Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3417 Arrival

Chapter 3417 Arrival

The Wuyin Gate is the overlord of the Illusory Realm. During the period of coming to the Illusion Realm, although Fang Yi had some feuds with the Wuyin Gate, the one who suffered was the Wuyin Gate, so Fang Yi came to the door at this moment, if it was for revenge , obviously something doesn't make sense.

And this is also where Ao Xue is puzzled.

Similarly, what puzzled him even more was that the Wuyinmen was so powerful that even though it suffered losses in Fang Yi's hands twice, the reasons for this were not obvious to outsiders.

At this moment, coming to Wuyinmen base camp is completely different.


In the endless thick fog, there was a shout of anger.

The sea of ​​rolling clouds was churning, and several majestic figures stepped out of it. Fang Yi's arrival obviously attracted the attention of Wuyinmen. In fact, he had no intention of hiding it at all.

This is also what makes Ao Xue even more incredible.

Fang Yi broke into the door of Wuyin in such an open and aboveboard manner, it was simply...

You must know that although the power of the Wuyinmen is not worth mentioning compared to Niehai and Xuehai, it is still the overlord in this fantasy realm.

But Fang Yi looked indifferent, as if he didn't take it to heart at all, so he wasn't surprised.

But as a member of the Dragon Clan and a peerless genius among them, even though he had some doubts, he would naturally not back down.

"Bold! How dare you break into my fog-hidden door without notification, who gave you the courage?"

Within the sea of ​​clouds, among the majestic figures, the leading one was a burly man with a stern expression and knife-like eyes, staring straight at Fang Yi, full of a faint majesty.

Driven by his aura, the terrifying sea of ​​clouds seemed to be pressing towards Fang Yi.

The sound of being crushed faintly came from the surrounding space.

However, with Fang Yi as the center, the surrounding areas are as normal as ever, as if the coercion had nothing to do with him.


The burly man obviously sensed that something was wrong, his pupils shrank, and a flash of surprise flashed across his face, but he was more contemptuous, after all, this was the headquarters of Wuyinmen.

"It's a little bit of a measure, but unfortunately, the Wuyinmen is not your turn to be presumptuous."

The burly man roared loudly, and the terrifying aura swept out again, and the sea of ​​clouds in the sky seemed to be completely boiling, engulfing Fang Yi.

Fang Yi's indifference obviously angered the burly man and made him swear to give him some flair.

This terrifying sea of ​​clouds, as if it had come to life, turned into thousands of unknown behemoths, roaring wantonly, as if they wanted to tear Fang Yi into pieces.

"Not bad!"

However, looking at this terrifying scene, Fang Yi nodded indifferently.

"Before consolidating the Dao, he is already so proficient in controlling the power of clouds and mists. The Wuyinmen is worthy of being the overlord of the illusion."

These words were regarded as praises of Wuyinmen, but they were so harsh to the ears of the burly man and his party.

What made them even more unbelievable was that the terrifying sea of ​​clouds had not yet approached, and it turned into cooking smoke again, dissipating invisible, as if those terrifying giant beasts were not worth mentioning in front of Fang Yi, just like a real illusion.

In fact, although it is an illusion, it is condensed by the power of clouds and mist, and ordinary people cannot resist it at all.

"Who are you?"

The burly man's face darkened, obviously sensing Fang Yi's unusualness.

However, that's all, what about the Great Realm?In the base camp of Wuyinmen, no matter how powerful warriors come, they have to be respectful. This is the pride of Wuyinmen. As a disciple of Wuyinmen, they are naturally superior to others, even when facing those powerful people.

"You don't need to know who I am, let your sect master come out to see me."

"You are presumptuous!!"

Hearing Fang Yi's arrogant words, the burly man was completely angry, with a mocking look on his lips.

"It's just you? An unknown person dares to come to my Wuyin Gate to make trouble, and even dares to let our sect master come out to see you. He really doesn't know how to live or die."

"Oh! Could it be that this is a lunatic?"

"Boy, kneel down and kowtow to apologize now, I might be able to give you a good time, otherwise, you will definitely not be able to live or die."

The burly man and the disciples of the Wuyin Sect beside him looked at Fang Yi as if they were looking at an idiot.

Although Fang Yi's strength is good, but in the illusion, the Wuyinmen is the undisputed overlord. Who dares to make a noise in front of the Wuyinmen, what is it if it's not courting death?

Not to mention, he was still targeting the master of the Wuyin Sect, and none of them knew where Fang Yi ran out from.

Normal people would never be able to do this.

Facing the ridicule of several people, Fang Yi didn't pay much attention to it. After all, the gap between the two was too big. How could an elephant become angry because of a provocation from an ant?

In his eyes, these people are like clowns.

But Ao Xue didn't have that much patience.


He just heard him scold angrily, accompanied by a faint dragon chant, the churning sea of ​​clouds instantly turned into phantoms of divine dragons, and they slammed into the burly man and the others respectively.

Bang bang bang! !

Immediately after there was a loud noise, the burly man and his party flew out like shells, spraying blood mist from their mouths, scattered in the clouds like strange blood flowers.


The burly man and his party endured the severe pain in their bodies, but their faces were filled with disbelief.

Not only because of Ao Xue's strength, but also because Ao Xue dared to make a move. In the base camp of Wuyinmen, he dared to have the majesty of countless Wuyinmen, which made them feel like a ghost.

"You... you are dead! If you dare to make trouble at my Wuyin Gate, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes today, I will not be able to protect you."

The burly man with a ferocious face quickly moved the rescuers.

However, there was no need for him to do anything extra. In the churning sea of ​​clouds, powerful auras filled with anger came quickly, accompanied by a heavy muffled shout.

"No matter who you are, if you dare to act presumptuously at my Wuyin Gate, immediately kneel down and apologize, and I will give you a good time, otherwise..."

The muffled shout fell, and a gray-robed figure appeared in the roiling sea of ​​clouds.

It was an old man with a gloomy face, his eyes were slightly closed, with a cold light, like a cold poisonous snake, and he felt uncomfortable when he stared at him.

"Heh! Where did this ignorant junior come from, who dared to act wildly at my Wuyin Gate? Don't he really know how to write the word dead?"

"It seems that I have been immersed in the Wuyin Gate for too long. Even some cats and dogs dare to come to my Wuyin Gate to make trouble. It is time to teach them a lesson."

In the sea of ​​clouds, there are still voices.

In an instant, the surrounding area was besieged by disciples of the Wuyin Sect, impenetrable.

And those Wuyinmen disciples all looked contemptuously at the ignorant intruder, Fang Yi and Ao Xue.

"It's him! Nine Peaks Mountain Lord!"

Suddenly, a startled voice came.


(End of this chapter)

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