Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3432 The Great War

Chapter 3432 The Great War

Outside Bloodline City, Wufeng Mountain.

This place is shrouded in thick fog all the year round, and it has something in common with the fantasy realm. Going deep into it makes Fang Yi feel as if he has returned to the fantasy realm.


This is the place Fang Yi chose, because the thick and dense fog will not disperse, so it can be said to be the best place.

"My lord, is it here?"

The black-faced man asked cautiously, with a look of vigilance on his face.

"No mistake! Bloodline City has been searched all over by us, only Wufeng Mountain is shrouded in thick fog all year round, and only hiding here can hide it from our eyes and ears."

"Yes! I also heard that this Wufeng Mountain is extremely strange. For countless years, countless warriors have disappeared here. According to legend, there is a super giant hidden here. Anyone who steps here may be swallowed."

"Nonsense, it's just spreading rumors!"

"Yes! Even if there is a giant beast, with Master Longyan around, it's not like suppressing it casually."

The accompanying blood clans were also whispering at this moment.

It can be seen that this Wufeng Mountain has a lot of history. Of course, Fang Yi finally chose this place because of this and the environment here.

"Don't make any wild guesses. Keep your spirits up. What kind of giant beast is just nonsense. If it's the legendary god of death, you must be careful."

The black-faced man scolded.

When everyone heard the words, they immediately fell silent, with a trace of fear on their faces.

However, remembering that Fang Yi was on the side, they relaxed a lot.

But unfortunately, at this time, Fang Yi's figure suddenly jumped up, turning into an arrow and sinking into the thick fog, and he still said in his mouth: "Slaughtering spirit, hurry up!"

However, no matter how these people kept up, they lost Fang Yi's shadow in an instant.

Just at this moment, in front of him, a strong killing aura suddenly hit, breaking through the thick fog, like a killing blade tearing apart the sky, causing the entire dense fog to turbulent.

"It's really killing spirit!!"

The faces of the crowd suddenly changed.

At the same time, all major forces in Bloodline City sensed this strong killing aura, and immediately, majestic figures moved towards Wufeng Mountain.

"Little thief, you are finally willing to show up!"

Wuwang Daoist is no exception. At this moment, the corners of his mouth are ferocious, revealing an evil color.

There is also a strong killing intent.

Coming all the way, he thought it would be easy to win Fang Yi, but in fact, from Shenmo Mountain to Canghai, he was thrown around by the other party, and the anger in his heart can be imagined.

I can't wait to swallow Fang Yi alive.

Sensing this murderous aura at this moment, he rushed towards Wufeng Mountain immediately.

Like him, there are undoubtedly the Great Earth Temple, the Great Leiyin Temple, and even the Taixu Wonderland, etc., the major forces.

These forces have already sneaked into Blood City, but they have been waiting, waiting for the time for Fang Yi to show up again, and then give Fang Yi a fatal blow.

At first, I thought that Fang Yi was afraid to show up anymore, but I never thought that the other party finally couldn't hold back.

And this is undoubtedly the best opportunity for the major forces.

For a time, the situation was surging.

The huge Wufeng Mountain was shrouded in billowing dark clouds from all directions, as if the end was approaching.

"It's finally here!"

Fang Yi looked up at the sky, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, as his thoughts turned, the killing spirit erupted away, and his whole body instantly turned into a killing god, filled with terrifying killing intent, making the blood disciples trapped in this world, Everyone shuddered.

ah ah! ! !

Immediately afterwards, there was a scream, and those blood disciples didn't even have time to react, so they were eroded by the killing spirit and slaughtered wantonly, regardless of enemy or friend.

Especially in this billowing thick fog, even if they didn't lose their sanity, they couldn't tell the difference.

The bloody killing was staged.

Boom! !

As the dark clouds approached, majestic figures came rushing out of the dark clouds, and the leader was Wuwang Daoist. At this moment, he was full of killing intent, his eyes were wide open, and without any nonsense, he wanted to directly enter the clouds middle.


But at this moment, another shout of anger came, and Prince Xuehong unexpectedly rushed over immediately.

His face was gloomy, he stared at the hopeless Daoist, his whole body was filled with killing intent, and he shouted: "This is my blood sea territory, who dares to be presumptuous here, don't blame this king for being ruthless."

"Fellow daoist, why bother? We have no intention of making enemies of the sea of ​​blood. We just want to get something back from that kid. As for the monument of killing people and the so-called Abi sword, we won't get involved. How about it?"

Another vigorous voice came, suddenly it was the Cangming God General.

The power of the rolling earth wrapped around his body, forming a huge yellow halo, which made people dare not look down upon him.

"That's right! This old man only takes back the things from the Great Leiyin Temple." Another burst of bright golden light shot out, and a group of Buddhas came quickly, and the leader was the white-bearded monk.

It's just that compared to before, his aura has reached the sixth level of the Great Dao.

You know, he was at the peak of the fifth level of the Great Dao before in Shenmo Mountain, and in this short period of time, he actually...

"Hmph! I don't care what grievances you have with that kid, this is my sea of ​​blood, so it's not your turn to be presumptuous here."

Prince Xuehong's demeanor was domineering, and there was no room for them to discuss it.

Although he can't be the opponent of the three.

But don't forget, this is a sea of ​​blood, and there are countless powerful people in the sea of ​​blood, who may arrive at any time.

Wuwang Daoist and others are also considering this, otherwise, how could they be talking nonsense here.


Fang Yi was placed in the dense fog, and he had a clear picture of the situation in the void, but the people in the void knew nothing about the dense fog, and could only sense the strong killing aura spreading wantonly.

And the sounds of various slaughters can be heard endlessly.

"What a big breath!"

The hopeless Daoist obviously couldn't bear it anymore. The strength of Prince Xuehong meant that this battle was inevitable. If so, the sooner the better, the better, before the other powerful members of the blood clan came, take Fang Yi in one fell swoop. , and then leave the sea of ​​blood, at that time, no matter how powerful the blood race is, they will be helpless.

"I want to see how domineering your vampire is."

brush! !

As he said that, four horrifying sword shadows shot up into the sky around Daoist Wuwang's body.

At the same time, God General Cangming and Monk Baibeard also took action one after another. The three major forces are one of the most peak forces in the Three Realms. Although the sea of ​​blood is powerful, they still can't scare them.

Moreover, in this situation, it is natural to act first.

Boom! !

The three terrifying attacks instantly engulfed Prince Xuehong, and the latter's face changed drastically, and he jumped into a rage, "You dare to act presumptuously in my sea of ​​blood, and I want you to look good."

Prince Xuehong yelled angrily, and at the same time, a large number of strong blood clansmen had already arrived.

Although these people can't compare with four people, they are not weak in strength, and the advantage lies in the fact that there are many people, and they will surround the void.

The three wanted to break out of the encirclement in an instant, but it was not that simple.

In Wufeng Mountain, Fang Yi couldn't help but smile brightly when he saw this scene.


(End of this chapter)

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