Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3392 Attack and Kill

Chapter 3392 Attack and Kill

"It's not good, my lords, kill Shengu and the others..."

At the same time, in the mine vein, the three great dragons have received the news.

"Huh! These lifeless things dare to come again. If it weren't for the order of the young master, I would have wiped them all out."

Ao Nan snorted coldly, seemingly disdainful.

Don't blame him either.

During this period of time, the Killing God Valley often invaded. Although it was not a large-scale invasion, the intervals between three and five really made a few people very uncomfortable. However, in view of Fang Yi's order, it is not appropriate to expose the strong people of Jiufeng Mountain too much for the time being, so The few people basically ignored it and let this kind of small fight.

But I never thought that this would actually make Killing God Valley worse, as if seeing some kind of hope, unexpectedly...

"Oh! A bunch of scumbags, damn it, let me meet them this time."

"It's okay, don't play too much, and ignore the son's order."

The three great dragons were chatting and laughing, but they didn't pay attention to the God of Killing Valley at all.

During this period of entanglement, they have understood each other enough. Compared with forces such as Tongtian Temple and Earth Temple, Killing God Valley is completely drizzle.

Several people are from the Dragon Clan, so naturally they don't look directly at them.

kill! ! !

While speaking, outside, the sound of killing shouts soaring to the sky has already been heard.

"It's pretty fast, I hope you can have fun this time." The corner of Ao Nan's mouth curled up with contempt, but Ao Xi and Ao Bei couldn't help but rushed out.

"Presumptuous! A mere Killing God Valley, dare to act wildly on my territory of Jiufeng Mountain?"

Ao Xue and Ao Bei soared into the sky, overlooking the crowd of Killing God Valley who were coming to kill them, with strong contempt and playfulness in their eyes.

"Hugh is so shameless!"

When You Guanghui heard this, his expression turned cold.

Jiufeng Mountain and Killing God Valley have always been brothers, let alone talk about each other.

But now that Aoxi and Aobei don't pay attention to Killing God Valley at all, how can he not be angry, and coupled with the aggrieved period of time, the inner anger erupts like a volcano, and the aura around him is also very strong.


There was a shout of anger, and the next moment, he turned into a thunderbolt and directly attacked the two of them.

Boom! !

Immediately, a big battle ensued.

The terror was raging, causing the whole world to fall into chaos.

However, in the eyes of some people, this is completely insignificant, just like a child playing house, such as a man with green eyes.

"It really is a bunch of trash."

Just hearing him snort coldly, he seemed to have completely lost interest.

"What your lord said is that these small forces in the Illusion Realm are just some rats who can't get on the stage and live here. They are not worth mentioning at all." The servant echoed.

The others also showed contempt, looking superior to others.

As a member of the blood sea, in this fantasy realm, he is naturally not comparable to ordinary forces, and he is born with a sense of superiority.


However, at this moment, the blue-eyed man's pupils shrank slightly, and a flash of surprise flashed across his face.

"Dragon Clan, these people are actually Dragon Clan."


Hearing this, behind the green-eyed man, the faces of the warriors also changed slightly. Although the dragon clan is not as good as before, it is still not to be underestimated. In this vast sea, they can be regarded as being side by side with the seven great gods.

Of course, even though they are far inferior in reality, even the seven great gods would not easily provoke them due to the background of the top ten god races in ancient times.

"It turned out to be the Dragon Clan? Why did they appear here?"

"The Dragon Clan is hundreds of millions of miles away from here, and they appear here, do they have any intentions?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, their faces full of doubts.

If other people revealed the identities of these people, everyone might still doubt it, but if the man with green eyes said that, it must be true, but why did the Dragon Clan appear here?

"My lord, shouldn't they also come for that breath?" Someone asked tentatively looking at the green-eyed man.

The blue-eyed man didn't reply, but his face became extremely ugly, and a sinister light flashed in his eyes.

"Go! Try it out and see how big they are."

After pondering for a while, the blue-eyed man finally said.


Immediately, two men with strange auras stood up. There was a faint smell of blood surging around them, and there was a greedy light in their eyes, as if they couldn't wait any longer.

Haloxy! !

Afterwards, the two turned into two beams of blood and rushed towards the battlefield below.

"Hahaha!! A group of frogs in the well also want to win glory with the sun and the moon, they are simply beyond their control." On the battlefield, Aoxi and Aobei killed all directions with great joy.

The two of them are also from the dragon clan at any rate, and their physical bodies are much stronger than ordinary warriors under their cultivation.

Although the two of them couldn't get into Fang Yi's eyes, they were more than enough to deal with these people.

I saw the two of them rushing in and killing all the disciples of Killing God Valley, You Guanghui was also furious, but his strength was not as good as others.

However, at this moment, two blood-colored long rainbows fell from the sky above the sky, hitting the two of them directly.

The terrifying coercion is like a huge wave.

The two of them originally wanted to give the two great dragons a blow, but they suddenly fell from the nine heavens, wrapped in monstrous power, this blow can be imagined.

Even Aoxi and Aobei couldn't help but change their expressions.

"Who? Dare to make trouble in Jiufeng Mountain, court death!" Although the two dragons looked vigilant, they still didn't take half a step back, but went forward at the same time.

"Hmph! What nonsense Jiufeng Mountain, get lost!"

A disdainful voice came from the sky, accompanied by those two terrifying attacks.

boom!boom! !

The next moment, two loud bangs followed. Aoxi and Aobei faced the two blood-colored rainbows almost at the same time. The terrifying power collided together, and the powerful shock wave instantly swept all directions, bringing Aoxi , Ao Bei, and the two Changhongs all burst back together.

With this blow, suddenly no one can do anything to win anyone.

The pity is that the ordinary disciples of Killing God Valley below were swept by this terrifying air wave, and before they even had time to react, they were torn into countless pieces and scattered between the sky and the earth.

There was a bloodbath, and it was really shocking.


After the blow from Aoxi and Aobei, their faces could not help turning slightly pale, and their sharp eyes swept towards the two blood-colored figures transformed by the two long rainbows like sharp swords.

Obviously, the strength of the coming person exceeded their expectations.

At the same time, the same is true for the two blood-colored figures, and a glint of coldness flashed in their pupils.

Failure to take down the two of them in one blow undoubtedly made them feel ashamed. After all, there were still people watching from above, so they didn't have any nonsense, just looked at each other, and then attacked Aoxi and Aobei again. Come, like two bloody arrows, piercing through everything.

"It's a blood race!!"

Aoxi's pupils shrank, and he recognized the person who came.

Everyone in Killing God Valley also looked at each other in blank dismay at this moment, not knowing what to do for a while.


(End of this chapter)

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