Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3425 Killing God

Chapter 3425 Killing God

"who are you?"

In the huge scene, only Fang Yi, Ao Xue, and Wuying Xianjun were left at this moment. The disciples of the Wuyin Sect had all been driven away, and Wuying Xianjun finally couldn't help asking.

What he asked, of course, was not Fang Yi's identity, but the soul inside the Murder Monument.

He naturally wouldn't believe it, just because Fang Yi, a martial artist at the second level of Dao, can withstand the devouring of the soul in the monument of killing people. In his eyes, the real Fang Yi has already completely dissipated, and what is replaced is inside the monument of killing people. The hidden soul, who is that soul, made him feel extremely curious.

Fang Yi naturally understood what the other party was thinking, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

He didn't explain it, because it was unnecessary, and it might be a good choice to let the other party misunderstand.

At the very least, it can make the other party feel extremely jealous.

"What do you say?"

Fang Yi grinned, asked back, and then said: "You don't need to know who I am, and you are not qualified to know. You should be fortunate that I don't want your life yet, otherwise..."

These arrogant words did not make Wuying Immortal Monarch furious, but instead made his eyes more fearful.

When it came to Ao Xue, with a stunned look on his face, he obviously didn't understand why.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

After a pause, Wuying Xianjun asked again.

The same question, but the meaning is different. Fang Yi's dominance has made him confirm that the soul behind the person in front of him is no longer the original one, and, under the pressure of the killing monument, the other party may really be able to take his life at any time , but the other party did not do so, listening to what he said...

This has to make Wuying Xianjun suspicious.

"What are you doing? Just rely on you? What can you do?" Fang Yi asked back, that contemptuous attitude made Immortal Wuying's heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

"Hand over the black iron book. As for keeping you, Jiufeng Mountain is where I live. I don't want anyone to disturb you. Do you understand?"

After I left, Jiufeng Mountain lost its strong protection. It would be different if there was a fog hidden door watching over it.

Anyway, it's going with the flow, so Fang Yi might as well say something.

And in this way, Wuying Xianjun will be more convinced of his guess, so why not do it.

as predicted!

Wuying Xianjun took a deep look at Fang Yi, and then said: "There is no special record in the black iron book, except for the whereabouts of the murder monument, there is only..."

Wuying Xianjun finally took out the black iron book.

Although unwilling, but helpless.

Fang Yi took the black iron book and looked at it casually. Unfortunately, the inscriptions on it were too complicated and rare for him to understand at all. However, he remained calm on the surface and asked: "Only what?"

There was a hint of questioning in these words, which made Wuying Xianjun a little uncertain.

In fact, Immortal Wuying is also testing whether Fang Yi is the soul inside the Man-killing Monument. Although he is very sure in his heart, the black iron book in front of him can undoubtedly be used as a proof.

As for the mysterious inscription on the black iron book, he and the elder Taishang searched through the ancient books, but only found part of the content, most of which were still unclear.

And if Fang Yi is really the soul behind that, he must be clear about it, so...

"There is only a record about one person, that person is named Killing God, and he came from the underworld..." Immortal Wuying said cautiously.

Kill God?Underworld?

Fang Yi couldn't help being startled by these words, something suddenly came to his mind.

In the underworld back then, the Lord of Killing who killed Dao was also known as Master Sansha. Didn’t he mention Killing God?It is said that this person is extremely domineering, but in the countless thousands of years of killing, he is the only peerless murderer who has truly comprehended the way of killing left by the ancestor of Minghe, and obtained a divine weapon of the ancestor of Minghe, Abi.

Then, he left the underworld with A Bi.

Are these two the same person?

Fang Yi guessed wildly, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart. The person who is known as the killer has been the same person for countless years. The probability of being the same person is not very high.

Of course, if they all master the way of killing, then there may be some connection.

From the point of view of the killing monument, there might be a difference between the two...

"that's it?"

Fang Yi glanced at Wuying Xianjun indifferently, and asked a question pretendingly.

Fang Yi's silence made Wuying Xianjun very distressed, and continued: "Besides, there seems to be a sword related to the blood clan. It seems to have been left behind by the blood clan, or there may be other reasons."

"And this black iron book should have been left by him before he went to the blood race. After that, it's not clear."

As Wuying Xianjun spoke, he paid attention to Fang Yi's expression, as if he wanted to see something from it.

Fang Yi's face was really fluctuating.

a sword?

Could it be that he really is the God of Killing that he knows?And that sword is the legendary Abi?Is this too much of a coincidence?

However, the same method of killing is not impossible.

But, if it is really a god of killing, why did he leave the black iron book?What other blood races, what does this have to do with blood races?Ah Bi was left behind in the blood clan?is it possible?

The Blood Clan and the Asura Clan control the Way of Killing, and the Ming Clan belonged to the ancestor of Minghe, assuming that the Killing God brought Abi to Canghai, and was noticed by the Blood Clan, it seems that it is not impossible to take his Abi.

In this way, is it really possible that this person is the God of Killing?

Could it be that the legendary Abi Sword, killing people without cause and effect, really fell into the hands of the blood race?

And what about killing God?Where did he end up?

Could it be that the soul in the monument of murder is the escape path he left for himself?It's just that I never thought that I was inexplicably occupied by myself?

Fang Yi speculated wildly, there was no way, there was too little information.

However, this information made his eyes shine, because at this moment he and the killing god have a common enemy, that is, the blood race, and even the blood emperor of Beiming was dispatched to deal with him. thing.

Immediately, he coughed lightly, and said pretendingly: "You know there are quite a few."

While speaking, he did not forget to leave Immortal Monarch Wuying behind, and continued: "For the sake of your sense of humor, I might as well tell you that the sword is A Bi."


As soon as these words came out, Wuying Xianjun's pupils changed drastically.

As a powerhouse at the sixth level of the Dao, it is naturally impossible to be ignorant of the pinnacle figure in ancient legends like Patriarch Styx, especially those legendary innate artifacts.

And Patriarch Minghe was one of the top figures when the world first opened, possessing several artifacts, Abi, Yuantu, and Twelve-Rank Red Lotus, each of which is a treasure, how could he not know it.

Hearing this moment, his eyes brightened.

"Abi is in the sea of ​​blood, and I will go to collect it in a few days. As for this news, you might as well spread it for me, do you understand?"

Fang Yi paused and said again.

Immortal Wuying was a little puzzled at first, wondering why Fang Yi would inform him of the existence of Abi, but at this moment he knew it in his heart, because the other party wanted to charge Abi.

The blood clan is powerful, no matter how strong the opponent is, they can't take it by force, and the opponent has just woken up from the suicide monument, so this is trying to use himself to spread the news, thereby disturbing the blood clan, so as to fish in troubled waters.

Wanting to understand this, Immortal Wuying's eyes lit up.


(End of this chapter)

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