Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3416 Fog hidden door

Chapter 3416 Fog hidden door

"Before you make a decision, there is something I must tell you. I have already contacted the Great Elder."

At this time, Ao Xue suddenly interjected.

When several people heard the words, they couldn't help looking.

In the battle that day, the Great Elder of the Dragon Clan left in order to cover a few people, and fought against the strong in the Taixu Wonderland. Why there was no news afterwards. Hearing Ao Xue's words at this moment, Ao Dong couldn't help but asked: "Master Xue, what about the Great Elder?" how is he?"

"The Great Elder is as powerful as the sky, so he is naturally safe."

Ao Xue said proudly, "However, those who pursued you did not give up their search for you. Tongtian Temple, Earth Temple, Da Leiyin Temple, and Taixu Wonderland are all looking for your whereabouts all over the world."

As Ao Xue said, he looked at Fang Yi with extremely deep eyes.

It must be said that he was extremely shocked to be able to make so many top forces frantically search for it.

At the same time, it is full of doubts.

"Even, they are planning to attack my Dragon Clan."


The faces of the four people in Aodong changed drastically, but fortunately, Ao Xue's voice came again, "However, these four major forces are not within the range of Canghai, and the forces of Canghai will not allow these people to enter Canghai to do anything wrong. You are all right, but their people have already dived into the sea, looking for your whereabouts everywhere."

"The Great Elder asked me to tell you that it is best to hide your identity, otherwise..."

At this point, Ao Xue didn't continue talking.

The four great dragons also looked at Fang Yi in amazement, and their expressions became extremely complicated. The predicament Fang Yi faced undoubtedly made them a little faint.

Because they are already tied to Fang Yi.

Once these forces are found, they will obviously not have good fruit to eat.

"My lord, from this point of view, Jiufeng Mountain has no choice but to give up, how about..." Ao Dong carefully tested.

Jiufeng Mountain has attracted attention. Although Fang Yi's identity is still unknown to the world, once the blood race comes, everything will be hidden at that time. Can there still be days of peace?

Fang Yi also frowned at this moment. Of course, he would not be ignorant of such a simple truth.

Just feel a little helpless.

Originally, he planned to recuperate and improve his cultivation here, but who would have thought that... a monument of killing people disrupted everything.

However, he didn't regret it. There was a complete method of killing in the monument of killing people. Even if he knew it would happen, he would try his best to grab it.

What needs to be considered now is how to face the impending predicament.


It is obviously impossible. It is impossible for the forces of Jiufeng Mountain to face any of these major forces, and it is even more impossible to face so many forces at the same time.

From this point of view, I can only give up Jiufeng Mountain, but...

"I know, I have my own mind about this matter, you can go as usual, go out!"

Fang Yi waved his hand and sent everyone away.

Only Ao Xue still did not leave.

"What else do you want to say?" After Ao Dong and the others left, seeing Ao Xue still standing where he was, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

"Are you going to do it?" Ao Xue asked bluntly.

Fang Yi thought for a while, and then asked: "Is there any other choice? I am going to leave, but you still stay. As long as I leave, this little Jiufeng Mountain will not be able to get into the eyes of those forces."

Since there was no choice, and under such circumstances, taking several people away together would only put them in danger at all times, so Fang Yi decided to leave alone.

"I'll go with you!"

Ao Xue didn't seem surprised at all, and said.

Fang Yi was about to refuse, but he only heard him say again: "The Great Elder asked me to follow you to understand the meaning of the real dragon. I have done a lot of things for you, but the meaning of the real dragon has not yet been comprehended, so don't try to throw it away." open me."

After finishing speaking, Ao Xue stepped out of the hall without waiting for Fang Yi to agree.

Interesting guy!

Fang Yi looked at his back, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but smile.


"Young master, I'll wait..."

A few days later, when everything was settled, Fang Yi was ready to leave.

Now that it has been decided, it should be sooner rather than later.

When it came to Ao Dong and the others, their expressions seemed a little conflicted, and they wanted to leave with Fang Yi, but thinking about the danger Fang Yi might face, they flinched inwardly, not just because of fear, but also because of their own strength. Facing those big forces, they don't even have the ability to protect themselves, and they will become Fang Yi's burden instead, so...

By the time Wu Chi and Wu Yue seemed to have gotten used to it, it was because they knew that Fang Yi kept them in Jiufeng Mountain because he wanted to use Jiufeng Mountain as a base to develop his own strength.

So, they are willing to stay.

"Okay! It's settled like that, manage Jiufeng Mountain well, and I will come back eventually."

Fang Yi finally said, and it turned into a ripple and disappeared on the top of Jiufeng Mountain.

"Where are you going?"

Above the endless void, Ao Xue glanced at the nine huge mountain peaks below, then raised his eyes to the distance, and asked.

Fang Yi shook his head, he didn't have a definite goal where to go.

But the sea is so big, I don't know how many billions of miles it is, the Pangu clan?If you can’t say it, you can go and have a look, and inquire about Fuxi and Nuwa by the way, or you can go to Kunlun, such a huge world, he really wants to see how gorgeous it is.

However, before that, he had another thing to do.


The reason why the Illusory Realm is called the Illusory Realm is because there is a thick mist all year round, and in the mist, there are also strong murderous intentions hidden, and there are countless kinds of phantom beasts and monsters.

Those with a slightly lower strength cannot survive in this area at all.

Because of its characteristics, the two major forces, Nie Hai and Blood Sea, did not completely carve up this place, but instead used it as a buffer zone for the two major forces.

And in the central area of ​​this zone, where the fog is thickest and the murderous intent is very dangerous, it is where the Wuyinmen is located.

From a distance, in the mist, huge palaces loomed, like fairylands.

However, the monstrous roar of beasts that came out from time to time reminded people how dangerous this place is.

"Don't tell me, are you going to attack the fog hidden door?"

Ao Xue's eyes cast a deep look at Fang Yi, revealing a strange light.

Since the Wuyinmen can gain a foothold in the Illusory Realm and become the leading force of the Illusory Realm Alliance, it can be seen that it occupies the most dangerous area.

Although the master of the Wuyin sect was also knocked away by Fang Yi in the battle of killing people, but it was after all killing the valley of the gods.

At this moment, it is the Wuyinmen, the two are completely different.

"is it not OK?"

The corners of Fang Yi's mouth rose slightly, as if he didn't care about Wuyinmen, the overlord of the fantasy realm. As he spoke, a ripple appeared all over his body, and he quickly walked towards the huge palace group.


Ao Xue was full of puzzlement, and his expression became a little dignified, but he finally chased after him.


(End of this chapter)

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