Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3410 Water Temple

Chapter 3410 Water Temple

And in Fang Yi's sea of ​​consciousness, the three-color celestial baby was also glowing with blood at this moment, and the blood radiance slowly eroded, as if to completely cover the three-color celestial baby.

Fortunately, in addition to the bloody light, there is also a faint wave of water flowing on the surface of the three-color Tianying, like a natural barrier.

Whoa! !

With the sound of clear water, the blood light was slowly weakened.

The blood in Fang Yi's pupils also slowly receded.

Such an overbearing killing spirit! !

At that moment, Fang Yi also seemed to wake up from a big dream. The moment before, he was clearly still in a trance. Fortunately, the Water God Temple...

Huh?How could this be?

But afterward, Fang Yi's complexion couldn't help changing, because behind him, the killing soul that had just condensed, like the blood light, slowly faded away, and finally disappeared completely.

Didn't you just successfully condense the killing soul?

Could it be that resisting that bloody light will not be able to condense the killing soul?

This seems to be in an endless loop again.

If one wants to comprehend the way of killing, one must condense the soul of killing, and if one wants to condense the soul of killing, it seems that one must completely immerse in the killing, allowing the spirit of killing to transform oneself.

But in this way, no one knows whether he will become a killing machine.

Fang Yi was caught in a dilemma again.

It turned out that he wanted to use the water temple to gather the killing soul while keeping the altar clear, but now it seems that it is impossible.

However, all the changes just now gave him a little more confidence in the water temple.

It should be impossible for those bloody lights to corrupt the three-color heavenly infant.

That being so...

Fang Yi's eyes sank, and he already had a calculation in his heart. The so-called tiger's cub won't come if you don't enter the tiger's den. Immediately, he controlled the way of water and guarded the last trace of true spirit.

The water pattern flowing on the surface of the three-color heavenly baby instantly submerged into the three-color heavenly baby.

Without these water marks, the blood light eroded in an instant.

In an instant, the three-color celestial baby turned into blood, and even the pupils were blood-red, looking extremely strange.

At the same time, behind Fang Yi in the outside world, the killing spirit that had dissipated once again condensed and became more solid, bloody eyes were red, captivating.

Whoa! !

The huge body of the killing soul is like a huge vortex, devouring everything around it wantonly.

At the same time, the bloody strong man's blood eyes were full of greed, looking at Fang Yi and the huge killing soul behind him, salivating.

The same is true for Fang Yi, at this moment, his eyes are also blood red, like a real killing god, there is only endless killing intent in his eyes, nothing else.

Boom! !

Two gigantic slaughtering souls fought in everything, causing the world to tremble.

The force field and the terrifying will of destruction unleashed wantonly, turning the entire world into a hell on earth. Under the terrifying force field and the will of destruction, the giant slaughtering beasts split open one by one, turning into Endless killing spirit rushed towards Fang Yi.

Although the strong blood clan condensed the killing spirit earlier, the speed of devouring the killing spirit was far slower than Fang Yi. If Fang Yi hadn't made up his mind, he would be here to show off his might.

At this moment, in just an instant, the killing spirit behind Fang Yi has become more and more solid, faintly beginning to surpass the strong blood clan.


As the Soul of Slaughter solidified, his face also began to manifest, and the contours of his facial features slowly condensed.

It was exactly what Fang Yi looked like.

It's just more evil, giving people a sense of evil.

I saw him slapping out a palm, and under the wind of the palm, a huge vortex condensed instantly, and under the powerful tearing force, the killing soul condensed by the strong blood clan was torn to pieces.

The body also gradually distorted, stretched infinitely, and was pulled into the huge vortex.

"Do not!!"

The strong blood man howled unwillingly, the breath in his body was quickly swallowed up, and the energy in his body also rushed into the vortex, and his bloody eyes, which were originally red, seemed to have regained some clarity at this moment.

Slowly fade, and finally no different from normal people.

It's just that the huge killing soul behind him has been completely swallowed up, as well as the energy in his body.

His expression was filled with boundless fear and despair.

But it's a pity that the tearing power of the whirlpool didn't slow down in the slightest because of his despair, it even got faster and faster, and the blood red in Fang Yi's pupils became more and more intense, as if he could bleed.

In the end, the strong blood clan was completely reduced to a dry bone.

Devouring supernatural powers can not only devour his condensed killing aura, but also devour everything about him, vigor and spirit.

And behind Fang Yi, the huge killing soul became more and more brilliant, bigger and bigger, as solid as a real god.

But at the same time, he also fell into endless killing.

Just like a real killing machine, killing wantonly in this space.

Countless killing monsters were devoured, and his aura was also rising at an incredible speed, and the killing aura was even more intense and outrageous.

If this is from the outside world, just looking at it will make people lose their minds.

And all around, the rounds of bloody scorching sun have come, and the killing spirits are killing wantonly, and Fang Yi is among them, killing to his heart's content.

There is no wisdom, no fear, only instinctive killing.

This space seems to exist for killing.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the three-color celestial baby has completely turned into a blood-colored baby, like a blood baby, giving him an extremely evil and terrifying feeling.

I don't know how long it took.

In the huge space, the bloody scorching sun became less and less, but it became more and more prosperous.

The three-color Tianying turned blood red from the outside to the inside.

Only in the deepest part, there is still a faint trace of water.

However, when the bloody light was about to erode the last trace of true spirit, the water ripples surged, and the sound of a big wave came, swallowing the bloody light with overwhelming force.


"Still protecting the last trace of true spirit? Hmph!"

An extremely contemptuous voice came from nowhere, and at the same time, the blood was also in full bloom, like a sea of ​​blood, sweeping towards the big wave, as if to completely assimilate it.

In the outside world, Fang Yi, who was full of murderous intent, had a distorted expression at this moment, seemingly in extreme pain.

The difference is that the killing spirit condensed behind him has a ferocious and evil look on the corner of his mouth, as well as deep contempt.

Whoa! !

The sound of the big waves is passionate, the sea of ​​blood roars, and the clear water hits everything.

If you see through the sky, you will be shocked.

It is unbelievable that the clear water flow appeared to be invincible, as if it would be swallowed in an instant. Fortunately, at this time, another roaring wave came. Not only that, but the roaring wave was even more overwhelming. A huge palace is outlined, like a fairy palace.

"Water Temple!!"

The ethereal voice from before came again, revealing an unbelievable color.


(End of this chapter)

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