Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3426 The Eve of the Storm

Chapter 3426 The Eve of the Storm

"Okay, that's it! You know what to do?"

Fang Yi pretended to glance at Wuying Xianjun, and the latter said yes again and again, looking hesitant to speak.

How Fang Yi didn't understand, it must be related to the suppression of the murder monument.

However, even he didn't understand this matter, and he didn't understand why the Man Killing Monument could suppress several people, but he still said: "As long as things are done beautifully, I will naturally not let you down. "

"Yes Yes!"

Hearing this, a look of joy appeared on Wuying Xianjun's face.

As a strong man of the sixth level of the Dao, the majestic master of the Wuyin Gate, being controlled by others, he obviously couldn't accept it, and he wanted to get out of this predicament even in his dreams.

As for spreading the news, in his opinion, Fang Yi's purpose is nothing more than to disturb the blood clan, and this is what he expects.

As the overlord of the Illusory Realm, Wuyinmen will inevitably have many conflicts with the sea of ​​blood and the sea of ​​evil. If he can use this matter to bring some troubles to the blood clan, he will naturally wish for it.

What's more, it was related to Abijian, and he was also a little eager to move.

Although he knew that with Fang Yi's existence, he was almost hopeless, but once the news of Abijian's birth spread, it would inevitably attract countless strong men, and when the sea of ​​blood would be in chaos, who would know what would happen? Woolen cloth?Therefore, there was a hint of greed in his eyes.

And all of this, of course, cannot escape Fang Yi's eyes, precisely, this is exactly what he wants.

What about the Abi sword, he just made up his own words.

Since the blood race wants to deal with him, let's show them some color first, this is Fang Yi's plan.

"Why is Wuying Xianjun so afraid of you? Are you still the same as you used to be?"

The Wuyin Gate had gone away, and Ao Xue dragged his tired body but couldn't understand it, and finally couldn't help asking.

He is naturally not stupid, he was also present at the scene of everything that happened in the Man-killing Monument, and after thinking about it, he understood what Wuying Xianjun was afraid of.

And he couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

"What do you say?"

Fang Yi smiled, did not explain, and then said, "Is it important to you? As long as you can understand the meaning of the real dragon, isn't it enough?"

There was a faint hint of ridicule in these words.

However, Ao Xue's expression was extremely dignified, and he didn't have the slightest intention of joking. He looked straight at Fang Yi, and said after a while: "You are right, this is my purpose."

In the end, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, perhaps because he was used to keeping a straight face, his smile was uglier than crying.

But in the deep eyes, there is a trace of relief.

Wuying Xianjun and others may not know it, but he was there the moment Fang Yi woke up at the People's Killing Monument that day. It must be Fang Yi himself, and it cannot be faked.

The four of Wuying Xianjun had already fled at that time, so it is not surprising to have this suspicion, but he...

It was A Bijian, which surprised him a little.

"You also made up that sword?" At that moment, he couldn't help but ask.

"Yes and no!"

Fang Yi shook his head and did not hide anything. He simply said the rumors he had heard in the underworld, "Since they want to deal with me, I can't let them down."

Hearing these words, Ao Xue's eyes looking at Fang Yi also became a little weird. Maybe he never thought that a mere Dao Erzhong would dare to compete with the blood clan. This is simply...

"Then, do you have a goal and where are you going?" Ao Xue asked again.

When Fang Yi asked, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a threatening smile, and said: "It didn't exist before, but now it has."

Seeing his expression like this, Ao Xue couldn't help but change his face, and asked, "Are you planning to go to the Sea of ​​Blood?"

"Why not?"

Compared with Ao Xue's inconceivable expression, Fang Yi was indifferent, and continued: "I haven't heard of it, the most dangerous place is often the safest, and I also want to see how powerful the blood race is." .”

Fang Yi's eyes were extremely playful, and he looked into the distance, where the sea of ​​blood was.

Ao Xue only felt a little unbelievable.

Seeing Fang Yi's expression, for some reason, he suddenly felt a little worried for the blood race. Yes, this feeling was inexplicable, but it was very real.

If outsiders knew about it, they would definitely laugh their heads off, but thinking about the experience along the way, and everything about Wuyinmen before, this feeling became even stronger.

"Let's go! Let us see how great the blood race is!"

After throwing down a sentence, Fang Yi walked towards the direction of the sea of ​​blood, stepping on the ripples.

Ao Xue paused for a moment, then quickly chased after him.


"What? The monument of human killing was left by the god of death? It's a huge scam, and the god of death has been reborn?"

"Hush! More than that! Let me tell you, the God of Killing is an unworldly strongman of the Asura clan. He has a split hatred with the blood race. It is said that 10 years ago, the God of Killing had a great battle with the blood race. The innate artifact Abi The divine sword was left in the sea of ​​blood, and the god of death was reborn, and the first thing to do was to retrieve the divine sword of Abi."

"This!! A Bi Excalibur? Is it one of the three legendary artifacts of the ancestor Styx?"

"Nonsense, besides it, what other artifact is there to control the way of killing? It is said that this sword is also called the sword of killing. Whoever can control it will eventually become the master of killing, surpassing the three realms, and dominating thousands of killings. road."

"Tsk tsk! Is it true or false? Such an exaggeration? How did you know that it's so secretive?"

"You don't know that! The original owner of the Killing God Valley obtained a black iron book, which recorded all of this. It was because of this that they had to find the Man Killing Monument. At this moment, they rushed to Sea of ​​Blood went looking for Abi Excalibur."

It has to be said that Wuyinmen is worthy of being the overlord of the fantasy realm. In just a few days, similar rumors spread like the wind. Even Fang Yi almost believed it.

False and real, it is indeed confusing.

Along with this rumor, rumors about the battle of Killing God Valley also spread quietly. Fang Yi repelled the four superpowers by himself, which added a bit of credibility to the previous rumors.

There were even related images that appeared, causing the crowd who were originally skeptical to become a sensation.

During this period, neither the forces to which the four superpowers belonged nor the person himself came forward to clarify. So far, no one doubted this matter, and some were just hearts ready to move.

Of course, they may not be crazy about Ah Bi, but just because of curiosity, or for other reasons.

In short, during this period of time, the number of warriors pouring into the sea of ​​blood has increased significantly.

In particular, Fang Yi showed up from time to time, and with his overbearing killing spirit, wantonly slaughtered the strong blood clans, causing more and more warriors to pour into the sea of ​​blood and become stronger and stronger.

There are even some old monsters who are not born.

A storm looked to be approaching.


(End of this chapter)

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