Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3393 Lost

Chapter 3393 Lost

The addition of the blood race undoubtedly changed the faces of both sides.

The same is true for Killing God Valley. Jiufeng Mountain and Killing God Valley are both small forces that are relatively stable. It is fine to face ordinary forces. Facing blood clans, then...

At this moment, You Guanghui's face was ashen, full of fear.

Not to mention the other disciples of Killing God Valley behind him.

The only thing that comforted them was that the purpose of the blood race seemed to be not them, but the mysterious powerhouses of Jiufeng Mountain. Therefore, they did not leave in a hurry, but waited and watched.

Of course, in fact, they didn't dare to leave rashly.

Niehai and Xuehai are the two overlords in the surrounding area, who would dare to make trouble in front of them?

Relying on the Illusionary Alliance, Wuyinmen may dare to touch the brows of the two major forces, but it is limited to this, and more reasons are because the two major forces restrain each other and refuse to give in to each other, so that the Illusory Alliance has space for existence, otherwise...

"It's sharp-eyed!"

The corners of the mouths of the two blood clan powerhouses were cold and sarcasm.

"Since I know the origin of this seat, I will arrest you without letting go." The two shouted sharply, and while talking, the terrifying attack greeted Ao Xi and Ao Bei again.

Boom! !

The two of them are like two out-of-the-ordinary cannonballs. Wherever they pass, the void is pierced, leaving a long black crack. The terrifying power reveals a strong smell of blood, which makes people feel terrified.

Aoxi and Aobei have already put away their contempt, and their expressions have become extremely dignified.

It's not that the two of them are afraid of people coming.

It's because of the sea of ​​blood behind them, and even more because the fantasy domain is on the edge of the sea of ​​blood. Once the sea of ​​blood really moves, it's up to them...

Of course, when things came to an end, it was impossible for them to leave the house.

"It's up to you to speak big and not to be ashamed, you don't know what you can do!"

Oxi sneered coldly, and the terrifying dragon energy erupted from his body. The dragon family is the supreme beast. Although it is not as good as in ancient times, it is still not comparable to ordinary people.

Even the two blood races in front of them can never hope to beat them. Among the same rank, there are very few people who can compete with them.

But the blood race is also one of the top ten god races in ancient times, and it is obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Boom! !

Two loud noises came again, and the four people collided violently, causing the sky and the earth to shatter and the void to sink.

However, there is still nothing anyone can do.

The battle seemed extremely fierce.

"big eater!"

Above the void, the blue-eyed man looked at this scene with a hint of displeasure at the corner of his mouth.

"My lord, the four of them have the same level of cultivation. It may not be easy to decide the winner. Why don't we let the younger one deal with them?" At this time, another person begged for his life.


The blue-eyed man seemed a little impatient, and nodded.

"Yes!" The man was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Don't worry, my lord, the villain will definitely suppress them on the spot."

As he said that, the man's body was full of blood, and his whole body seemed to have turned into a cloud of blood mist, like ripples, rippling in the void, and when he appeared again, he had already enveloped Aoxi and Aobei.

"not good!"

Aoxi and Aobei's reactions were also extremely sensitive, and they caught this anomaly in an instant.

It's just a pity that in the entanglement with the other two strong blood clansmen, they have no time to clone themselves, seeing that the blood mist is about to envelop the two of them.

At this time, an angry roar suddenly exploded.

"Presumptuous! Within Jiufeng Mountain, no one can tolerate nonsense."

It was Ao Nan who spoke, his voice was like thunder, shaking the void.

While speaking, the whole person also turned into a huge dragon shadow, rolling towards the blood mist.

When Ao Xi and Ao Bei fought with the two blood races, he had already made all preparations. It was obviously not that simple for the blood race to appear suddenly, so he never showed up, but wanted to see if there were other blood races. The blood race is nearby.

It's just a pity that with his ability, he didn't find other blood races.

But at this moment, a strong blood clan appeared again, which all indicates that there may be more strong people behind.

It's just that because of this feeling, he can no longer hide in the dark.

Boom! !

groan! !

The dragon shadow roared, and the huge dragon shadow and the blood mist collided with one blow, turning the entire dragon shadow into blood.

As for the crowd of Killing God Valley, their faces changed drastically.

Because until now, they have just seen the real body of Ao Nan and the others, they are of the Dragon Clan.

Although the Dragon Clan has declined and is far worse than before, it is obvious that they are not able to offend them, and stomping their feet is enough to destroy them.

Thinking that what he and the others had to deal with before was actually the Dragon Clan, even You Guanghui's expression became extremely ugly at this moment, not to mention the other disciples of Killing God Valley behind him.

At this moment, they were extremely grateful in their hearts, thankful that the blood race appeared and saved them from disaster, otherwise...

However, at the same time as rejoicing, they also had a strong curiosity in their hearts.

Not to mention the fact that a small mine vein attracted the Illusory Realm Alliance, but at this moment, even the dragon clan and the blood clan were attracted, which is a bit abnormal no matter how you look at it.

Could it be, what is really hidden here?

You Guanghui's thoughts changed sharply.

But in this situation, he obviously can't do anything, he can only watch the battle in front of him, the blood mist and the dragon shadow entangled, and finally they both separated and turned into two figures.

One was naturally Ao Nan, his face was ashen, and his eyes were full of horror.

The other one is a man in a blood robe with a cold face, his mouth is full of sarcasm and disdain.

"The so-called Dragon Clan is indeed inferior to one generation after another. Just rely on you? How dare you yell in front of my blood clan? Don't know how to live or die."

The blood-robed man sneered, and glanced at Ao Nan with contempt.

"Stop talking wildly, so what about the blood race? This place is Jiufeng Mountain, it's not your sea of ​​blood, and it's not your turn to be presumptuous." Ao Nan shouted sharply, eyes full of fear.

Although it was only a short confrontation just now, the two have a certain understanding of each other's strength.

The blood-robed man in front of him is obviously better at cultivation, Ao Nan is not sure, so...

The so-called strike first is the strongest.

At the same time as Ao Nan spoke, his pupils shrank, and dragon energy erupted from his body instantly. A huge dragon leaped out of thin air and rolled towards the blood-robed man.

"Hmph! The light of the firefly dares to compete with the bright moon."

The blood-robed man looked at the huge dragon, not only did he not have the slightest fear on his face, but a scornful light flashed in his eyes, "The so-called dragon clan, if it weren't for the background of the past, would have been lonely long ago. Means? It’s just bringing shame on yourself, go!”

The man in the blood robe sneered again and again, blood flashed all over his body, and in an instant, the void of thousands of miles seemed to turn into a sea of ​​blood in an instant.

The turbulent and surging sea of ​​blood swallowed the gigantic dragon, making the latter look extremely small as it struggled in it.

not good!

At the same time, Ao Nan's expression changed drastically.

The terrifying sea of ​​blood was like the wind of silence in the endless dark void. Wherever it passed, everything was swallowed up, and even the huge dragon was blown away.


(End of this chapter)

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