Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3427 Rumors

Chapter 3427 Rumors

"It's unreasonable! Where is the little thief now?"

In the sea of ​​blood, somewhere in a huge palace at the junction with the fantasy realm, a burly man in a blood-colored robe, his eyes staring like copper bells, was extremely fierce.

The blood energy surging around him was as solid as a sea of ​​blood, and there was a faint sound of dragon chant.

Make people afraid to approach.

The other blood races around stayed away, respectful.

Even Prince Longyan had a look of fear.

"Master Messenger, that little thief has already entered the territory of my Blood Sea. Judging by the route he traveled, his destination should be Blood God Island, but he's hidden now, so there's no way to find him..."

The person below asked tremblingly.

"big eater!"

The blood-cloaked man called Lord Messenger was furious. He was the envoy of the Blood Emperor of the Northern Darkness and the deputy general of the Blood Emperor of the Northern Darkness.

To deal with a mere fantasy domain, it is natural that the Blood Emperor of Beiming would not need to take action himself.

What's more, Nie Hai is also staring at him. Once a strong man like the Blood Emperor of Beiming is disturbed, Nie Hai will never sit idly by.

"You can't even take down a junior, what's the use of you?" the blood-robed man scolded angrily.

The people below naturally dare not refute.

But Prince Longyan is also at the sixth level of the Great Dao. Hearing this, he immediately lost face and said, "That kid is not just a junior, he is probably a former killing god. Once..."

Mentioning the killing god, the blood-cloaked man, Prince Xuehong, couldn't help but frowned.

The killing of gods is a long time ago, and the blood race has not known much about it, but as princes, they still have heard of these ancient legends to some extent.

That is an existence that can compete with the blood sea god.

Although he fell in the end, it also brought great trouble to the blood clan. What's more, he didn't expect that he would make a comeback now. It is conceivable that he was not dead at all back then.

This had to make him vigilant.

"What bullshit kills God, it's just spreading rumors, not to mention that he is not a kill god, even if it is true, he is still suppressed by the gods." Although his heart is full of fear, Prince Xue Hong still speaks extremely domineeringly.

Prince Longyan didn't intend to refute, but just thinking about the situation that day, his heart felt a little guilty.

Because the killing spirit from the soul has not been expelled.

When there will be a change, no one knows, so he has been cautious during this time, walking on thin ice.

"Keep looking for me, be sure to find him."

Prince Xuehong reprimanded.


The people below did not dare to be negligent, and quickly retreated out in response.

"Hmph! If you escape to other places, you might be able to save your life. It's a pity...there is a way to heaven if you don't go, but there is no way to hell but you want to break in."

Prince Xuehong had a ferocious face, and the corner of his mouth curled up into a grim smile.

In addition, there is still a trace of doubt in the depths of the eyes, why did the other party take the risk and break into the sea of ​​blood?And it's the Blood God Island, could it be that, as in the legend, Ah Bi is on the Blood God Island?

What happened to the battle hundreds of thousands of years ago, when Lord Shenjun beheaded Shashen, how could it be that Abi was not captured?

All kinds of questions came to my mind, and Prince Xuehong's eyes became brighter and eager.


At the same time, in the void thousands of miles away, the icy eyes of Taoist Wuwang looked down at the sea of ​​blood below.

"My lord, it has been confirmed that there is no mistake, that kid is the person we are looking for, but..."

Below him, a Tongtianguan disciple was bowing and reporting.

"Just what?"

Seeing the disciple below hesitating, Hopeless asked respectfully.

"My lord, I'm afraid that kid is no longer the person he used to be, but the god of death in ancient legends..." The disciple hurriedly told the rumor.

Wuwang Daoist heard the words, and his whole face gradually pulled down.

Fang Yi was already so difficult to deal with, but now he was replaced by someone who was even more difficult to deal with. Although he didn't know what the god of death was, he dared to challenge the majesty of the blood sea god, and he still kept it under the hands of the blood sea god. Killing his life and making a comeback after tens of thousands of years, this ability is no longer comparable to him.

What's more terrible is that at this moment, the other party came to the blood clan again. Once the matter fails and the Immortal Trapping Sword falls into the hands of the Blood Sea God Lord, it will be even more difficult to get it back. And...the other party may not agree yet, and no one will just sit back and watch Tongtian Temple become stronger. Although Tongtian Temple occupies the ninth heaven and does not have much intersection with the sea of ​​blood, the strong who have reached this level are no longer just ordinary power struggles No, but the plunder of luck.

No one wants to be the other, so...

"My lord, the current situation is getting more and more complicated. With us alone, I'm afraid..."

The disciples of Tongtian Temple below are a little faint.

In the Shenmo Mountain they can do whatever they want, that is because the Shenmo Mountain has fallen, and the hopeless Daoist is enough to suppress the entire Shenmo Mountain, but this is in Kunlun, any of the seven great gods in the sea can easily suppress the former, and there are many others For superpowers above the seventh level of the Dao, Tongtianguan can no longer do whatever they want.

In fact, they had already behaved with their tails between their tails in Wanghai, and now they went deep into the sea and came into this sea of ​​blood, it was even more like walking on thin ice.

If it weren't for the persistence of Wuwang Daoist, they would have given up long ago.


"Presumptuous!" Daoist Wuwang was furious, his pupils shrank sharply, and the faces of all the Tongtianguan disciples changed drastically in fright.

"If you dare to speak nonsense again, you will be cut to pieces."

"My lord, spare me!" A group of Tongtianguan disciples prostrated themselves on the ground, begging for mercy.

They felt the killing intent in the eyes of the hopeless Taoist priest very clearly, and they even suspected that if it wasn't for the time of employing people, they and others would have died.

"Continue to explore, no matter who he becomes, I will definitely let him die without a burial."


Everyone will retreat.

"Wait! Is there any news about the Earth God Temple and the Great Leiyin Temple? Did they also enter the sea of ​​blood?" Wuwang Daoist asked again.

" lord, the Earth God Temple and the Great Leiyin Temple have concealed their whereabouts, and I will wait..."

"Trash, get out of here!"

The corner of Daoist Wuwang's mouth curled up with anger, but he finally endured it.

And the group of Tongtian Temple disciples also rushed away as if they were receiving an amnesty.

"Hehe! Daoist friends are very angry."

In the silent void, after the group of Tongtianguan disciples receded, a vigorous voice sounded, accompanied by ripples, rippling like water patterns, and a figure also appeared, suddenly it was Cangming God General.

"Are you finally willing to come out!"

Seeing the visitor, a strange brilliance finally appeared on Wuwang Daoist's gloomy face.


(End of this chapter)

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