Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3408 The Soul of Slaughter

Chapter 3408 The Soul of Slaughter

Boom boom boom! !

With a loud bang, Fang Yi blasted huge monsters into the air, turning them into endless killing aura, filling the space between the heaven and the earth, and turning into giant killing beasts again.

It seems that these killing monsters are inexhaustible and endless.


Realizing all this, Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

This vast world seems to be a closed space, and the total amount of killing energy is conserved and cannot be leaked out. If this is the case, then these killing monsters may really be inexhaustible.

Because once they are crushed, they will condense again.

Could it be... as before, to condense and absorb these killing auras?

With the experience of the outside world, Fang Yi thought of this easily. Immediately, he didn't bother to talk nonsense, and tried directly. After blasting a huge monster, he instantly swallowed the diffuse killing aura.

as predicted!

The killing spirit was swallowed up, and the new killing monsters were not re-condensing. Not only that, the bloody light around Fang Yi's body was also more solidified, and it looked even more terrifying, just like a real killing god.

It's just that the monstrous evil spirit has an increasing impact on the soul.

Changing to the second level of the general Dao, I am afraid that it has long been unbearable, and it has completely turned into a killing machine.

Realizing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but frowned.

The condensed killing spirit is more and more, which is naturally better, because the strength is getting stronger, but if you can't keep your mind and are controlled by the killing spirit, then talk about the way of condensing killing, I'm afraid it has already turned into a statue A true killing machine, so...

This made Fang Yi fall into a dilemma.

To defeat these killing monsters, the only way is to devour the killing spirit.

And once this happens, it is likely to completely defeat the control of the killing air. This is definitely not alarmist. Fang Yi can clearly sense the erosion of the killing air on the soul.

With the current killing spirit and the resistance of the way of water, he can still not care, but if this continues, even he is not sure.

It should be said that it is extremely possible.

Because the killing aura, from the inside to the outside, is affecting him little by little, making him full of evil aura at this moment, and it can't be driven away.

hoohoo! !

Fang Yi was entangled, but those giant beasts didn't have the slightest worry in this regard. They rushed forward one by one, eager to tear Fang Yi into pieces.

If it's just one or two ends, it's fine, the surrounding area is densely packed, even Fang Yi dare not be careless.

There is no time to be careless, so they can only kill wantonly.

However, if he wanted to completely destroy these giant beasts, he could only devour the killing energy, as if he had fallen into some kind of endless loop, but at this moment, Fang Yi had no time to think about it, so he could only take one step at a time.

Boom boom boom! !

As the slaughtering beasts were wiped out, the bloody light shrouding Fang Yi's body became more and more intense, like a round of bloody scorching sun, illuminating the world.

And Fang Yi's mind also unknowingly fell into some kind of crazy killing.

If it weren't for the protection of the surging water power from the Water God Temple, Fang Yi at this moment might have been completely lost in the killing.

However, Fang Yi is not sure how long he can last if this continues.


Seeing that the killing spirit is getting stronger and stronger, Fang Yi finally decides to suspend the killing. He doesn't want to become a killing machine. Moreover, what this space is like is not yet clear, so let's figure out the situation first.

Immediately, he tried to break through the herd.

However, at this moment, on the far horizon, he clearly sensed another round of 'Scarlet Sun' approaching here at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, the 'Bloody Sun' appeared in sight.

His whole body was shrouded in a rich blood-colored light, so resplendent that he couldn't even see his appearance clearly.

The only thing we can know is that the strong blood clan, with huge blood energy rushing to the top, is killing to his heart's content, like a real **** of hell, wherever he passes, those killing monsters are absorbed one after another and disappear into nothingness.

Too strong! !

Seeing this scene, Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking. He could clearly sense the aura coming from the fourth level of the Great Dao, but under the cover of the bloody light, he insisted on displaying a peak that was not weaker than the fifth level of the Great Dao. Strength.

From this, it can be seen how astonishing the arrogance of this killing spirit is.

However, what he has to pay for this is his own mind. At this moment, that person has clearly and completely fallen into madness, like a walking corpse without intelligence, wantonly killing in this space.

The bloody light around him also became more and more intense.

However, because of his joining, Fang Yi's pressure has dropped a lot.

But it's a pity, just in the breath, the man rushed all the way, and the target seemed to be Fang Yi.

boom! !

When he stepped into Fang Yi's ten thousand feet, the terrifying blood-colored rays of light surged around him, turning into a long blood-colored river, like a blood-colored giant dragon, devouring Fang Yi, as if he wanted to devour Fang Yi's body. gas.

This is?

Fang Yi's face changed, but he was not surprised in his heart.

As the killing aura condensed, he could feel the bloody light that shrouded them, as if they were extremely eager for the killing aura, driving them to devour the killing aura around them.

Because Fang Yi has the power of water to protect his soul, he still has such a feeling, but others can imagine.

The people in front of them are like a killing machine that is extremely eager for the killing spirit. They have no intelligence, but only an instinctive desire for the killing spirit. Wherever the killing spirit is stronger, they will rush there.

In the end, no one knows what will happen.

Fang Yi naturally had no time to take care of these at the moment, and his figure flashed continuously.

At the same time, a trace of doubt arose in his heart. How could this person really comprehend the way of killing in the inner space of the killing monument?If this is the case, how should we understand it?

Like the man in front of you, killing as much as you want?

If so, wouldn't it be a killing machine without intelligence?In this way, what is the way to condense and kill?

Not to mention that it may not be possible to condense the way of killing under such circumstances, even if it can be condensed, it is meaningless.

At this moment, Fang Yi couldn't help but doubt this space.

However, the strong blood clan didn't pay attention to these things. The terrifying bloody light around him gathered again, and the killing aura in the world seemed to rush towards him in an instant, slowly condensing around him.

Finally, behind him, it condensed into a huge phantom.

Although the phantom is only a faint layer, the aura it reveals is much stronger than the bloody light before, like a real ancient god.

what is this?

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, his face full of shock.

And the bloody light that shrouded his body also trembled sharply, as if about to collapse, and gathered towards the phantom.

At the same time, Fang Yi also had a hint of understanding in his heart, the soul of killing, that phantom is the soul of killing condensed by a powerful enough killing air.


(End of this chapter)

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