Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3405 The Sea

Chapter 3405 The Sea

"court death!"

Prince Longyan was furious. As a strong man of the sixth level of the Dao, a mere second level of the Dao dared to play tricks under his nose. When he was discovered, he did not escape, but rushed towards the killing monument. He was furious, as if he had been humiliated, and that terrifying bloody handprint became more and more majestic, as majestic as a prison.

Boom! !

The terrifying palm prints fell, the void collapsed, and the surrounding area was completely enveloped in it.

Fang Yi only felt that his whole body was locked by some kind of powerful breath, and the power of water covering his whole body also collapsed inch by inch.

so strong?

His heart couldn't help sinking, and his face became a little ugly. At the same time, the way of power erupted instantly, with him as the center, a force field enveloped him, resisting that terrifying aura.

However, it is obvious that there is still a large gap between his cultivation at the second level of the Great Dao and Prince Longyan's divine power at the sixth level of the Great Dao. The force field is compressed step by step and cracks bit by bit.

Fortunately, he is not far away from the monument of killing people, and it seems that he is within reach.


Fang Yi gritted his teeth, already determined, and didn't bother to pay attention to the terrifying bloody handprint, but with the help of the momentary loosening of the force field, it turned into a stream of light and swept towards the murder monument.

"act recklessly!"

Seeing this, Prince Longyan's mouth turned cold, as if completely enraged.

Step down.

Bang! !

A roaring air wave instantly turned into ripples, distorting the entire space beyond recognition.

It turned out that the murder monument seemed to be close at hand, but in an instant, it seemed to be far away in the world.

"It's the power of spatial rules!"

Fang Yi's pupils shrank, and a look of astonishment flashed across his face. The power of this space rule is extremely mysterious, and it is much stronger than what he has comprehended. In this layer upon layer of space, he actually felt a sense of powerlessness.

Even though the man-killing monument seemed to be a foot away, he could no longer move forward.

The distance between this close distance is stacked with countless spaces, like a sky.

Is this the power of the sixth level of the Great Dao?

At this moment, Fang Yi really felt the dominance of the sixth level of the Dao. He thought that it would not be too difficult to break through the blockade and get close to the monument of killing with his own strength, but he never thought...

"Junior, die!!"

The corners of Prince Longyan's mouth twitched ferociously, and he looked at Fang Yi as if he were looking at a dead person.

A mere Dao Erzhong is really not worth mentioning to him.

It was beyond his expectation that Fang Yi could do this.

However, the gap between the two is too great. Even if Fang Yi is great, in his opinion, he is just a slightly stronger ant.

But ants are always ants.

Boom! !

The bloody handprints crushed the world, and under the wind of palm, everything collapsed.

The terrifying power is like a storm, sweeping in all directions, smashing everything, and the force field is also shattered inch by inch.

not good!

Fang Yi's pupils shrank. With his strength, although he couldn't resist this blow, it would not be too difficult to escape. However, this has never been his style, and he is also full of desire to kill people. I can leave here.

Therefore, his eyes turned sideways, and the breath all over his body erupted instantly, and four shocking sword shadows appeared.

Numerous sword-shaped runes are arranged to form an incomparably bright formation.


Prince Longyan was obviously startled, a look of astonishment flashed in his pupils, a Dao duo was able to condense such a fierce formation, which undoubtedly greatly exceeded his expectations, and made him even more angry.

"Overestimate your own strength, even ants want to shake the sky, die!"

As soon as the word "death" came out, the terrifying bloody handprint also fell down, overwhelming everything.

The space burst instantly, as if countless shells had been dropped.

The whole world was in chaos, everything became invisible, only the roaring energy wave engulfed everything and swept everything away.

Ao Dong and Ding Shou, who were watching from a distance, saw this scene, their faces became extremely livid.

Ao Dong was naturally worried about Fang Yi's safety, and his heart was raised in his throat.

As for Ding Shou, of course he was worried about himself, his soul was branded by Fang Yi, and if something happened to Fang Yi, then he would not be able to survive, and his whole body was trembling.

Boom! !

The huge scene turned into a void, and that brilliant formation seemed to have also cracked, and it was no longer visible.

"Dead?" Ding Shou's face was pale, his lips trembled, and his heart seemed to have sunk to the bottom.

"Idiot, aren't you alright?"

Ao Dong scolded angrily.


Isn't he still alive?Then Fang Yi... Ding Shou's originally pale face regained a glimmer of hope, and he looked at the empty battlefield again.

However, there was still nothing on the battlefield, as if Fang Yi had been completely crushed into scum.

Although Ao Dong spoke lightly, his face was pale, and his eyes were fixed on that space, for fear of missing something.

It's just a pity that Fang Yi's figure never appeared.

Is it...

Just when he was feeling extremely desperate, above the sky, Prince Longyan's eyes could not help revealing a look of astonishment, "You're not dead yet?"

As if in response to his words, on the empty battlefield, a ripple swayed, like a stream of water, gathering from all directions to the center, and slowly, condensed into a human shape, from transparent to gradually clear, Fang Yi The intact body floated in the void again.

"how is this possible?"

At this moment, even Prince Longyan's expression could not help but change.

It's not just because Fang Yi is still alive and has achieved greatness. It's not that simple to kill him completely. Fang Yi's ability to block the blow and survive will surprise him, but it's not too much.

But now, it's not just as simple as surviving, looking at Fang Yi's appearance, it seems that he has not suffered any harm at all, which is incredible.

"The regular body of water!"

Prince Longyan's pupils narrowed sharply, apart from shock, he was also full of doubts.

As powerful as he is, he is naturally not unfamiliar with the regular body, and it is not uncommon to see the regular body of water, but it is so strange and the defense is so strong, but it is far beyond his expectations.

The regular body of the person in front of him seems to be quite different from other people.

It's just that where they are together, he couldn't tell for a while.

Just kidding, owning the water temple is on the way to become the master of rules. How can Fang Yi's body of rules be comparable to ordinary people.

Of course, he wasn't completely harmless from the blow just now.

In fact, that blow caused him great trauma, but at the moment of the injury, the water temple spontaneously repaired his wounds, and his regular body seemed to be integrated with the water temple.

Convert between the two.

In other words, with the existence of the water temple, his body of rules is endless, and there will be no situation where the energy cannot keep up.

If he compares his body of rules to a pool, then behind him, there is a vast ocean, which is the Temple of Water. How can the pool dry up?

Realizing this, Fang Yi couldn't help being ecstatic.

Subconsciously, he raised his head to look at the void, and looked at Prince Longyan. Three colors of light burst out from his pupils, exuding an aura of horror.


(End of this chapter)

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