Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3424 Strong

Chapter 3424 Strong


what! !

The huge world is like a slaughterhouse, the strong smell of blood permeates the whole world, the killing atmosphere is raging, and it is extremely shocking.

There was a piercing howl, heart-piercing.

However, unlike the despair of the disciples of the Wuyin Sect, Fang Yi's eyes brightened at this moment, because he was surprised to find that with the spread of killing, his soul of killing, which had not yet been condensed, was condensing rapidly. Besides, his comprehension in the Water God Temple was even faster.

"The way of killing, I understand..."

At that moment, Fang Yi seemed to have some kind of enlightenment, and the confusion in his heart suddenly opened.

The way of killing is different from other avenues, everything starts with killing.

After all, thousands of rules are not worth the word "kill".

Comprehend the Dao in the suicide killing, and gather the Dao, and only in the suicide killing can this be done, killing the sky, the earth, and the people. At this moment, Fang Yi finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

The terrifying killing spirit in the body also erupted, and the huge scene became even more tragic.

And the killing spirit behind Fang Yi has also been fully formed.

His whole body was glowing red, his eyes were like torches, and he was full of murderous aura, just like a real ancient god. Just looking at him makes people fall into the endless hell.

All the high-level Wuyinmen couldn't bear the erosion of this murderous spirit at this moment, and fled in a hurry.

The majestic Wuyinmen, the overlord of the fantasy realm, has become Fang Yi's paradise at this moment.

Death's Paradise.

Li Chengqing's entire face also turned as white as paper, his lips trembled, and his whole body trembled non-stop. It is conceivable that the majestic fifth-layer powerhouse of the Great Dao should be so frightened.

Don't blame him, at this moment Fang Yi no longer looks like a warrior at all, but a god, a god of killing and death who brings endless disasters.


Seeing that the entire Wuyin Gate was about to be destroyed, suddenly, an extremely angry voice came.

From that voice, the sound of teeth being crushed could be faintly heard.

Accompanied by this sound, a stalwart figure also appeared, and the terrifying clouds shrouded away, turning into tornadoes, wantonly washing away the killing aura.

Under the cloud and mist, the aura of killing was slightly weak, and the disciples of the Wuyin Sect who had fallen into endless madness gradually recovered some sanity.

"It's the sect master, the sect master has finally appeared."

"This little thief must die without a place to die."

"Yes! Kill him!"

The appearance of Immortal Lord Wuying immediately revived a glimmer of hope in the hopeless crowd, each and every one of them wished to tear Fang Yi into pieces.

The same was true for Li Chengqing and others, some blood finally returned to their pale faces.

As for Ao Xue, his expression changed drastically, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Just kidding, Wuying Xianjun is a strong person at the sixth level of the Dao. Although he is not afraid, he can barely survive a few tricks, but this is the Wuyinmen, and there are so many strong people around, how to fight?

If it weren't for the erosive effect of the killing monument, so many Wuyinmen disciples could pile up two of them to death.

The appearance of Wuying Xianjun at this moment seems to be able to resolve this erosion, and the result can be imagined.

However, to everyone's surprise, Wuying Xianjun was not in a hurry for Fang Yi to make a move. Usually, in a situation like this, they would call at the door, and the entire Wuyin Gate was messed up, so what is there to discuss? room for?Just do it.

But in fact, Wuying Xianjun's face became extremely weird, as if he was trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart, so that his face was distorted and twitched.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

Finally, he asked.

And as soon as these words came out, the faces of the crowd were full of puzzlement.

It's all like this, do you still need to ask why?

However, no one dared to question the Wuying Immortal Lord who spoke, so they had to wait patiently, waiting for Fang Yi's miserable end.

But things backfired, Fang Yi glanced at Wuying Xianjun slightly, and said lightly: "Are you finally willing to come out?"

These words are extremely contemptuous, and there is a sense of superiority.

If it was Wuying Xianjun who spoke, the crowd might be more accepting, but it was Fang Yi who spoke, and the person he was facing was Wuying Xianjun, which immediately gave everyone an illusion, as if the two people's status and The strength has been exchanged for the average.

The corner of Wuying Xianjun's mouth couldn't help twitching, but it didn't happen after all.

"I won't talk more nonsense, but where is the black iron book? Bring it."

The tone of this order, without any room for negotiation, was extremely overbearing, even a group of Wuyin Sect disciples were stunned on the spot, so rampant, and in front of Wuying Immortal Monarch, it made them a little unbelievable, I wonder if my eyes and ears are wrong.

However, what made them even more unbelievable was yet to come.

Although Wuying Xianjun was so angry that his teeth chattered, he still didn't attack, and said in his mouth: "You have already obtained the monument of killing people, what do you need the black iron book for?"

There was a trace of unwillingness and resentment in this tone.

At this moment, the crowd finally realized that something was wrong, and all of them stared wide-eyed, looking at their sect master and the figure like a murderous god in disbelief.

"What use I want to come has nothing to do with you, you just need to give it to me."

Fang Yi said coldly, still in an unquestionable tone.


Wuying Xianjun gritted his teeth with anger, his face flushed red, as the majestic Wuyin Sect master, the peak powerhouse of the sixth level of the avenue, he has never been so underestimated by others, let alone the opponent is a second level of the avenue.

However, he didn't dare to attack, because he could clearly sense the suppression of his soul by that monument of killing people.

Once something really happens, he is not sure whether it will cause permanent trauma to his soul, then...

However, as the master of a sect, and in front of his disciples, he naturally couldn't act too cowardly, and said in his mouth: "Don't go too far!"

As he said that, the breath around him surged, as if he was putting pressure on Fang Yi.

Not only that, but Fang Yi could also clearly sense that from the depths of the Wuyinmen, another terrifying aura was also pressing down, which was no worse than Wuying Xianjun.

Obviously, this is a warning to Fang Yi not to go too far, enough is enough.

As for why they didn't take action, it was mostly because of the suppression of Wuying Xianjun's soul by the Human Killing Monument, which made them dare not act rashly, and it was also because of the countless Wuyinmen disciples.

That's it!

Fang Yi understood this, and the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch a smile. Once upon a time, he was able to make the dignified Wuyinmen and the two Dao Liushou fearful. Although most of it was due to the killing of the stele, it still made him feel gratified ,but……

"I only want the black iron book, and I won't take anything else."

This is Fang Yi's purpose and also his bottom line. No matter how powerful Wuyinmen is, he would not hesitate to fight without obtaining the Black Iron Book.

As for the final result, he didn't care very much. In the past, Wuwang Daozun and others couldn't do anything to him.

Now, with the suppression of someone killing the monument, coupled with the skyrocketing strength, he doesn't care even more.


Wuying Xianjun was extremely angry, and his face was so gloomy that he could drip water.

But in the end, he waved his hand and drove away the crowd, causing them to leave with expressions of astonishment and disbelief.


(End of this chapter)

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