Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3411 Nine True Dragons

Chapter 3411 Three True Dragons

At the same time, the sea of ​​blood churned and condensed into a huge face. The face was blurred, but in the blood-red eyes, the color of greed was extraordinarily strong.

boom! !

A huge blood-colored palm print also condensed, exuding an unparalleled aura.

Even the huge water temple was trembling violently, as if it couldn't bear the shocking blow.

"Hmph! Bring it to me!!"

The voice sounded again, revealing an extremely evil and greedy meaning.

On that huge face, there was also a hint of ferocity.

Whoa! !

The whole ocean boiled over, turning rivers and seas upside down, and at this moment, the huge water temple seemed to be desperately trying to compete with the blood sea, but it was unbelievable that compared to the blood sea, the water temple was still somewhat inferior.

The huge face sneered, "It's a mere rule artifact, dare to be presumptuous in front of the old man, surrender or be wiped out of the true spirit!"

The terrifying sea of ​​blood roared, and the huge face changed and distorted accordingly, outlining the color of pleasure and greed.

And the huge bloody handprint also directly grabbed the water temple.

brush! !

Seeing at this critical moment, a bright golden light came out of the three-color Tianying's body, and endless golden runes surged, outlining bright golden lotus leaves, turning into a ninth-grade lotus platform.

On the huge sea of ​​blood, endless golden Buddhas suddenly appeared.

The Buddha chanted, the Buddha's radiance was overwhelming, and he rushed towards the sea of ​​blood. From the sea of ​​blood, hideous faces twisted and howled, seemingly in pain.

And that huge face couldn't help showing a look of astonishment in the eyes at this moment.

"Golden Lotus of Twelve Grades of Merit?"

"It's a pity, so what if it's a complete twelfth-grade merit golden lotus? Let alone your broken leaf, open!"

In the sea of ​​blood, a column of blood soared to the sky, and the terrifying blood energy instantly covered the sky and the sun, the Buddha's light was covered, and the Buddha in the sky also collapsed, and there was a sound of mourning.

And the ninth-grade lotus platform also disintegrated.

"The light of the firefly dares to compete with the bright moon!" The huge face sneered, and its greedy eyes looked at the water temple again.

Outside, Fang Yi's expression became even more distorted, excruciatingly painful.

The killing spirit condensed behind him became more and more evil, and the ferocious look at the corner of his mouth was like a ghost.

The bloody light around him has already brightly illuminated the entire space, making other bloody suns around him extremely dim.

With a wave of his palm, the terrifying killing aura, as well as the bloody scorching sun around him, seemed to be out of control, rushing towards him, slowly growing his body.

The endless killing power began to condense, and the human killing monument also trembled sharply.

Perhaps because of this huge suction force, the blood-colored sun and the killing spirit around him could no longer condense, their faces were grim, and they were torn straight towards Fang Yi.

One by one cracked open.

As the killing aura around them was devoured, their eyes gradually returned to normal color, and their faces were full of fear and awe.

Prince Longyan, Sinful Immortal, Wuying Immortal, Jingshui Immortal, and even Ao Xue and so on.

A strong man reveals their original appearance.

They also showed their frightened faces.

"What's going on? He..." Everyone looked at Fang Yi in horror, and at the same time recalled everything before, their faces became extremely pale.

"No! This is not a killing inheritance. It is a conspiracy. Some people use the killing monument as a bait to take away others."

The people present are all human beings, and they have seen all kinds of disturbances, and they still don't understand what happened at the moment.

If you insist on saying yes, that's why the other party chose a Dao Erzhong instead of them. I have to say that this confuses them.

Because even they were completely caught in the killing just now.

As strong as the opponent, it is easy to win them over.

But in fact, the other party chose a Dao Erzhong, which made them puzzled.

Of course, in this situation, they don't have time to wonder at all. In such a situation, there is only one word to escape, otherwise...

Haloxy! ! !

Suddenly, the four superpowers flew away, intending to escape.

Everything in front of them has made them understand everything, and at the same time, they clearly realize that the power of the person behind this is probably far beyond their imagination.

But it's a pity, if the people behind it really had such an arrangement, how could they let them go?

"Since you've come in, do you still want to leave?"

The contemptuous voice sounded again, and the pupils of the huge killing spirit also shrank, and the endless killing spirit gathered instantly, turning into four shocking giant palms, and directly slapped the four superpowers.

As for Ao Xue, he was completely stunned at the moment, his pupils were full of shock and disbelief.

He did not flee.

Instead, he tried to wake up Fang Yi.

Maybe he knew he couldn't escape, or because of other reasons, he finally rushed towards Fang Yi, and the terrifying meaning of destruction turned into a real dragon of destruction, roaring towards the sky.

At the same time, he was also shouting loudly: "Fang Yi, wake up!!"

However, his actions were obviously futile. Fang Yi still had a grim face and distorted face. It seemed that he should be suffering from great pain and his consciousness was lax.

Boom! !

There was a loud bang, and the four superpowers were blown away one by one without much resistance.

It's not that they are incompetent, but because the people behind it are too good.

It is also because this is the monument of killing people, where the domain of killing is located. Even if these people are powerful, how can they escape easily.

At this moment, the faces of the four superpowers all became extremely ugly.

"Senior, I'm the blood clan Longyan, please forgive me."

Although the murder monument was left by the Asura clan, from the terrifying blood light, he not only felt the powerful killing intent, but also felt the terrifying way of blood.

The Blood Clan and the Asura Clan are both from the Ming Clan, and the two are inextricably linked. Although the Blood Sea has never heard of those who comprehend these two avenues at the same time, they are not in the minority in the endless history of the Three Realms .

Therefore, he expects to obtain forgiveness from the other party through this relationship.

It's a pity that the huge killing spirit didn't even look at him, and the four bloody lights rushed towards the four of them respectively.

At the same time, Fang Yi knew the sea, and the vast sea of ​​blood wrapped around the water temple, as if it was about to completely melt it. Not only that, but also endless blood was devouring the three-color heavenly baby.

The entire three-color celestial infant, from the inside to the outside, almost turned into blood.



Suddenly, at this moment, within the three-color celestial infant, three shocking dragon chants resounded.

Accompanied by these three dragon chants, three terrifying auras swept in, destruction and eternity, and an even more illusory aura. Those three auras seemed to come from within the three-color heavenly infant, but they seemed to come from the nine heavens. And Luo, swept across with an unrivaled posture, pressing towards the sea of ​​blood.

"Three True Dragons?"


(End of this chapter)

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