Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3414 The Asura Tribe

Chapter 3414 The Asura Tribe

"My lord, the Killing God Valley has been cleaned up, and according to Young Master's request, all the disciples who are willing to stay have been incorporated into Jiufeng Mountain."

"very good!"

Ding Shou looked complacent.

Killing God Valley has been entangled with Jiufeng Mountain for many years, and he never thought that one day, Jiufeng Mountain will be able to completely take down Killing God Valley.

Recalling the battle of killing the monument a month ago, Fang Yi shouted back the four superpowers.

It made him feel like a dream.

The only regret is that under Fang Yi's account, that battle did not spread, and outsiders know little about it.

According to his idea, this matter should have been widely publicized, making Jiufengshan one of the most powerful forces in the fantasy realm, so that he would rise with the tide.

Of course, he dared not disobey Fang Yi's order.

The people who were at the scene that day also did not dare to disobey, just kidding, that was the existence of the four superpowers who were knocked back with one blow, how dare those people disobey?

Although they didn't know how Fang Yi defeated the four superpowers, facts are facts and cannot be questioned.

Therefore, although the reputation of Jiufeng Mountain has not spread, everyone's attitude towards Jiufeng Mountain is different.

Every disciple of Jiufeng Mountain could sense this change.

The other forces that are close to Jiufeng Mountain have also shrunk in an all-round way, and the huge territory can be said to be taken by Jiufeng Mountain.

Of course, Fang Yi didn't have that elegance.

When it came to the Killing God Valley, the owner of the Killing God Valley was dead, so he took it away as soon as he could.

Everything is still as peaceful as before.

As if nothing had happened.

The only difference is that the Wuyinmen and the Water Sky Sect no longer escaped as before, and they no longer regard themselves as the leaders of the Illusory Realm Alliance, taking over everything in the alliance, and everything seems unusually calm , like the eve of a storm.

"I've seen your son!"

In the spacious hall, a group of new moon soldiers gathered together, each with a majestic atmosphere.

Although the ore vein is not too big, it undoubtedly has great benefits for these ordinary soldiers, and it also makes their cultivation base improve by leaps and bounds.

Especially Yun Zhonglong and Lin Zhonghu.

The strength of the few people was already extremely strong. Now that they have this opportunity, they have all reached the critical moment of hitting the road.

Not to mention Wu Chi, at some point, he has already condensed the second avenue.

In addition, Wu Yue also successfully stepped into the Dao Realm after receiving the inheritance of the Fifth Sword Code.

Fang Yi was not surprised by her rapid progress.

The fifth sword canon is no small matter, and the former fifth element can become one of the leaders of the three major forces in the forgotten land, which can be seen.

Fang Yi didn't go further on this road, it was because he was eager to gather the way of water and the way of strength, so...

It may be possible in the future.

"I am very pleased to see that you have made great progress, but this is far from enough."

"It's been a while since I came to Kunlun. I think you should know something about this place. This is not the mountain of gods and demons. The strong are like clouds. Without a strong force, you can only be trampled on at will."

"Now, I will give you a chance."

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone below brightened up.

Fang Yi's strength and inconceivable, they have been familiar with it along the way, and it can be seen that Fang Yi can see it as an opportunity.

Immediately, everyone shouted together: "I will follow the young master to the death."

"very good!"

Fang Yi nodded in satisfaction, opened his hand, and the murder monument appeared out of thin air in his hand.

"Opportunities are in front of you. Whether you can become an invincible and invincible teacher depends on your own." As he said, the man-killing monument shone brightly, covering everyone in it.

Except Wu Chi and Wu Yue.

In an instant, countless crescent soldiers in the hall disappeared without a trace.

"Mr. Fang, I..." Wuyue showed a trace of surprise on his face, because he was still in the same place, Wu Chi didn't react at all, and he was as plain as ever.

"You don't have to, you, like Wu Chi, have your own path."

Hearing this, Wu Yue's expression softened a little, and he turned to look at the killing tablet in Fang Yi's hand, and asked, "Then they..."


The corner of Fang Yi's mouth curled up with anticipation, and he murmured: "Have you heard of the Asura clan? Maybe they can bring surprises to this gentleman..."

It has been more than a month since he got the monument of murder. Fang Yi not only felt the majestic way of killing and the strong killing spirit, but also sensed a secret about the Asura clan.

The so-called Asuras are nothing but the killing souls.

Concentrating enough killing spirit, after countless battles, the body of killing has been achieved.

The Three Killing Monument is the place where they were bred. However, it is not sure whether Fang Yi, a real Asura clan, can be bred with only one side of the Killing Monument.

But, no matter what, at least they are many times stronger than they are now.

Fang Yi is also looking forward to this.

Everything is going on in this way, in an orderly manner. Jiufeng Mountain has not expanded wantonly as before, which makes the surrounding forces relieved, but at the same time, they can't help but have a little doubt.

In fact, although there are very few rumors about Jiufeng Mountain and that battle, countless pairs of eyes are staring at this place, for fear that there will be any disturbance here.

Just kidding, that is the existence that can repel the four superpowers.

And the four superpowers themselves are also staring at Jiufeng Mountain. What is Fang Yi's origin?What is the purpose?It made them extremely worried.

For such a terrifying strong man, he and others are still under the control of the other party, this feeling...

Let the four superpowers all be on tenterhooks.

I'm afraid that Fang Yi will have some follow-up actions.

At the same time, they are also trying their best to drive out and suppress the killing spirit in their souls.

With everyone having their own thoughts, the fantasy domain ushered in a rare peaceful day, which gave this chaotic area a chance to breathe.

Taking advantage of this time, Fang Yi naturally did not dare to delay, and escaped into the Human Water Temple, using the huge time of the Water Temple to speed up, and comprehend the way of killing.

Around him, a strong killing aura gathered, like a real red blood mist, giving people a feeling of palpitation.

I don't know how long it took, but the breath became more and more intense, almost turning the surrounding area into a sea of ​​blood.


I only heard a soft drink from within the sea of ​​blood.

The endless blood mist was like a hurricane blowing, and it quickly moved towards the center, where Fang Yi was concentrated, getting faster and faster.

In the end, it turned into a torso, just like the killing soul condensed by Fang Yi at the Man Killing Monument.

The difference is that this phantom has only a torso, no head, and only a thin layer. Endless killing aura surges in it, but it is still not enough to form a complete body.

Obviously, this means that Fang Yi's understanding of the way of killing is not enough, at least not enough to condense this body.

However, that terrifying aura was worse than before.


(End of this chapter)

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