Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3415 Beiming Blood Emperor

Chapter 3415 Beiming Blood Emperor

After all, it was still a little bit worse!

Fang Yi sensed the killing spirit behind him, and as his thoughts turned, the faint phantom instantly disappeared and disappeared.

The so-called soul of killing is actually the body of rules condensed by the power of rules of killing.

Once the cohesion is successful, it means that there is a certain understanding in the way of killing. Of course, the way of cohesive killing is still far away.

It is not so easy to successfully condense a Dao.

Fang Yi has comprehended the way of water for many years, and it was only with the help of the water temple that he successfully condensed it.

And the cohesion of the way of strength is a bit inconceivable, full of fantasy.

But even so, it was only because Fang Yi owned the Nine Dragon Seal, and because of the originating power of the Pangu clan, seeing the giant of heaven and earth who was suspected to be Pangu open up the world, that the success of the cohesion was achieved.

As for the way of killing, although the complete killing rules are contained in the human killing monument, Fang Yi has never been exposed to the way of killing before, and it is obviously impossible to gather it in a short time.

In fact, being able to condense a torso in such a short period of time is already extremely impressive.

If it weren't for the time acceleration in the water temple, it would be absolutely impossible.

You must know that the soul of killing condensed in this way is completely different from the soul of killing condensed in the monument of killing people. The effect, the accumulation of killing aura, is not the result of one's own active consciousness at all. The two are essentially different, and the power they can display is also very different.

Although it is only a torso, Fang Yi can clearly sense the huge improvement in his own strength.

Originally, he still wanted to wait for the condensed and complete Soul of Slaughter to leave the level, but now...

I saw a faint ripple all over his body, and his figure disappeared out of thin air.

"What's the matter?"

In Jiufeng Mountain, the largest palace, Fang Yi's figure slowly emerged.

In the center of the hall, Ao Xue and the ten great dragons are standing.

"Mr. Fang, you finally appeared!" Ao Dong seemed a little anxious, as did the other three. As for Ao Xue, there was no reaction.

"It's the blood race. During this period of time, the blood race may have changed. They have become more and more active during the week."

"We also found out that there are a large number of powerful people coming to the fantasy domain from Blood God Island, I'm afraid..."

Blood God Island is the center of the Blood Sea, the headquarters of the Blood Race.

The news about the Illusory Realm spread to Blood God Island, and it was so fast, it was beyond Fang Yi's expectations.

Although Prince Longyan participated in the whole incident, he was under the control of the killing monument. According to Fang Yi's estimation, he probably would not report the matter. ,I am afraid……

Second, after the incident, all parties had a surprisingly tacit understanding and kept silent, without entanglement on this matter.

It was as if this had never happened at all.

Fang Yi knew that he had his own credit for this, but more, it was the credit of the four superpowers. How could a powerhouse like them let others know that he and others had been controlled.

Although outsiders don't know about it.

But if they could cover up the whole thing, they would undoubtedly be happy to see it.

And they do it all the time.

But now...

Fang Yi's brows could not help but frown. The attack of the blood clan is definitely not good news for Jiufeng Mountain. The blood clan can dominate the vast Kunlun sea and become one of the top seven forces in the sea. , with the power of Jiufeng Mountain to compete with them, it is undoubtedly a mantis' arm.

Of course, it depends on their determination and Nie Hai's attitude.

In the past, Nie Hai would never sit back and watch the blood clan do anything wrong in this disputed place, but now it is different, the evil fairy is also under control, and he wishes the blood clan could destroy Jiufeng Mountain and himself.

Wuyinmen and Water Sky Sect are no exception.

and so……

"The news is true? Do you know who came?"

After a pause, Fang Yi asked.

"Master Hui, it's not certain yet, but there are gossip that the leader may be one of the four blood emperors, the Northern Dark Blood Emperor."

The classification of the blood clan is extremely strict, from the blood sea god, who is also called the true ancestor by the blood clan, to the four blood emperors, princes, elders, lords, etc., down one level, and the hierarchy is strict.

Prince Longyan is one of the princes, not only bloodline and cultivation, but also extremely powerful.

And the Blood Emperor of Beiming was one level higher than him.

Bloodline and cultivation base are also crushed.

It is also the most powerful group of existences in the entire blood sea. The so-called Quartet Blood Emperor, it is obvious that there are only four similar blood emperor level powerhouses in the huge blood sea.

Of course, this is the surface, but not necessarily what it is.

However, in the majestic sea of ​​blood, there are only four blood emperor-level powerhouses on the bright side, which shows how powerful and precious it is.

If you don't look at anything else, just look at the Dragon Clan and you will know that the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan, under the Dragon King and above ten thousand people, is only the seventh level of the Great Dao, and there are as many as four strong men like Blood Sea. And know.

Those who can become the blood emperor are all existences above the seventh level of the avenue.

It can also be seen from this that why the dragon clan is said to be lonely.

Hearing this, Fang Yi's complexion also became a little ugly. The seventh level of the Dao, how overbearing, that is, recalling the situation when the elder of the Dragon Clan fought against the golden armored general...

With such a powerful person coming, even if Fang Yi has the ability to reach the sky, he is powerless to return to the sky.

In fact, not to mention the seventh level of the Dao, even the sixth level of the Dao, he can't compete. The reason why he repelled the four superpowers is because of the suppression of them by the Human Killing Monument, suppressing their souls, otherwise...

"My lord, what should we do now? Jiufengshan is probably..."

Ao Dong's face turned pale, obviously frightened.

Don't blame him, he knows the strength of the blood race better than Fang Yi. Although he doesn't know why the four superpowers retreated last time, he knows Fang Yi's strength. The sixth level is obviously far inferior, if not, it would not be so embarrassing at the beginning.

Not to mention, the last time it was the fourth Dao Liuzhong.

Regarding this, he was also full of doubts in his heart, but the matter had already passed, so there was no need to pursue it further. The most important thing now was how to face the Blood Emperor of the Northern Darkness.

In his opinion, the best way is undoubtedly to escape and give up Jiufeng Mountain.

At this moment, Fang Yi was also caught in a tangle.

The seventh level of the avenue is indeed not something he can compete with. He originally wanted to recuperate here in Jiufeng Mountain and gather the third avenue well, but he didn't expect that the appearance of the killing monument disrupted everything.

Fang Yi is very clear about the fact that the blood race will never give up on the stele of killing people, because the two are inextricably linked.

I'm afraid that other forces are also brewing something.

If it weren't for the Human Killing Monument suppressing the souls of the four superpowers, the battle of Killing God Valley would have been out of hand, and it would have given Fang Yi enough time to be able to drag it until today.

However, it was not enough for Fang Yi.

The predicament in front of him also made him deeply frown.


(End of this chapter)

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