mysterious strong men. This is the most important point. Yes, if it is really a person from the Wuyinmen, it is absolutely unbearable for them, so...

"Whatever! There is definitely a problem with that mine vein, otherwise, it would be impossible to have so many strong people guarding it. Right now is a good opportunity. The alliance has no time to take care of it, and only us and Jiufeng Mountain are left."

"Yes! It's a big deal to fight them."

Everyone seemed to be a little nervous.

Although it is only a small mine vein, those big forces look down on it, but the relatively weak forces like Jiufeng Mountain and Killing God Valley are crazy about it.

Especially since the alliance has no time to take care of this, it is their good opportunity.

Otherwise, when the alliance notices that the veins are abnormal, then...

"it is good!"

You Guanghui, the Great Elder of Killing God Valley who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but sternly shouted at this moment.

Compared with a small force, a mine vein is an opportunity to rise together. It is impossible for them to miss this opportunity. In fact, Killing God Valley has tried to break into the mine vein several times, but they were all blocked.

But because of this, they probably have a certain understanding of the strength of the four great dragons.

You Guanghui is confident that even if he can't win a few people, he can definitely make the other party mess up, so as to find out what's going on in the mine vein and get a share of the pie.

"Mine veins must not be exclusive to Jiufeng Mountain, follow me to enter."


(End of this chapter)

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