Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3409 Killing Inheritance

Chapter 3409 Killing Inheritance

What is the spirit of carnage?

Fang Yi didn't know, but at this moment, there was a throbbing in his heart, the desire for the killing soul, as if there was a voice telling him, plundering the killing spirit to condense the killing soul.

The voice is ethereal, as if it comes from the depths of the soul, and it seems to be right next to the ear.

If it were someone else, they would definitely go crazy.

But the way of water protected his mind, so that he could clearly feel that this throbbing came from the bloody light that enveloped him, that is, the killing air.

This is more like a voice of temptation.

However, it is impossible to deny the power of the Soul of Slaughter. That huge phantom stands between the sky and the earth. Although it is only a faint layer, it exudes a terrifying aura and killing intent, which is unparalleled and frightening.

The huge suction was tearing, and Fang Yi felt as if his whole body was being swallowed.

And that phantom also became more and more solid.

How to do?

Fang Yi was caught in a tangle, should he kill the opponent, devour him, or run away?

With his cultivation base, escaping would not be too difficult, but beheading the opponent was not so difficult, but it was not hopeless. The only thing to worry about was the so-called killing spirit. I don't know if there would be any changes.

This kind of unknown thing is always unpredictable.

kill! !

However, the strong blood clan will not give up because of his hesitation. The pupils of the huge killing soul began to become clear, and the inside was blood red, and no other variegated colors could be seen.

At the same time, he raised his giant palm slightly, and the terrifying killing aura all around instantly gathered towards him.

Whoa! !

The terrifying killing aura was like a huge wave, and it instantly turned into a huge hand.

The enormous coercion swept over, making Fang Yi feel as if he was in a storm vortex, and the huge tearing force seemed to tear him apart.

Thanks to his physical body, if it was replaced by other Dao duo, I'm afraid it would have already turned into a cloud of blood mist.

"Go to hell!"

Under such terrifying coercion, Fang Yi obviously had no choice, and the stubbornness in his heart completely dispelled his idea of ​​escaping.

Swipe! !

I saw one after another bright rays of light shooting up into the sky from his body, and the dazzling array formed by the four shocking sword shadows instantly moved towards that huge hand.

The big hand exudes a bright blood-colored light, which sets off the whole world in an incomparably monstrous way.

And those four shocking sword shadows were like four nine-day divine thunders, tearing the blood-colored light into four huge cracks, but the mighty hand remained undiminished and was still pressing down on Fang Yi.

how come?

Fang Yi's expression could not help but change drastically at this moment.

For the first time, he clearly realized the dominance of the Soul of Slaughter.

The huge body also flew out directly in the terrifying air waves.

I'm afraid it's about to catch up to the sixth level of the road, right?

The terrifying power displayed by the killing soul at this moment, although there is still a certain gap between it and the sixth level of the great way, but, coupled with the terrifying killing spirit around it, this gap has become negligible.

You know, the strong man of the blood race is only at the fourth level of Dao Dao, and he can show such amazing fighting power at this moment, which really makes Fang Yi's heart full of shock.


With a successful blow, the aura around the strong blood swelled again, and the blood eyes were full of fierce light, like an ancient beast.


Fang Yi pondered, with his own strength, it was almost impossible to kill the opponent.

The only feasible way is to devour the killing spirit and also condense the killing soul. In this way, maybe you can defeat the opponent, otherwise...

However, in this case, he is not sure whether he can maintain his clarity.

Once you lose your mind, then...


Boom! !

While he was hesitating, there was another burst of muffled thunder from the distant world, and rounds of blood-colored scorching sun appeared in all directions, illuminating the dim space like daytime.

Do not!It should be more bloody.

The whole world is blood red, extremely frightening, and the rounds of bloody scorching sun are approaching this area.

Obviously, each round of the blood-colored scorching sun represents a warrior. In this space full of killing, they condense enough killing aura, and they all become like this in the end.

But, what about after that?

kill each other?

Achieve the last person?

Could this be the true meaning of the Way of Killing?The method of inheritance of the way of killing?

Fang Yi's heart trembled suddenly, he felt as if he was grasping something. At the same time, he couldn't help but think of the true meaning of the way of killing created by the ancestor Minghe, killing all living beings, killing all people who can be killed, and killing all things that can be killed. Killing things.

Could it be that everything in front of me is really the method of inheritance of the way of killing?

And if you want to condense the way of killing, you must immerse yourself in this endless killing?So in the end?Will Lingtai be clear?

It has to be said that Fang Yi was a little shaken.

The way of killing, as the name suggests, is to enter the Tao by killing, then everything in front of you seems not difficult to understand, there is no other shortcut to go, only endless killing, from the killing to achieve one's own way.

This, perhaps, is the way to kill.

brush! !

All around, a round of scorching sun began to rush towards this side, more and more.

Under such circumstances, it became extremely difficult for Fang Yi to even escape, unless he escaped into the water temple, but in this way, it was undoubtedly contrary to his purpose.

do not care!Fight! !

In the end, Fang Yi's eyes widened, since he has already come, he must try.

Owning the Water God Temple by oneself may not be impossible to keep the Lingtai clear and bright. If it is really impossible, it will not be too late to escape into the Water God Temple.

Faced with such a situation, Fang Yi has no choice. If he wants to gain something, he must sacrifice something.

Moreover, the existence of the Water God Temple does not necessarily mean sacrificing anything, but taking a great risk.

But, how can there be no risk in the journey of martial arts?

"Give it to me!!"

Fang Yi, who completely let go of his grievances, instantly engulfed the surrounding area with devouring supernatural powers, and his huge body seemed to turn into a huge black hole, wantonly devouring everything around him.

Under the terrifying engulfment, the giant slaughtering beasts howled miserably, and before they could even escape, their bodies were infinitely elongated and vented towards the black hole.

How can Fang Yi's devouring powers be compared to others.

These giant killing beasts are indeed powerful, but under the killing soul of the strong man of the blood race and Fang Yi's devouring supernatural power, there is not much resistance at all. In an instant, the huge herd of beasts withered incomparably.

And the blood-colored light that shrouded Fang Yi's body became more and more bright and solid.

Finally, the wind and cloud surged, and a huge phantom began to slowly condense.

Although the phantom is much lighter than the phantom behind the strong blood clan, but the aura it gives is not weaker than the opponent, like a real master of heaven and earth.

At the same time, Fang Yi's pupils also turned blood red.


 Happy Dragon Boat Festival!



(End of this chapter)

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