Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3423 Eternal pain

Chapter 3423 Eternal pain

On the other side, Ao Xue was hit again and again, and his mouth was bleeding profusely.

The strength of the ancient Chaos Great Monster can be imagined.

It was also due to Ao Xue, if it were an ordinary person, he might not be able to bear it long ago and would die on the spot.

In the outside world, the crowd at the huge Wuyin Gate is also waiting eagerly. Li Chengqing holds the Zhuolong flag, standing on the spot like a statue, and around him, a group of high-level officials of the Wuyin Gate are guarding.

Others looked different.

Not many people seem to understand the situation in front of them.

It's not surprising that if Zhuolongqi is so domineering, how can some ordinary disciples be able to touch it.

When it came to those high-level officials of the Wuyinmen, there was a look of coldness and contempt on their faces.

"Are those two still alive?"

"What's the rush? In the Zhuolong Banner, even if they have the power to reach the sky, they will definitely die without death."

"Yes! The Great Elder might want to play tricks on them, hmph! If you dare to show off at my Wuyin Gate, he will definitely regret coming to this world."

The crowd was filled with righteous indignation and sneered again and again.

At this time, Li Chengqing, who was originally like a statue, started to tremble, his legs trembled, as if he saw something incredible.

Seeing this, the crowd couldn't help but change their expressions greatly, and there was a strong look of temptation.

Yes!Li Chengqing's eyes were indeed full of fear at this moment, as if he had seen a ghost, because what did he see?He actually saw Fang Yi completely merged into those clouds and mists, becoming one with the entire sea of ​​clouds, until he could no longer perceive Fang Yi's existence.

Candle Dragon Banner is extremely weird, the surrounding space can make him completely turn into clouds like before, ignoring all attacks.

However, his own strength will not increase, which also means that he cannot win the two.

Therefore, he can only exile the two of them in a deeper space. There, there is a peerless monster, which is extremely dangerous. Anyone who steps into it will never be able to escape.

But at this moment, Fang Yi disappeared in his induction, which made him not afraid.

The Way of Clouds and Mists!

This is the way of the cloud.

In the sea of ​​clouds, a murmured voice came, as if some kind of enlightenment. Immediately afterwards, the sea of ​​clouds churned, and the power of the terrifying clouds and mist gathered together, accompanied by the sound of waves, which seemed more intense than the sea of ​​clouds.

"This is? Condensation Dao?"

It was also at this moment that Li Chengqing's pupils changed drastically, full of inconceivable expressions.

Because of what he saw, he actually saw the condensation of a road, the condensation of the cloud and fog road.

When did Condensation Dao become so casual?In this sea of ​​clouds, is it easy to condense the avenue of clouds and mist?It's just...

Li Chengqing only felt that the three views were subverted, and his eyeballs seemed to fall out.

However, different from what he expected, Fang Yi did not condense the Dao. The Dao of Cloud and Mist was originally a part of the Dao of Water, which condensed the Dao of Water. To him, the so-called Dao of Cloud and Mist was just a promotion, not a His third avenue.

The power of the cloud and mist that had just been condensed instantly merged into the way of water, and the two merged into one.

The way of water has also changed accordingly, and the majestic power of water has also been filled with a faint mist.


The next moment, he heard a soft drink from him, and a huge hole burst out in the churning sea of ​​clouds.

"Let's go!" After that, he slashed at the huge black shadow with his sword again, causing Ao Xue to withdraw and fall into the opening.

Although Ji Meng is powerful and has an incomparably terrifying aura, he seems to be a little sluggish, strong is strong, but it is not enough to stop the two of them, and in an instant, the two disappeared into it.

not good! !

At the same time, Li Chengqing's heart sank.

But it was too late, a terrifying force of cloud and mist pervaded towards him, knocking him into the air in an instant, allowing his thoughts to return to his physical body.

At the same time, the figures of Fang Yi and Ao Xue also appeared out of thin air.


The crowd exclaimed, their eyes widened in disbelief.

Especially Li Chengqing, as if he had seen a ghost, looked at the two of them in horror, his face was pale and bloodless.

"No! Impossible, how could you..." Li Chengqing desperately shook his head, as if he couldn't accept all of this. Although he witnessed the whole process, he still couldn't believe it.

yes!He couldn't believe that an ordinary martial artist was able to condense the way of clouds and mist in an instant.

It is even more unbelievable that once the way of condensing the clouds and mists can break the restriction of the clouds and mists in the Zhuolong Banner, this is simply impossible, but the fact...

"Are you surprised?" Fang Yi's mouth curled up coldly. Although he couldn't do anything about Ji Meng, as long as he escaped from the cloud and mist space, everything would be solved easily.

And this also confirmed his deduction that the chaotic demon clan could only live in that small black flag.

There is no threat to him now.

To these people...

hum! !

While the thoughts were spinning, the human killing monument appeared out of thin air again, and the terrifying killing atmosphere permeated the entire battlefield in an instant. Those Wuyinmen disciples who had been looking forward to it at this moment were killed again before they even had time to react. Qi erosion, one by one, turned into killing machines again.

kill kill kill! !

There was a sound of killing and shouting at the scene, like Shura hell, with blood fog and broken limbs all over the sky, so bloody.

Li Chengqing and a group of high-level Wuyinmen's faces turned ashen.

However, under such circumstances, under the terrifying killing atmosphere of the Human Killing Monument, it is considered good for them to be able to keep their minds from being eroded, let alone solve the immediate predicament.

"Son, don't stop!"

Li Chengqing was so angry that his whole body seemed to burst into sparks. His anger reached the extreme, and his face became distorted and ferocious.

But it's a pity that Fang Yi didn't bother to pay attention to it at all. Even behind him, a majestic killing spirit condensed, and a huge killing soul slowly condensed. As soon as the tornado condensed, its monstrous evil aura enveloped the entire audience, as if the vast world had turned into his domain, and he was the absolute master of this domain.

not good! !

Li Chengqing and a group of Wuyinmen powerhouses all had a drastic change in expression.

This terrifying aura obviously made them realize that something was wrong, and one by one, their faces were ashen.

At this moment, it seemed that what they were facing was not a Dao Duo at all, but a real killing god.

The monstrous killing air came wantonly, eroding them, making their souls seem to be suffering from great pain, and their faces were distorted.

For those who are weak and weak, their pupils become as red as those of ordinary disciples.

Afterwards, they fell into the killing completely.

A wanton killing, just like that, was staged in the entire fog hidden door.

Countless Wuyinmen disciples fell for it, this is destined to be an unforgettable day, Wuyinmen will always remember this day, and this will also become an eternal pain in their hearts.


(End of this chapter)

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