Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3398 Fighting

Chapter 3398 Fighting

The blue-eyed man's pupils were bright, his expression was excited, and his body trembled slightly.

The eyes looking at the stele were also full of heat and greed.

Although Ao Xue was also surprised, he was more puzzled. He could sense the extraordinaryness of this stele, but he couldn't perceive the use of this stele.

"This is?"

Down below, the pupils of You Guanghui and the owner of Killing God Valley shrank sharply, full of horror.

The two subconsciously looked at each other, seeing deep doubt and shock in each other's eyes.

The doubts were naturally caused by the incomprehension of the sudden appearance of this stele, and the shock was due to the terrifying killing intent on the stele, which almost suppressed them out of breath.

You know, they are all powerful Daoists, and even if they are like this, those ordinary disciples can imagine that each of them is as quiet as a cicada, and they dare not breathe.


Only the blue-eyed man laughed wantonly at this moment, laughing very heartily, as if he had obtained some kind of treasure.

But at the next moment, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and his cold eyes swept over everyone, shouting: "Kill! No one will be left behind."


Hearing this, the expressions of the Killing God Valley and the others changed drastically.

Before, the blood clan and his party only wanted the lives of Ao Xue and others. Now, after seeing this stele, they obviously wanted to kill people to silence them. From this, it can be seen that the origin of this stele must be extraordinary.

Just what the heck, the owner of Killing God Valley's eyes moved slightly, as if thinking of something, his face also became extremely pale.

kill kill kill! !

And following the order from the man with blue eyes, the blood clansmen attacked like a killing god.

Not only that, but there are also countless blood-colored runes flowing around them, merging with the huge blood-colored formation of the man with blue eyes, completely covering the whole world in it.

Obviously, this is going to catch everything.

not good!

Seeing this, the faces of Ao Nan and the others couldn't help changing, and they subconsciously looked at Ao Xue.

Although the strength of the three of them is not weak, they are obviously much worse than these blood races. In this case, we can only pin our hopes on Ao Xue.

Fortunately, Ao Xue didn't let them down either. While those runes were merging, he had already noticed something was wrong. The terrifying dragon aura contained the meaning of destruction, and had already swept away one step ahead.


At the same time, I only heard him shout loudly.

The green-eyed man is powerful, coupled with the strong blood clan far surpassing all others, and this terrifying blood-colored formation, Ao Xue doesn't care, he is confident that he can handle it well, but Ao Nan and others are different.

Hearing this, the three of them immediately looked at each other, and in an extremely tacit understanding, they turned into three thunderbolts and headed towards the gap in the bloody formation.

Shuo Shuo! !

The speed of the three of them was extremely fast, piercing the sky in an instant, and under the cover of Ao Xue, those blood races were helpless.

Just kidding, Ao Xuegui is the number one genius of the Dragon Clan, and has received the blessing of the meaning of destruction. Naturally, it is not comparable to ordinary blood clans, even the blue-eyed man dare not say that he is better than him.

The three of them fled into the void in an instant.

"Junior, you are courting death!!"

The blue-eyed man gritted his teeth, but the three of them had already escaped, and it was too late to pursue them.

And even if he could keep three people, he couldn't keep Ao Xue. Therefore, he was full of anger and poured directly towards Ao Xue.

On the other side, several strong blood clansmen have already killed the crowd of Killing God Valley, and the huge Killing God Valley seems to have turned into a hell on earth. Killing God Valley is just a small force nearby. Obviously not worth mentioning.

The owner of Killing God Valley has only just achieved the second level of Dao, and under the huge bloody formation, it is impossible to escape with his wings.

If he is like this, let alone others.

Of course, You Guanghui's face was ashen.

"What do you want to do? This is the Illusory Realm, and our Illusory Realm Alliance will never allow you to do anything wrong here." The owner of the Valley of the Gods hadn't even spoken about the destruction of the Valley of the Gods before, but at this moment, he couldn't help it anymore.

Because the blood race wanted to completely erase the Killing God Valley.

And it's clear that he wants to kill people to silence him. Under such circumstances, what else does he have to take care of?

"Hmph! Illusory Realm Alliance? Do you really think that you can stand here because of your ability? It's simply beyond your control. It's because my blood race allows you to exist, otherwise..."

Facing the reluctance of the owner of the Killing God Valley, the strong blood man's face was full of sarcasm.

While speaking, terrorist attacks followed.


The owner of the Killing God Valley bared his teeth in anger, smoking from his seven orifices, he turned to Ao Xue and said, "Friend Daoist, this stele is very important, help us out of trouble, I am willing to tell the secret of the stele."


The reason why Ao Xue didn't leave was because he was full of curiosity about the stone tablet, because the top and bottom of the stone tablet were full of terrifying killing intent, even he felt terrified.

The behavior of the blue-eyed man made him confirm this point even more, so he didn't leave in a hurry and wanted to see what happened.

"Presumptuous! You are courting death!!"

When the blue-eyed man heard the words, he immediately flew into a rage.

With a step on the foot, the giant palm also reached out, and a huge bloody handprint instantly enveloped the owner of the Killing God Valley.

The terrifying bloody handprints are like the sky falling, blocking the space.

The face of the owner of Killing God Valley also changed greatly, because at that moment, he seemed to feel that the god of death was approaching, and the surrounding space was like a solid block, which made him unable to move at all.

There is undoubtedly a world of difference between the second level of the avenue and the peak of the fifth level of the avenue.

In the opponent's hands, he doesn't even have the ability to fight back, especially under the cover of the bloody formation, there is only one dead end.

Seeing that the bloody handprint was about to fall, his pupils widened, filled with unwillingness.

Boom! !

But just at this moment, another huge dragon claw crushed over and slammed into the bloody handprint in an instant. Immediately, the originally imprisoned space shattered like shattered glass.

The owner of Killing God Valley finally narrowly escaped death, but his entire back was soaked, as if picked up in water.


The blue-eyed man was furious, glaring at Ao Xue, his teeth rattling.

Unfortunately, even though he was angry in his heart, Ao Xue's strength made him helpless.

The owner of the Killing God Valley looked excited, as if he had seen some kind of hope. At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind, "Say! What is going on with this stele?"


The owner of Killing God Valley lost his mind for a moment, originally he was thinking about escaping and then...

Unexpectedly, the other party was so eager, and under such circumstances, he obviously had no room for bargaining, so he just told the truth.

"Fellow Daoist, I have already said, send me out!"

At the end, the owner of the Killing God Valley did not forget to remind, with a pleading look on his face.


Ao Xue did not disappoint him, his huge body directly blasted towards the blood-colored formation, and a terrifying power also swept up the owner of the Killing God Valley, throwing him into the endless nothingness and disappearing.


(End of this chapter)

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