Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3407 Killing Field

Chapter 3407 Killing Field


Within the scope of the huge human killing monument, it seems to form a field, stepping into it, a strong killing atmosphere also follows, like a gang of storms, not only eroding Fang Yi's body, but also eroding his soul.

Good guy!

Fang Yi's face couldn't help changing, and as his thoughts turned, the law of water instantly enveloped his whole body.

Let him not be harmed by those killing spirits.

However, with every step forward, the killing spirit becomes more intense, like a huge wave that overwhelms mountains and seas, wave after wave, wantonly impacting everything in the comprehension.

Rao Fang Yi also felt great pressure after stepping into the Wanzhangfangyuan.

It's like a huge peak pressing down.

Boom! !

On the other side, the four superpowers had already fought together, turning the whole world into chaos, while others rushed towards the human killing monument one after another, extremely greedy.

It's just a pity that most of the warriors who stepped into it didn't even have time to react, they were eroded by the killing spirit and turned into killing machines, with no companions in their eyes, only enemies.

kill kill kill! !

The terrifying killing intent permeated the scene, and the scene was completely turned into a Shura battlefield. The warriors who were eroded by the killing atmosphere seemed to be mad, their bloody eyes were red, and they slaughtered wantonly.

In an instant, with the murder monument as the center, there was already a sea of ​​blood and mountains of corpses all around.

Naturally, Fang Yi was not immune, and he slaughtered to his heart's content in this sea of ​​blood and corpses.

With the erosion of the way of water, although he still maintains the clarity of the Lingtai, those warriors who have been eroded by the killing spirit can't control so much. Fang Yi is naturally one of the targets, and in order to protect himself, he Also had to fall into endless killing.

However, the more so, the more intense the killing aura surrounding him became.

In the eyes of outsiders, he has almost completely turned into a killing god, surrounded by terrifying bloody light, let alone getting close, just looking at him will make people feel like falling into the abyss.

"How could this be? This man killed the monument..."

At this moment, there are still cautious warriors who haven't yet stepped into the murderous aura emanating from the Man-killing Monument. Looking at the astonishing scene in front of them, they all look pale.

His eyes were also full of fear, and his legs were trembling.

"What a domineering killing spirit, the Three Killing Monument really deserves its reputation, hurry up! Gather more killing spirit and enter the killing field."

In the void, Immortal Wuying suddenly shouted sharply, and it was obvious that he knew something about this stele.

At the same time, when the bloody light around his body reached a certain level, Fang Yi also had a sliver of understanding in his heart. Only by gathering more killing spirit can he enter the inside of the killing monument.

And this is also the only way to obtain the Human Killing Monument and comprehend the way of killing.

It was so!

Fang Yi's eyes lit up, and his killing intent surged.

And at this time, because of Wuying Xianjun's words, countless strong men have already rushed towards the human killing monument, one by one, like killing gods, killing wantonly, gathering the spirit of killing.

Especially with the addition of the four superpowers, the entire space is like a slaughterhouse. A famous warrior fell, and the corpses were covered with blood, which was extremely tragic.

not good!

Seeing the four of them rushing towards him with killing intent, Fang Yi couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis in his heart.

The four superpowers knew that no one could do anything to anyone in a short period of time, so they chose to give up tacitly at this moment, and rushed towards the human killing monument together, intending to enter it first and truly seize the human killing monument.

And this, for Fang Yi, is obviously not good news.

At this moment, he didn't care about other things either. The murderous intent shot up all over his body, the shadows of the four shocking swords condensed, filled with endless destructive intent, just like four destructive dragons, recklessly harvesting fresh lives one by one.

Below the fifth level of the Dao, almost no one is his enemy.

In such a huge area, the four superpowers plus Fang Yi are like five killing gods who are invincible in the world.

The four of them undoubtedly noticed Fang Yi at this moment. All of them had inconceivable expressions in their eyes. It's no wonder they were able to show such a terrifying attack power even with a mere Dao Erzhong.

Finally, after beheading another enemy.

The blood-colored light around Fang Yi's body has become so thick that it is outrageous. The whole person is shrouded in the blood-colored light, like a huge red cocoon, completely enveloping it.

The next moment, the red cocoon shrank suddenly until it disappeared, and Fang Yi's figure also disappeared out of thin air.


The corners of Prince Longyan's mouth were ferocious, and he couldn't help cursing.

The fight between the four of them undoubtedly gave Fang Yi the opportunity to enter it earlier than the four of them.

And this undoubtedly made the surroundings furious.

However, the strength of the four of them is overbearing, and they are all sixth-layer powerhouses of the Dao. Before they can breathe, the bloody light around them is already so thick that it is outrageous.

The next moment, Qiqi disappeared into the sky and the earth.

However, the wanton killings all around did not end, instead they intensified.


call! !

The air of terror and killing rushed towards his face, like a hurricane.

The surrounding area was dim, filled with the endless breath of death, and the land was barren. If you look around, it looks like the ruins of an ancient battlefield.

"This is the inner space of the Murder Monument?"

Fang Yi carefully scanned the surroundings. If the monument of killing people is so extraordinary, then the inside must also be extremely astonishing.

In fact, regardless of other things for the time being, the terrifying killing aura alone is unbearable for ordinary people. Rao Fang Yi, who is enveloped by the way of water, also feels great pressure.

After all, the cultivation base is still too low!

Fang Yi sighed.

However, this also strengthened his determination to win the Human Killing Monument, because the Human Killing Monument contains a complete way of killing. As long as he obtains it, he can condense the way of killing and break through the third level of the Dao. This is what he desires so much .

It is also his most urgent right now.

hoohoo! !

However, just as he was meditating, there were shocking shouts of anger from the sky and the earth, and he saw that from the terrifying killing aura, huge monsters condensed out of thin air.

Those behemoths have different shapes, but the only thing they have in common is that each head is extremely powerful, and their bodies are full of terrifying killing aura.

They are obviously not entities, they are completely condensed by the killing air.

But that terrifying aura was much more terrifying than the powerful monster clan, and it was extremely shocking.

hoohoo! !

As soon as they condensed, these giant killing beasts seemed to have gone mad, attacking and killing Fang Yi.

Or it should be said that they have no spiritual intelligence at all, only endless killing intent, because they were originally condensed by the killing spirit, and there is nothing else but wanton killing.

In an instant, the densely packed army of slaughtering giant beasts had already filled the surrounding area with water.

One by one, like hell dogs, their pupils were blood red, and they rushed towards Fang Yi desperately.


(End of this chapter)

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