Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3406 Mutation

Chapter 3406 Mutation

"who are you?"

At this moment, Prince Longyan's pupils shrank sharply, full of disbelief.

Fang Yi's strength made him feel something was wrong. It's no wonder he doubted that he had such astonishing strength.

On the other side, the same is true for the evil fairy.

Although he didn't make a move, he could see everything, and as an old opponent, no one knew better than him how powerful Prince Longyan was, but it was precisely because of this that he felt even more incredible.

A second-level Daoist, who received a blow from Prince Longyan hard, seemed to be unscathed, how could this be possible?

But the truth...

Fang Yi naturally ignored the two of them. Although he took the blow, it was all because of the water temple.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the most important thing is to seize the monument of killing people.

Therefore, with a flick of his body, he turned into an afterimage again and shot towards the murder monument.

Because of that blow, the layered space before has completely collapsed at this moment. It can be said that there is no obstacle. Fang Yi stretched out his palm, and the terrifying claws of the real dragon grabbed at the killing monument in an instant.

In Fang Yi's mind, as long as he wins the monument of killing people and escapes into the water temple, everything will be worry-free.

At that time, even if the two powerhouses are furious, they will be powerless.

After such a long time, he has a very good understanding of the weirdness and dominance of the Water God Temple, and it is impossible for him to notice it with just the two sixth-level grand masters.

As long as the killing monument is in hand, everything is a foregone conclusion.

In the future, when we gather the third avenue, then...

Thinking of this, Fang Yi's heart became more and more eager, and his pupils burst into light.

"Bastard! How dare you!!"

Above the void, Prince Longyan was furious. Perhaps he never dreamed that under such circumstances, Fang Yi would dare to snatch the monument of killing people. This is simply desperate.

Sin Xianjun was also stunned, a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes, but a strange look appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It's no wonder that a person with the second level of Dao is so bold, and it's not his fault.

However, judging by his appearance, he didn't have the slightest intention of making a move.

Instead, it looked like a joke waiting to see Prince Longyan.

And Prince Longyan, needless to say, was so angry that his seven orifices were smoking, and he shouted angrily: "Ignorant child, just because you want to win the monument of killing people, it doesn't make sense."

At the same time as he spoke, his majestic figure seemed to turn into a giant dragon steaming with anger, attacking and killing Fang Yi.

Boom! !

Large pieces of the void fell off, and everything sank.

That furious dragon rolled up a monstrous sea of ​​blood, like a peerless demon dragon that ruled the world, overturning the river and sea, everything was under his control.

However, Fang Yi is not slow, he has mastered the way of water, and the art of water escape is pervasive.

And it came out suddenly, the huge real dragon's claws were about to detain the killing monument.

hum! !

However, just at this moment, a huge roar sounded, and the monument of killing people trembled violently, as if it had been violated by some kind and vented its anger.

At the same time, the terrifying killing spirit also erupted, like a tornado.

In an instant, Fang Yi's condensed true dragon claws were torn to pieces.

what? ?

This is?

Fang Yi's face changed drastically. At that moment, on the suicide monument, he sensed an extremely terrifying aura, which was like a god of death, extinguishing everything it passed by.

Prince Longyan obviously also noticed the strangeness from the homicide tablet, and his face couldn't help but change drastically.

The pupils of the sinful fairy also shrank.

As strong as the two of them, under that aura, they also felt a sense of irresistibility.

"How could this be?" Fang Yi's heart was full of shock. Under such circumstances, let alone winning the murder monument, he would not be able to protect himself. In this way...

Fang Yi was a bit unwilling, but in this situation, he obviously didn't have time to pay attention to these things, so he had to quickly avoid the killing spirit. As for the confrontation, forget it!Not even the two Dao Liuzhong dared to take it hard.

The Murder Monument stands between the heaven and the earth, like an inviolable god.

Any warriors and demon clans who have been eroded by the killing aura will either go completely mad and fall into endless killings, or they can't bear the aura at all, and they will directly burst into endless blood mist and dissipate between heaven and earth. The Shura battlefield outlined by the killing spirit adds a bit of blood.

Prince Longyan was also staring blankly at the stele at the moment, as if he had forgotten about Fang Yi's attack.

Fang Yi, on the other hand, was thinking about a feasible method in his mind.

It is already impossible to directly seize the murder monument, not to mention that the aura of the sixth level of terror of the two avenues has enveloped the surroundings, even if there are no two people, the murder monument seems to be spontaneously resisting this kind of behavior.

It seems that if you want to get the monument of killing people, you can't directly snatch it, unless...


Didn't Ao Xue enter the Murder Monument?If you want to get the approval of the Murder Monument, you may need to recruit people from here, but where is the entrance?How did Ao Xue enter?

Fang Yi's mind was like lightning, and he searched quickly.

Boom! !

However, just at this moment, the endless muffled sound of thunder billowed from the distant horizon, accompanied by terrifying energy fluctuations.


The two Dao Liuzhong naturally noticed something strange, and their pupils couldn't help but change.

"Bastard! In a mere fantasy land, a group of dogs who dare to attack my blood clan are looking for death!" Prince Longyan's face turned cold, and he flew into a rage.

Obviously, the surging energy came from the powerful members of the Illusory Realm Alliance, and finally, these people still came.

This is obviously a good opportunity for Fang Yi.

"Hmph! What a big tone, so what about the blood race? This is the land of my fantasy realm alliance, not your sea of ​​blood. If it is you, who repeatedly invade my fantasy realm, do you really think my fantasy realm is a soft persimmon?"

A thunderous voice responded to Prince Longyin's words, and the next moment, two stalwart figures broke through the air first. Needless to say, they were Wuying Xianjun, the master of Wuyinmen, and Jingshuixianjun, the master of Water Sky Sect.

The two great suzerains have majestic auras, and each town is not weaker than Sin Xianjun and Prince Longyan.

The terrifying aura of the four powerful men enveloped the entire world in an instant.

As for the other powerful members of the Illusory Realm Alliance, they are floating around one by one at this moment, looking menacing.

"Hahaha!! Just relying on you??" Prince Longyan laughed contemptuously, his eyes were so cold that water dripped out, and he stared straight at the Illusory Realm Alliance and his party.

"If it weren't for my blood clan's intention to keep you, how could you have a life? You really don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth."

There was deep contempt in Prince Longyan's eyes.

Immortal Lord Wuying and Immortal Jingshui naturally couldn't bear such humiliation, and shouted: "Prince Longyan, don't be ashamed of your big words. I have long wanted to learn from your blood clan's dominance."

A war is imminent.

On the contrary, Fang Yi seemed to be an outsider at this moment, and no one paid attention to him.

Since the Man Kill Monument cannot be captured, Prince Longyan naturally has no time to pay attention to him, and as for the Illusory Realm Alliance, his mind is even less on him.

good chance!

Fang Yi was overjoyed, and immediately he didn't care so much, and approached the man-killing monument again.


(End of this chapter)

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