Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3412 5-color brilliance

Chapter 3412 Five Color Brilliance

At this moment, a look of astonishment appeared on that huge face, which was full of disbelief.

The three true dragons are illusory.

Even in the ancient dragon clan period, it was extremely rare to actually see the three true dragons. There were even rumors that they were not real dragon clan at all, but regular dragons that evolved from the three regular avenues.

There are no three true dragons at all.

But at this moment, the three real dragons appeared together, and the three regular avenues gathered together. Rao's face was full of shock and disbelief.

Yin Yin Yin! !

However, what responded to him were three shocking dragon chants, as well as an even more terrifying power of rules.

The three avenues condensed and turned into three real dragons roaring forward, causing the entire sea of ​​blood to churn, and the huge waves roared to the sky.

"Bold! So what if there are three real dragons?"

The huge face was furious, and the roaring sea of ​​blood instantly engulfed the sky, and from the sea of ​​blood, huge phantoms also condensed, and the monstrous fierce aura filled the air, like a statue fighting The peerless Shura of heaven and earth.

And the huge face also instantly grew a body, like a great man of heaven and earth, holding two swords, stepping on a blood lotus, with an unparalleled aura, facing the real dragon that evolved from the three regular avenues.

The real dragon soars and overlooks the nine heavens.

However, that huge blood man was extremely domineering, entwined with those three real dragons, and it turned out to be indistinguishable from each other.

If this scene is seen by the world, it will definitely be shocked.

In such a shocking battle, the three true dragons and the blood-colored giant, as well as the endless melee of the peerless Shura, no one can do anything to the other.

Boom! !

Just when the great battle was at a stalemate, above the nine heavens, five-colored lights shone like a round of five-colored scorching sun. The three real dragons felt the scorching sun, as if they had been summoned by some kind, and rushed away with a roar. The body was wrapped around the five-color light, and the five-color light slowly transformed into a human form.

It's just that the light was too bright to see his face clearly.

However, the terrifying sun-like aura around him was so eye-catching and dazzling.

The scarlet giant's pupils were also full of horror at the moment.

"who are you?"

He asked sternly, with a trace of fear in his bloody eyes.

However, that figure didn't answer him, only said: "You have countless clones, this one belongs to me!"

Loud and majestic, the voice resounded like a supreme king.

Accompanied by this sound, an extremely terrifying aura swept over, and the huge sea of ​​blood was wiped out inch by inch.

"how is this possible?"

The scarlet giant's pupils were filled with horror, as if he had seen a ghost, "Who the hell are you?"

It's a pity that the figure didn't intend to answer at all, only the terrifying huge wave, like the wind of silence engulfing the world, wherever it passed, the endless peerless Shura burst and the sea of ​​blood disappeared.

"Bastard!! This old man will definitely find you and tear you into pieces."

The blood-colored giant yelled unwillingly, and in the end, he had no choice but to recede like a tidal wave, but unfortunately, that majestic voice resounded again.

"I have said, this avatar belongs to me."

As he said, the five-color brilliance flourished, and wherever he passed, everything in the world seemed to be frozen, no!Not only was it frozen, but even time stopped. The roaring sea of ​​blood still maintained a churning appearance, but it cracked little by little, dissipating invisible.

No force can stop this.

Even the huge blood-colored giant seemed to be frozen at this moment, motionless, with a terrified expression on his face.

But from within his body, the voice full of horror still sounded, "Time stops, it is the law of time, how is it possible? You are the king of time?"

"No! You are not him, you are the last person he saw, and I will definitely find you!"

The voice fell silent, revealing boundless anger and unwillingness.

It's just because the blood-colored giant has been broken little by little, and the entire sea of ​​blood has completely disappeared into nothingness, and it no longer exists.

In the outside world, the gigantic slaughtering soul, which was slapping the shocking blood palms of the four superpowers, also paused for a moment, and the terrifying blood that shrouded the four superpowers suddenly loosened a lot.

The four superpowers are so amazing, they caught this strangeness in an instant. In this situation, how could they have time to pay attention to other things, taking advantage of this gap, they shot out one by one like lightning.

escape! !

This is their only thought at the moment, if they slow down a bit, they may be lost forever.

In an instant, they completely disappeared into the sky.

At the same time, within Fang Yi's pupils, the blood red also gradually receded, and three colors of light burst out.

what happened?

Looking around blankly, Fang Yi didn't know anything about what happened just now. Of course, he didn't know at all. He had a vague impression of everything that happened in the sea of ​​consciousness.

It seems that I saw a familiar figure?

after that……

"Fang Yi, how are you?" Ao Xue was also full of fear at the moment, and he naturally didn't know what happened to Fang Yi.

However, Fang Yi's pupils returned to normal color, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

"Ao Xue, are you here? What's going on?"

Falling into the killing, everything is like a dream, Fang Yi only remembers that he was caught in the endless killing, killing to his heart's content, and then suddenly woke up again, this is the moment.

"You don't know anything?"

Ao Xue asked tentatively, his face still full of fear.

It's not surprising that the person behind it obviously wanted to take away Fang Yi's body, at least in his opinion, but after that, Fang Yi woke up inexplicably, as if nothing had happened.

No matter how you look at it, it's a bit unbelievable. The people behind it are so powerful, but even the four strong people in the sixth level of the Dao are powerless. No matter how powerful Fang Yi is, how can it be possible...

But the truth...

"Know what?" Fang Yi looked at Ao Xue in astonishment.

Ao Xue was a little suspicious, and then asked: "Look at your body, whether there will be any changes."

At the same time as Ao Xue reminded, Fang Yi was actually checking his body.

Just this investigation, his pupils suddenly brightened up, because he could clearly sense the strong killing aura in his body, which had almost merged with him.

Not only that, but in his induction, a huge stone tablet appeared.

It seems that as long as he is willing, the stele can be controlled by him.

And that stele is the stele of killing people!

what happened?Have you obtained the approval of the Murder Monument?And it has already condensed a huge amount of killing energy, and it won't even take long to try to condense the way of killing?

All these changes happened so fast and so strangely that Fang Yi felt a little unbelievable.

Deep down in his heart, he even thought that whether his active immersion in the killing played a role.

As everyone knows, this decision almost brought him into a catastrophe.


(End of this chapter)

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