Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3429 Plan

Chapter 3429 Plan

"Are you really going to Blood God Island?"

The same doubts filled Ao Xue's heart. At this moment, in a huge blood city not far from Blood God Island, the two of them blended into the world of mortals like countless pedestrians and business travelers.

Ao Xue glanced in the direction of Blood God Island, and finally couldn't help asking.

The Blood God Island is the center of the Blood Sea, the headquarters of the Blood Race, entering it rashly is no different from death.

As a member of the Dragon Clan and one of the best, Ao Xue is naturally very clear about this, even more so than Wuwang Daoist and Cangming God General.

It is precisely because of this that he, who has always been reticent, speaks.

"Huh? Blood God Island!"

Fang Yi chuckled and looked up in that direction.

To be honest, he was really curious about this so-called blood clan base camp, but he was not stupid enough to throw himself into a trap. Although he had the Water God Temple in his body, he never knew what kind of existence that was. I have never seen it, whether the other party can detect the existence of the water temple and deprive it, everything is unknown.

Therefore, he naturally would not take the risk.

Moreover, the reason why he entered the sea of ​​blood was not aimed at any blood god island at all, let alone some Abi sword.

Not to mention whether the black iron book was left by the Killing God, even if it was, he didn't know if the sword was the Abi Divine Sword, even if it was the Abi Divine Sword, he still didn't know where the sword was and where to find it ?

Are you going to ask the Blood Sea God Lord?It's better to just buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

Clearly looking for death.

And the reason why he entered the blood clan was because he wanted to use the power of the blood clan to fight against those who were looking for him, the Temple of Heaven, the Temple of the Earth, and so on.

Let them both lose.

There is no need at all, and there is no need to enter Blood God Island, so...

"It's too late, let's watch it first!"

Fang Yi smiled and replied.

"By the way, how much do you know about the Chaos Monster Race?" Fang Yi asked curiously when he thought of the great monster Ji Meng in the Candle Dragon Banner at the Wuyin Gate.

Each of the top ten god races in ancient times was the overlord in ancient times. Although Ji Meng seemed a little weird, the strength of the two had personally experienced it, which was really amazing.

If the two of them hadn't escaped quickly, I'm afraid...

What made him even more curious was how a mere wuyinmen could seal an ancient monster. There might be something unusual about it.

Ao Xue obviously saw his doubts, shook his head and said: "I'm not very clear about the details. It stands to reason that the strength of Wuyinmen is not enough to seal Jimeng. The problem should come from that flag."

"Candle Dragon Flag?" Fang Yi was stunned.

"Not bad!"

Ao Xue nodded, "Dare to use Candle Dragon as the name, I'm afraid that flag is not simple, it's a pity..."

A look of regret flashed across Ao Xue's eyes, as if he regretted missing that flag, which made Fang Yi's expression froze, and he asked suspiciously: "Is there anything special about the word candle dragon?"

"Of course!"

Ao Xue glanced at Fang Yi in surprise, and asked back: "Don't you know that Zhulong is Zhujiuyin, the first great monster conceived by chaos when the world was not yet open, and also the ancestor of the Chaos monster clan?" , the Lord of Ten Thousand Monsters, whose strength is extremely terrifying, it is said that he is still alive, and has been sleeping in the endless chaos."

What?The first big monster?Lord of all monsters?

Isn't that a super demon of the same generation as Shimo and Styx Patriarch?

A flash of surprise flashed in Fang Yi's eyes, and at the same time he felt a little pity, that flag, maybe it really has a lot of background, it should have been...

That's it!

It's meaningless to think about these meaningless things, and he doesn't lack treasures, what he lacks is strength.

No matter how powerful the treasure is, without enough strength to support it, it will only become a burden, a nightmare, and a reminder.

"What's your plan next?"

After pondering for a moment, Ao Xue asked again.

It's no wonder that he has always looked tightly tied up. After all, this is a sea of ​​blood, and it's not far from Blood God Island. No one would be able to calm down.


Fang Yi murmured softly, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, and muttered: "According to the time, Taoist Wuwang and others should have almost chased after him! If that's the case, of course we are forcing them to show up."


Ao Xue was startled, but his eyes lit up, obviously understanding Fang Yi's plan.

"This is a sea of ​​blood. It may not be so easy for them to show up, unless you show up."

"Of course!"

Fang Yi nodded, "Otherwise, why would I bring you here? I just didn't expect the blood race to react so slowly."

There is a hint of disappointment in this tone, if someone else sees it, they will definitely be shocked from ear to ear, let me ask, in such a situation, it is too late for anyone to hide, Fang Yi is so good, unexpectedly...

Just appearing in such a big city openly and ostentatiously, there is no intention of hiding at all.

And it's a carefree look.

In contrast, Ao Xue was more vigilant, his eyes swept around.

"As you wish, they are here!"

At this time, Ao Xue's eyes turned cold, and his face darkened instantly.

As if to confirm his words, all the people passing by all around suddenly became a little strange, staring at the two of them coldly, and in the distance, there were another wave of terrifying aura coming towards this side quickly, like a churning The waves are average.

"Once the blood in each blood family is awakened, the blood in their body will have some kind of strange induction, and can receive other information in an instant, and the distance will increase and increase with the strength..."

Looking at the crowds slowly coming around, Ao Xuefei quickly explained.

Only then did Fang Yi suddenly realize that, just a moment ago, these people turned a blind eye to the two of them, but in the blink of an eye, it was as if they were seeing their father and enemy killed. This strange blood reaction was really unexpected.


The blood in Ao Xue's body was churning, but he didn't rush to make a move, but spit out a word.

After all, this place is a sea of ​​blood, and a large number of strong men are coming from a distance. Once they are entangled, the consequences will be unimaginable. If it is changed to other places, he will not even ask if he wants to come, and will directly attack.

"No! Of course it's escaping! The game has just begun, let's first attract our old opponents."

Fang Yi smiled playfully, and then there were ripples all over his body. He stepped out, stepped into the ripples, and disappeared out of thin air.

Ao Xue followed closely, and the crowd of blood races immediately lost their target.


The majestic figure shot from a distance, and there was a thunderous shout, but unfortunately, they were destined to only eat the exhaust of the two of them, not even a single hair could be seen.

What made them even more depressed was that after a while, they sensed the aura of the two of them again.

But when they arrived, the previous scene happened again.

Naturally, Fang Yi didn't want to be idle, but wanted to tell those who wanted to deal with him that he was here right now.


(End of this chapter)

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