Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3421 The Way Of The Cloud And Mist

Chapter 3421 The Way Of The Cloud And Mist

Fang Yi obviously also saw the small flag, but he didn't sense any special aura from it, only a faint rune lingering around it.

This is a banner.

Fang Yi immediately judged the function of this small flag, and he couldn't help but feel vigilant in his heart.

"Little thief, you will definitely die today, take your life!"

Holding the turbid dragon flag in Li Chengqing's hand, his confidence also increased sharply, and his breath soared. I saw that he waved the turbid dragon flag lightly in his hand, and a dense fog that was so dense that it was so thick that it was terrifying spewed out. In an instant, the world was completely covered by thick fog, and everything became blurred.

And the thick fog, like mysterious runes, enveloped the entire space, unpredictable and extremely weird.


From within the dense fog, there were faint and deafening roars of beasts.

Even, Fang Yi could faintly perceive a powerful and suffocating aura, tyrannical and uninviting, like diving into the Nine Abyss, but just the aura that came out made people tremble.

The disciples of the Wuyin Sect who were in the midst of slaughter were also completely covered by thick fog at this moment. Everything seemed to have disappeared, except for the boundless sea of ​​clouds and the faint roar.

Ao Xue also sensed something was wrong at this moment, his pupils shrank sharply, and he looked around vigilantly.

In the thick sea of ​​clouds, there seemed to be endless murderous intent.

But at this moment, it was extremely peaceful.

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning.

Is the formation already on?Why is it so weird?Only the incomparably dense fog, the rest...

Yes!With Fang Yi's comprehension of formations today, it can be said that he has reached a certain level. The usual large formations have no effect on him at all, but even he feels that the current large formations are extremely strange.

Because he didn't perceive any fluctuations in the formation, only the endless sea of ​​clouds engulfed the surroundings, and after that, everything became quiet, and the two of them were already enveloped in it without knowing it.

The so-called turbid dragon flag, I'm afraid...

hoohoo! !

While Fang Yi was meditating, in the billowing thick fog, two terrifying beast roars seemed to come from his ears, shaking their eardrums numb, and the next moment, two behemoths rushed out of the cloud and opened their mouths wide open. , engulfed towards the two of them.


Ao Xue reacted extremely quickly, stretched out his giant palm, and directly slapped the huge monster's hideous head with his huge dragon claw.

Seeing that the head was about to be slapped to pieces, a strange scene appeared, the dragon's claws pierced through directly, and the ferocious head came to bite Ao Xue.

It was as if the behemoth did not exist at all, just like fog.

Do not!Even weirder, the mist can be dispelled, but the giant beast is invisible, like a shadow, unaffected in the slightest.

Bang! !

There was a loud noise, and that ferocious head directly hit Ao Xue's body, causing him to blast out like a cannonball.

How can it be!

Ao Xue's pupils shrank sharply, filled with inconceivable colors.

hoo hoo hoo! !

However, at this moment, huge monsters sprang out from all around, rushing towards the two from all directions, as if they were about to tear the two into pieces.

Ao Xue naturally didn't dare to be careless. He missed a hit before, and now he looked a little embarrassed. He was forced to jump up and down by the herd, and he had nowhere to hide.

In contrast, Fang Yi was much more relaxed.

Because Fang Yi was not in a hurry to fight back, but used the way of water to avoid these herds of beasts, and at the same time sensed the unusualness of these herds of beasts.

In fact, there is no need for induction at all. This herd of beasts is obviously completely transformed by clouds and mist. It is intangible and invisible. It is almost impossible to defeat them.

Ao Xue obviously understood this, and tried to break out of this sea of ​​clouds, but unfortunately, the sea of ​​clouds around him was endless, and falling into it was like being in a vast ocean, with no end in sight.

Do not!Being in the vast ocean, at least you can see the surrounding scenery, but in this sea of ​​clouds, there is nothing but thick fog.

"Ignorant child, I will see how you die today!"

The sea of ​​rolling clouds was churning, and Li Chengqing's thunderous voice came from nowhere, as if it was far away in the sky, but also seemed to be close in front of his eyes. When the voice fell, there was a strange fluctuation in the surrounding sea of ​​clouds. Li Chengqing's body Shapes appear out of thin air, but not one, but countless, densely packed around.


As soon as the death word came out, countless Li Chengqing also shot at the same time, attacking the two of them.

Countless sword shadows criss-crossed, and the sword energy soared into the sky. The strange scene was the same as before. Li Chengqing's figure actually directly penetrated the attacks of the two without being affected in the slightest.

As if any attack had been ineffective against him.

Ao Xue's face undoubtedly changed drastically.

Such a strange state is simply shocking, and it is impossible to fight at all. Not only the majestic energy, but even the divine power cannot shake him at all, as if he does not exist at all.

Boom! !

Immediately, he was wounded again and again, and his body was blasted out like a shell.

Seeing this scene, the corners of countless Li Chengqing's mouths evoked ferocious smiles, and his cold eyes swept towards Fang Yi. However, the next moment his pupils suddenly dilated, because under his gaze, Fang Yi's body The shape gradually became transparent, and finally, it seemed to completely disappear between the heaven and the earth, but the strange energy fluctuations still made Li Chengqing feel his existence.

And those countless attacks struck, like stones sinking into the sea, directly penetrating through.

Just like his own state.

"Impossible, why do you..." Li Chengqing's pupils shrank sharply, filled with inconceivable expressions.

"The way of cloud and mist is nothing to worry about? Do you really think that such a small amount of measurement can make it difficult for me?" In the void, a sneer came.

Obviously Fang Yi no longer exists, but Li Chengqing can clearly perceive his existence, but his own attack has been ineffective.

And this also made his face extremely ugly.

This is naturally the way of cloud and mist, but even if it is the way of cloud and mist, it is impossible to be so weird, turning the body into an invisible, and he can do this with the help of the Zhuolong Banner, but Fang Yi unexpectedly...

However, how could he have thought that Fang Yi owned the water temple, and the way of cloud and mist could only be regarded as a branch of the way of water.

Fang Yi probably didn't know these magical effects before contacting them.

However, once in contact with him, relying on his control over the way of water, these are not worth mentioning to him at all.

Instead, it seemed to open another window for him.

Even, his way of water began to change, incorporating more weirdness and changes of the way of clouds and mist, becoming more and more profound.

Li Chengqing naturally didn't understand this, his eyes were full of disbelief at the moment.

But he didn't give up, and waved the turbid dragon flag again.


Immediately, a terrifying roar came from under Jiuyuan, and an extremely terrifying aura rose up. In the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, it was as if some peerless monster had completely awakened.


(End of this chapter)

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