Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3399 4 Fang Yundong

Chapter 3399

"What? The Man Killed Monument? What is that?"

"I don't even know this. It is said that the Ming clan split into the blood clan and the Asura clan. The blood clan controls the way of blood, while the Asura clan controls the way of killing. The ancestor of Minghe created the way of killing himself, known as the way of killing. Heaven kills, earth kills all living beings, kills all people who can be killed, the Asura clan inherited the way of killing, and it is rumored that there are three steles left behind, namely, the stele of heaven, the stele of earth, and the stele of human death. It is said that who can get these three steles , you will be able to control the way of killing and become the real master of killing."

"This! So amazing??"

The news about Killing God Valley spread like the wind, and similar rumors came from nowhere. In just a few days, they spread throughout the entire Illusory Realm, and even further distant places.

Countless strong men rushed in this direction.

It's no wonder that the way of killing is an extremely domineering way among the three thousand ways. The former Asura tribe once ruled the entire underworld. According to legend, the underworld has always lived in the underworld, and the reason why the blood tribe came to the sea is because Because of the split between the blood clan and the Asura clan, he was expelled from the underworld.

And the instigator of all this is naturally the Asura tribe.

It can be seen from this that the strength of the Asura clan and the power of the way of killing.

At this moment, the news of the publication of the Murder Monument spread, and one can imagine the eagerness of the crowd, and everyone was moved by the news.

"My lord, Master Xue hasn't come out, I'm afraid..."

In a certain area around the Valley of the Killing God, Fang Yi was looking in the direction of the Valley of the Killing God, with a dignified look on his face.

And beside him, the four great dragons were also the same, all of them showing anxious expressions.

After escaping, the three great dragons immediately notified Fang Yi. However, someone was faster than them, and that was the blood race.

Perhaps because they knew the news had been revealed, the blood clan got the news immediately. Countless strong blood clans flocked to the Valley of the Killing Gods and completely sealed off the huge Valley of the Killing Gods. Even Fang Yi could not easily break through.

Moreover, the situation inside is unknown, and it is obviously not a wise move to break through rashly.

"Ao Xue is powerful enough to protect himself even if he loses. However, this blood race came so quickly, obviously he came prepared, and the whole fantasy realm, how did the news spread?"

Things were a little unexpected.

Originally, Fang Yi didn't take this seriously. There are only a few blood races here. After all, this is a fantasy realm, and they were just passing by, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

"Young Master Hui, according to our investigation, it is the owner of the Killing God Valley. He asked for help from the Illusory Realm Alliance and informed about the killing of the monument, which caused a sensation in the entire Illusory Realm."

"It is said that there are also a large number of powerful people in Niehai who are rushing here, and then..."

A trace of fear flashed across Ao Dong's eyes.

Originally thought that after solving the mineral vein issue, Jiufeng Mountain could temporarily calm down for a while, and take advantage of this time to improve itself, but never thought that such a incident would have an impact that was many times greater than that of the small mineral vein.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the place where the homicide monument appeared was not in Jiufeng Mountain, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Young Master, what should we do now? There are more and more strong blood clans, and a large number of powerful people from the alliance are also pouring in. If Nie Hai is added, then...Master Xue..."

Ao Nan also looked worried.

Although they knew that Ao Xue was powerful, but that was only relative to them, not necessarily relative to the blood race.

Especially after two days had passed, and the four weeks blocked by a large number of strong blood clansmen, they couldn't help but worry about it.

Fang Yi also frowned.

However, he wasn't worried about Ao Xue's safety, since the other party was able to cover the escape of the three dragons, let alone himself.

But the fact is that Ao Xue didn't come out, so the only explanation is that he didn't want to come out.

Under what circumstances would he not want to come out?

It must be a strong interest in the monument of killing people.

However, with the influx of a large number of strong blood races, this possibility is almost non-existent. Naturally, it is impossible for the blood races to allow him to study the monument, unless the strong blood races can't find him at all.

Just how is this possible?

Fang Yi was full of doubts, but with the sense of destruction, he could clearly sense that Ao Xue was still intact.

"What's going on with the Illusory Realm Alliance?" There's no rush for this matter, the blood clan is powerful, and in the depths of the Suicide Valley, Fang Yi can clearly sense auras like abysses, and even he feels terrified by that aura .

It is impossible to compete with Jiufeng Mountain alone.

When it comes to the Illusory Domain Alliance, it can't be said that it can be used.

"Master Hui, considering the strength of the blood race, the Illusory Realm Alliance did not force a breakthrough. It should be waiting for the gathering of various forces. I heard that there are a large number of strong people from the Wuyinmen and the Water Sky Sect."

If the Man-Murder Monument is as great as the rumors say, Wuyinmen and Shuitianzong will definitely not let it go.

The other major forces obviously also want to try their luck.

After all, that is the inheritance of the Asura clan that can defeat the blood clan. Who can be indifferent, even Fang Yi has a trace of longing in his heart.

In the underworld, Fang Yi has long heard rumors about the ancestor Styx and his self-created way of killing.

At that time, I yearned so much, I was astonished as a heavenly man, I never thought that at this moment...

"Let's go! Go meet the top management of the alliance and see how good they are."

After pondering for a while, Fang Yi finally said.



To the east of Killing God Valley, in a huge mountain range, a group of people hadn't even approached before a thunderous voice came.

Two soldiers in bright armor appeared out of nowhere, with a majestic aura, blocking the way of the group of people.

This is the temporary gathering point of the Illusion Alliance nearby.

"Two, we are the elders of Jiufeng Mountain. This is my new suzerain of Jiufeng Mountain. He came here to kill Shengu." Ding Shou didn't dare to neglect, and quickly explained.

Although these are just two ordinary soldiers, but they are from Wuyinmen, it is completely different.

"Nine Peaks Mountain?"

The two soldiers looked at the group of people with contemptuous eyes, looking superior to others.

Ao Dong suddenly became a little angry, and even if he wanted to reprimand him, but seeing Fang Yi's indifferent face, he had no choice but to hold back.

"That's right! The Killing God Valley was attacked, so naturally I, Jiufeng Mountain, can't just sit and watch." Ding Shou licked his face and smiled, with a flattering expression on his face.


One of the soldiers laughed lightly, showing contempt.

But there is no embarrassment at all. At critical moments, these small forces can still play a role, at least they can be used as cannon fodder.

"Go in!" I only heard him say.

Then the two made a way out, and their eyes fell on Fang Yi from time to time, showing curiosity.

"Thank you!" Ding Shou hurriedly thanked him, breaking into a cold sweat.

He knew Fang Yi's dominance. The two were so arrogant. He was really afraid that Fang Yi would suppress them if they disagreed. If that was the case, then Jiufeng Mountain would be completely over.

Fortunately, his worries were a little unnecessary.

That's right, no matter how domineering Fang Yi is, how dare he make a fuss in front of Wuyinmen. Thinking about this, he suddenly felt a little nervous.

Immediately, Fang Yi was quickly introduced to the alliance stronghold.


(End of this chapter)

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