Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3413

Chapter 3413

Ao Xue naturally didn't know all this, and he still kept a certain distance from Fang Yi at this moment.

Because he was not sure whether Fang Yi would become another person the next moment.

Thinking of the terrifying killing spirit before, he couldn't help but feel chills down his spine, as if he had walked through hell.

Fortunately, nothing happened. Fang Yi opened his eyes again, and the three-color light in his pupils became more and more intense, as bright as the scorching sun.

"How about it?"

Ao Xue couldn't help asking.

There was a smile on the corner of Fang Yi's mouth, and the excitement in his heart was self-evident.

After a while, from Ao Xue's mouth, he finally learned what happened, and also understood the weirdness of this space, but the more so, the more shocked he was in his heart.

Not even the four superpowers are opponents, let alone myself.

But in the end... why did the person behind him give up his physical body?What is going on?And the familiar figure I saw, could it be really him?

Maybe it can only be him, otherwise, how can he be vulnerable if he is as strong as the four great masters and the sixth level of the Dao?

But, why would he give up?

What happened?

Fang Yi felt extremely puzzled in his heart, and at the same time, he was very grateful for his recklessness this time. If it hadn't been for some unforeseen accident, I'm afraid... his body has already been occupied by the blood-colored giant.

And I am afraid that I have completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi's entire back was drenched, and he secretly warned himself that no matter what in the future, he should not make fun of his own life.

Do not!This is not only a matter of life, even the soul...

Of course, the reason why he did this was entirely out of his confidence in the Temple of Water, but I am afraid that even he would never have thought that no matter how powerful the Temple of Water is, it is only the incarnation of the rules of the Way of Water. Whether the rules are strong or not depends on the person in control , and the depth of comprehension.

As for the Water God Temple, when it was out of control, it was just a big hall.

It's time to go out!

The Man Killing Monument has been obtained, and Ao Xue has also found it. There is no rush to condense the way of killing. All the killing spirit in the entire space is for him to use. It is only a matter of time before he realizes it.

Of course, with a thought in Fang Yi's mind, the terrifying murderous aura all around rushed towards him in an instant, and even the entire space was compressed sharply, gathering towards Fang Yi.

In the end, in the palm of his hand, it turned into a huge stone monument, which was exactly the killing monument.

The figures of the two also appeared in the outside world at the same time.

"He's out!"

At this moment, there are still many people surrounded by the outside world. The four superpowers are all listed. They did not escape immediately. It is different in the monument of killing people. It is someone else's territory. Naturally, they dare not stay, but at this moment The outside world is different, and they also want to know what's going on inside.

However, when they saw Fang Yi appearing, their faces changed drastically.

They never forgot about the one inside the Man-killing Monument. The huge killing soul was so powerful that it made them tremble in fear when they recalled it at this moment.

Except for the four of them, the others all looked dazed, as if they had just recovered from the endless slaughter.

Under their feet is an endless mountain of corpses in a sea of ​​blood.

Seeing this scene, they didn't have time to pay attention to Fang Yi. They were already stunned by the astonishing scene before them, and their faces turned pale.

Fang Yi was also slightly taken aback, and immediately noticed the existence of the four superpowers.

His face also sank.

But the four superpowers showed even more fear. No one dared to speak first, and the atmosphere became a little weird. In the end, the owner of the Killing God Valley, as if waking up from a dream, pointed at Fang Yi and shouted: "People kill the stele!" In his hands, kill him!!"

The owner of the Killing God Valley didn't enter the Human Killing Monument at all, and he didn't know what happened inside.

At this moment, all he had in his eyes was the man-killing monument, with greedy eyes.

And what he said brought the crowd back to their senses, and the eyes of each of them became extremely hot.

It's just a pity that this situation only lasted for a moment. With the crash of the killing tablet, the owner of the Killing God Valley had no room to resist, so he was suppressed on the spot, turned into a mass of flesh, and was swallowed by the killing tablet. It was clean, not even a scum was left.

what? ?

The majestic Killing God Valley Master, a martial artist at the second level of the Dao, was directly killed in a flash?

The greedy crowd all turned pale at this moment.

Even the pupils of the four superpowers are full of horror, and apart from that, there is also a hint of doubt.

Although this blow was domineering, let alone a Dao Duo, even a Dao Triple or Quad might not be able to take it.

However, compared to the terrifying killing soul, there is obviously a world of difference.

This made them doubt Fang Yi's strength and identity.

Is Fang Yi still the same Fang Yi?And his strength, is it as powerful as the killing soul before, or after occupying this body, his strength is also suppressed at the level of this body, if that is the case... And this is exactly what they are unwilling to do. Reason for leaving.

"Who exactly is Fellow Daoist?"

Sin Xianjun was the first to speak, his eyes were full of fear, but his voice was faintly questioning.

However, no matter how you look at it, there is some lack of confidence.

It's not surprising, having seen the power of the killing soul before, and being able to stand here without leaving, already has great courage.

"What do you say?"

Knowing everything from Ao Xue, Fang Yi naturally understood the fear of the four of them.

Otherwise, how could these people be so quiet, they would have killed them long ago.

However, he is not afraid at all, whether it is because his own strength is strong enough to compete with the sixth level of the Dao, just kidding, even if his strength really soars, it is impossible to compete against the sixth level of the Dao, let alone four people.

And the reason why they dared to come out, and with great confidence, was because the souls of the four of them had already been integrated with the Murder Monument.

In other words, as long as he wants, he can suppress the four at any time.

However, it is not a complete suppression or beheading, because his control over the human killing monument is not thorough enough, at least until the way of killing is fully condensed.

However, it is enough to defeat four people.

I saw him lift his giant palm lightly, and the monument of killing people also rose instantly, and the terrifying killing spirit erupted, directly suppressing the evil fairy.


Immortal Sin was angry, and just about to resist, his face became extremely ugly in an instant, because in his soul, a killing soul condensed again, revealing boundless coercion.

And that killing soul was exactly what he had condensed in the human killing monument before.

I thought it had already dissipated, but I didn't expect that it would actually merge into his soul, and become one with the Murder Monument, and be controlled by it.

"Impossible!" He looked hideous, as if he had seen a ghost.

The other three superpowers also seemed to feel something, and their faces all turned pale.


There was a loud noise, and the huge body of the evil fairy flew out directly, and the huge crowd fell into a deathly silence.

Although they didn't know what happened inside, it didn't stop them from being shocked. The sixth layer of the grand avenue was blown away. This is simply...

However, what they didn't expect was yet to come.


Hearing a soft shout, the four superpowers flew away like bereaved dogs, leaving only the stunned crowd in place.


(End of this chapter)

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