Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3433

Chapter 3433

"Get out of here!"

Four terrifying sword shadows swayed away, roaring away like four mad dragons.

Daoist Wuwang is a powerhouse of the sixth level of the Dao. Among the blood powerhouses present, only Prince Xuehong can compete with him, and the others are obviously much worse.

Faced with such a terrifying blow, it is conceivable.

Boom! !

Immediately, a strong man of the blood race flew out, with blood spurting wildly from his mouth.

This is because Taoist Wuwang intends to keep his hand. After all, this is a sea of ​​blood, and if he offends the blood clan too deeply, no one can be sure what will happen.


Seeing all this, Prince Xuehong was also furious. Seeing that Wuwang Daoist was about to enter Wufeng Mountain, he naturally refused and was about to welcome him, but at this time, Cang Ming God General had already stopped him.

The Buddhas in Daleiyin Temple are no exception.

Obviously, the three major forces have reached a certain kind of tacit agreement. It is not surprising that in this blood clan's stronghold, it is impossible for any of the three major forces to make a difference. Only by uniting can there be a glimmer of hope.

"You guys are so brave!" Prince Xuehong couldn't stop being furious, his whole body was full of blood, and the strong smell of blood permeated the air, making the whole world seem to be turned into a sea of ​​blood.

However, no matter how strong he is, it is impossible to stop the three Dao Liuzhong.

In fact, with such a level of cultivation, he might be able to beat one side, but it is almost impossible to stop anyone, let alone three people.

shuttle! !

I saw the Wuwang Taoist figure like thunder, drawing a huge crack in the void, and the whole person sank into Wufeng Mountain like lightning.

"Who dares to make trouble in my sea of ​​blood?" Just at this moment, amidst the billowing dark clouds, an angry shout came again.

The strong blood clan has arrived!

So fast!

God General Cang Ming couldn't help but change his expression, and when he tried to rush into Wufeng Mountain again, majestic figures blocked him.

In Wufeng Mountain, amidst the thick fog, the four dazzling sword shadows around Wuwang Daoist, like four dazzling beams of light, tear everything apart, and see that the sea of ​​fog is agitated and brightened.

However, a thicker mist hit, and the two terrifying breaths intertwined together, causing the entire sea of ​​mist to churn like huge waves.

"Good come!"

In the depths of the sea of ​​fog, Fang Yi grinned a strange smile.

If in the past, facing the Wuwang Taoist, he would have to run away, but now it is different, he occupies the body of Prince Longyan, and the strength of this physical body is no less than that of the Wuwang Taoist.

Moreover, in this thick sea of ​​fog, it is undoubtedly more beneficial for him who has mastered the way of water.

If you add the death monument, then...

The battle in the sky is the best cover up, all of this can be said to be once in a lifetime.

Thinking of this, the smile on the corner of his mouth became even stronger.

Whoosh! !

kill kill kill! ! !

A series of shrill howls, accompanied by killing cries, made the entire sea of ​​mist feel like Shura's hell.

If it were an ordinary martial artist, in such a situation, he would be scared to death, but who is Wuwang Taoist, a dignified sixth-level martial artist, a peerless powerhouse in Tongtianguan, how can he care about these things.

At this moment, in his eyes, there is only the Immortal Immortal Sword.

His bright eyes are like two thunderbolts, sweeping through the sea of ​​mist. Those blood disciples who were eroded by the killing aura and fell into a loss, once approached, they would be torn apart by the four shocking sword shadows around him. It was broken into pieces, and a thick blood mist sprayed and enveloped it, making the killing aura in this space even more intense.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air, and more and more warriors poured into this sea of ​​fog.

Blood clan, Tongtian Temple disciples, Earth Temple disciples, etc.

The battle above the void has been going on, but the goal of Xuehai is more clear, it is the two sixth-level avenues. As for the ordinary disciples and the crowd who join in the fun, they don't pay much attention to them.

After all, these people's strength is limited, even if they go deep into the sea of ​​fog, it is difficult to make a difference.

Moreover, this is a sea of ​​blood, and no one knows better than them about Wufeng Mountain. It is not so easy to get into it and figure it out again.

Therefore, more and more martial artists are pouring in.

More and more people died.

The air of killing permeated this sea of ​​fog, leaving no trace to be found. Countless warriors were eroded and turned into killing machines.

And the strong killing spirit, fed back to Fang Yi's killing monument, made him feel that his strength was skyrocketing little by little, and the terrifying energy expansion almost exploded him.

it's time!

Fang Yi's pupils shrank, and he was hidden in the sea of ​​fog. He was like a ghost, extremely strange.

Not far in front of him, Wuwang Daoist was wantonly cleaning up the warriors who had lost their minds all around, with a knife in his hand, Luo Jian, and he did not know how many people died in his hands.

However, he didn't know that each of his slaughters fueled Fang Yi's arrogance.


Just as he beheaded several warriors again, a ripple rose in the sea of ​​fog, and an extremely sharp long sword whizzed towards him, striking like a thunderbolt from the nine heavens.


The long sword is extremely fast and has an incomparable aura. If it were an ordinary person, they might not even have time to react.

However, Wuwang Daoist is obviously not an ordinary person, and he reacted instantly, looking back is a sword.

He still didn't forget to sternly shout: "Who? Presumptuous!"

But when he saw Fang Yi's face clearly, his pupils couldn't help shrinking, and a look of fear flashed across him.

Fang Yi's appearance at the moment is naturally not himself, but Prince Longyan. As the sixth-layer powerhouse of the Blood Sea Avenue, Prince Longyan sneaked here silently, so how could he not understand him at all.

Seeing it at this moment, naturally his face darkened, and there was a Dao Liuzhong in the sea of ​​fog, which was obviously unexpected.

However, he was not too nervous. After all, if he dared to do it, he had already thought of various possibilities.

Moreover, he also believes that he is not weaker than Prince Longyan, so naturally...

However, just as he was facing the sword, a terrifying killing intent suddenly struck behind him, eroding his body and soul.

The killing aura is extremely aggressive, otherwise the four superpowers would not have lost control at the People Killing Monument.

Although they are more active in order to inherit the way of killing

However, it is still impossible to avoid the overbearing killing spirit.

Just like at this moment, Wuwang Daoist's pupils also changed drastically, and his soul was impacted by the killing air, making his face distorted.

He could even sense that a vast force was attacking him, making him faintly feel an extremely dangerous aura.

As a powerhouse of the sixth level of the Dao, he has not experienced this feeling for a long time.

But at this moment...

not good!

His face changed drastically, and he turned around quickly, wanting to meet the terrifying killing aura, but suddenly found that from the billowing sea of ​​clouds, countless warriors who had been corroded by the killing aura joined together and rushed towards him like a pack of wolves .


(End of this chapter)

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