Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3422

Chapter 3422

This is?

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and the aura that made him palpitate before became stronger and stronger.

Not only him, but Ao Xue's pupils changed drastically, full of fearful light.

hoo hoo hoo! !

The roar was louder and louder, and the surrounding sea of ​​clouds churned like a huge wave, as if it wanted to completely engulf the two of them.

The difference is that in this churning sea of ​​clouds, the monstrous and fierce aura is getting stronger and stronger, and it is so thick that it is suffocating.

boom! !

Suddenly, the sea of ​​clouds rolled, as if something huge was crushed from the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, the space instantly cracked and collapsed inch by inch, and a huge black shadow fell from the sky like a pillar of heaven, exuding an incomparable aura .

what is this?

Ao Xue's face was horrified, because compared with his body, the huge monster was faintly stronger, not only that, the black scales were all over it, giving people a feeling of incomparable heart palpitations.

The huge black shadow churned in the sea of ​​clouds, like a giant dragon that overwhelmed the river.

Do not!Perhaps more domineering than the dragon.

Because Aoxue is a real divine dragon, however, under that black shadow, he looks extremely small, unable to resist.

At this moment, Fang Yi's face became extremely solemn.

I was horrified inside.

Because of that terrifying aura, even he felt terrified, as if falling into an abyss.

Such a feeling, even in the face of a powerhouse of the sixth level of the Dao, he has never had it before, but, how can the Wuyinmen exist in the powerhouse of the sixth level of the Dao?

But that feeling cannot be faked, it is definitely not the aura that the sixth level of the Great Dao should have.

"It's the Chaos Monster Race, there is actually a powerful Chaos Monster Race in the Wuyin Gate." Ao Xue blurted out as if he recognized something at this moment.

The Chaos Monster Clan is also one of the ten ancient God Clans. It is a powerful monster clan bred in chaos. Although they are the same monster clan as ordinary monster clans, their strength is very different.

So far, Fang Yi has never met the Chaos Monster Race, and now he heard about it, his face couldn't help but change.

At the same time, he also had the same doubts as Ao Xue in his heart.

How could there be a powerful chaotic monster in the Wuyin Gate?With the strength of this chaotic demon clan, one can tell at a glance that it is definitely not something that the Wuyinmen can control.

But at this moment...

"Could it be an illusion, transformed by clouds?"

Ao Xue was obviously also full of doubts and asked tentatively.

At the same time as he spoke, his body changed drastically, turning into a ten thousand-foot blood dragon, and a terrifying aura emanated from his body, rushing towards the huge black shadow.

Fang Yi also shot at the same time, caught in the bright sword light of the fairy sword, and slashed away with an unparalleled aura.

The thick sea of ​​clouds was shaken away, revealing the huge black shadow.

I saw that black shadow was extremely huge, like a giant of heaven and earth, with a huge dragon head like a mountain, and its cold eyes like a god of death.

However, his body was no different from that of a human being. His hands were like bird claws, covered with wings, which looked extremely weird.

Especially the terrifying aura that filled his body made people feel chills all over his body.

Between the huge dragon's head, thick fog billowed and strong winds blew, like a supreme god who moves clouds and spreads rain.

"It's one of the ancient demon gods in the chaotic demon clan, Ji Meng!"

"How could it be? Why does he still exist? Didn't the Chaos Monster Clan disappear long ago? The only ones also escaped into the Chaos."

Yes!The Chaos Monster Race, like the top ten god races in ancient times, has long since disappeared in the long river of time.

Even more thorough than other races.

Legend has it that these ethnic groups are too powerful, suppressed by the power of heaven and earth, and can only escape into endless chaos. Those chaotic behemoths evolved from them. When the God and Demon Mountain collapsed, the chaotic behemoths appeared, That's why.

However, the legend of the chaotic behemoth has been in chaos for a long time, and its intelligence is far inferior to other creatures in the three realms.

Although the physical body is still strong, the degeneration of the mind finally makes them less scary, and they usually don't leave the chaos, so little is known about them.

The monsters of the Three Realms are different. It is said that they also evolved from the Chaos monsters, but their spiritual intelligence is more developed, and their physical bodies are relatively degenerated.

Therefore, there are almost no real chaotic monster races.

But at this moment, a great chaotic monster who had dominated the world in ancient times appeared in front of him. How could Ao Xue dare to believe it? His eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

In contrast, Fang Yi's expression was much calmer.

That's because he didn't know anything about the so-called Chaos Monster Race.

It wasn't until he learned everything from Ao Xue that he was shocked, full of disbelief.

"This is absolutely impossible. The Chaos demon clan has long since disappeared. Even if there were no traces, the demon god Ji Meng would not have survived to this day. This must be some kind of illusion."

Ao Xue shook his huge head, trying to convince himself.

However, the terrifying aura on Ji Meng's body couldn't be faked at all, it didn't look like an illusion at all.

At least he couldn't tell.

Fang Yi is similar, because the terrifying breath is too real, but behind this reality, it gives him a strange feeling, the dense power of cloud and mist is entangled in it, making him unable to distinguish, the power of this cloud and mist Is the force the regular power that outlines Ji Meng's body, or the regular power of Ji Meng itself.

But, no matter what it is, the terrifying atmosphere is not something the two of them can bear.

Especially Ao Xue, under this terrifying aura, he hardly has much resistance.

Fang Yi relied on the way of water, although he could barely support it, it was extremely dangerous.

no!We must find a way.

If it goes on like this, not to mention Ao Xue, even he doesn't know how long it can last. It's just that this sea of ​​clouds is so vast that he can't even figure out the direction, so there is no way to think about it.

And that Ji Meng, it is impossible to let it go...

and many more!

Suddenly, Fang Yi realized something was wrong. If Wuyinmen really had such a powerful chaotic monster, how could he allow him to slaughter wantonly?

Finally, as a last resort, Li Chengqing took out the small black flag.

In other words, until the critical moment, Li Chengqing didn't want to use this small flag at all.

And this so-called plan might not exist in the real world, otherwise, the Wuyinmen might not be able to subdue this plan at all, then he is most likely to be in that small flag.

In other words, the two of them are afraid that they are also trapped in it at the moment.

The so-called small flag may not necessarily be a large formation, but a space of its own, but it happens to be filled with thick fog, making it difficult to distinguish the inside and outside.

If this is the case, then there is no need to defeat Ji Meng, as long as he can escape from this world, he will be safe and sound.

After thinking this through, Fang Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

It may be impossible for other people to break through the dense cloud sea around, but it may not be impossible for Fang Yi who has comprehended the way of water and owns the water temple.

Immediately, he relaxed his mind and completely immersed in the thick fog.

Gradually, his body also turned into thick fog, as if he was no longer separated from this world.


(End of this chapter)

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