Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3430 Control

Chapter 3430 Control

"Have you heard! The Abi Excalibur is in Blood City!"

"Really? Where did the news come from?"

"That's still fake, let me tell you! The news came from the blood clan. It is said that the killing god has been wandering around the bloodline city. It is obvious that it is the ordinary Abi sword."

"Yes! Niehai and other major forces have also dug out news, saying that for hundreds of thousands of years, although the God Lord of the Blood Sea suppressed the God of Killing, he did not obtain the Abi God Sword in the end. It is said that when he was dying, the Abi God The sword was smashed into the endless void by the God of Death, and it is near this blood city."

"Didn't it mean that the place where the Killing God and the Blood Sea God Lord fought was the Blood God Island? Why..."

"What's so strange about this is that the God of Killing is so powerful that even in Blood God Island, it's not surprising that the Abi Divine Sword was thrown into Blood City. It's just that after so many years, it has not been found by the Blood Sea God Lord, which is a bit unexpected. "

"Cut! Maybe the Blood Sea God Lord disdains this sword. After all, what he controls is not the way of killing."


Time flies by.

All kinds of rumors spread like wildfire, and Fang Yi appeared around Bloodline City from time to time, making all major forces absolutely convinced that the Abi Excalibur is in Bloodline City.

Countless strong men poured in, for the Abi Excalibur, or maybe just to witness such a big scene.

In short, there are more and more influxes, and ordinary people in Bloodline City are aware of this.

Not to mention those high-level.

Prince Xuehong had a cold face at this moment, looked at the people below and shouted: "A bunch of trash, have you found his whereabouts yet?"

"Return...Return to my lord, that person hasn't shown up for half a month, I'll wait..."

The people below replied tremblingly.

Yes, as more and more powerhouses poured in, the frequency of Fang Yi's appearance became less and less.

"Could that kid have run away? Or maybe he's hiding?" Prince Longyan couldn't help but interjected. Originally, he was the general guarding the fantasy realm, but because of Fang Yi's incident, only he and Fang Yi He had been in direct contact, so he followed suit and caught up.

In fact, he didn't want to come because of the suppression in his soul, but there was no way.

Moreover, he also wanted to see Fang Yi fall, so that suppression would naturally not exist, so...

"Run? Didn't you say that his goal is the Abi Excalibur? Like this kind of innate artifact, if there is a trace of breath revealed, it will definitely cause a great sensation, but so can he run if he doesn't get the thing? ?”


Prince Longyan suddenly didn't know what to say.

The so-called Abi Excalibur is just a legend, he doesn't know if it is for this reason, how can it be attributed to him.

However, it is meaningless to say these things now, and he didn't bother to refute, but said: "There is no way to go on like this. I am afraid that the blood city will be in chaos before the boy is found. During this time, Niehai, Taixu Wonderland , Tongtian Temple, Earth Temple, etc., there are people coming, I'm afraid..."

Prince Longyan couldn't help frowning.

The same goes for Prince Blood Hong.

They were not surprised that Nie Hai was making small moves behind the scenes. The two major forces were adjacent to each other, and all kinds of open and secret struggles were commonplace, but people from Taixu Wonderland also came, which made them extremely puzzled.

Even the Connected Sky Temple and the Temple of the Earth came, which is even more intriguing.

"My lords, I have found out the identity of that boy..." At this time, a disciple hurried over from the door and reported.

During this period of time, the blood clan did not have Fang Yi's identity to investigate, because in their view, it was unnecessary. Fang Yi was no longer the Fang Yi he used to be, and had been replaced by the God of Death, so his identity was still necessary for investigation. ?

However, as more and more powerhouses poured in during this period, from all major forces, they couldn't help but become curious, and then began to investigate.

Hearing the person's detailed description, the faces of the two princes changed unpredictablely.

Maybe they never imagined in their dreams that a person with the second level of Dao can provoke so many powerful forces, this is simply...

"So far, only the motive of Taixu Wonderland is unknown. Some people speculate that there may be other things hidden in that kid."

The visitor finally said, and retreated.

But the two princes couldn't help but look at each other at this moment, seeing deep disbelief in each other's eyes, and besides that, there was also a trace of doubt.

Especially Prince Longyan, he always felt that something was wrong.

Recalling everything that happened in the Man Killing Monument, that domineering killing soul had the aura to look down on the world, and he regarded them as nothing.

Afterwards, when the person killed the monument, the aura of that person was no longer so domineering, only the suppression from the soul made them unable to resist.

At first, they all thought that the person who was inside the Man-killing Monument was so amazing because of the blessing of the inner space of the Man-killing Monument, but thinking about it now, there might be another possibility.

Combined with the current situation, no matter how you look at it, the other party does not seem to be looking for the Abi Excalibur.

On the contrary, it seems to be attracting everyone to Blood City.

Is it...

Thinking of a certain possibility, Prince Longyan's face turned slightly pale.

"Continue to explore for me, even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must dig him out. At the same time, warn those with ulterior motives that this is a sea of ​​blood, and it is not a place where they can act recklessly."

"If anyone dares to make trouble here, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Prince Xuehong finally shouted sharply, his whole body filled with murderous intent.

Everyone didn't dare to be negligent, and took orders to leave one after another. Prince Longyan also returned to his residence, frowning deeply, thinking about the possibility of that.

Suddenly, at this moment, a huge pressure came from the soul.

not good!

Prince Longyan's face suddenly changed greatly, because he clearly sensed where this coercion came from, it was the killing soul full of blood.

"It's you! Get out!!" Prince Longyan scolded angrily, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

It's just a pity that the surroundings were quiet, only in the depths of his soul, the killing soul became more and more cohesive, and finally, it turned into Fang Yi's figure, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

How can it be?

Prince Longyan's pupils changed drastically. Before, the lingering killing soul had only a slight suppressing effect on his soul, but at this moment, facing the killing soul that turned into Fang Yi's figure, he felt that his soul was shaking. Trembling, even with a breath of death.

However, he didn't know that the moment they entered the killing monument, the erosion of the killing spirit had already made them unable to control themselves, and they would be under the control of the killing monument for the rest of their lives. Perhaps it should be said that it was the soul behind it.

However, that soul died in Fang Yi in the end, and Fang Yi inherited the man-killing monument, and also inherited all of this.

In the past, it was just suppressing, it was because his understanding of the way of killing was not deep enough, and his control over the monument of killing people was only limited to the surface, but it is different now, the battle at the Wuyinmen, the wanton killing made him completely cohesive With the killing spirit, everything is taken for granted.

At this moment, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, looking down at Prince Longyan like a great emperor.


(End of this chapter)

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